Foolish Trade

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"Y/N babe wake up," I'm being gently shaken out of my sleep, "babe wake up." I hear the voice again. "You're..." I recognize that voice, it's Kimberley's, "in Lizzie's bed."

My eyes shoot open and I try to sit up, but pain is all I feel through my entire body.

"Ow," I hug myself, my own fingertips creating pain. "It hurts," I complain out loud.

"What hurts?" The back of Kim's hand touches my forehead.

"Everything," I moan, slowly laying back down closing my eyes. "My body, my bones, it's all achy." I can feel myself getting emotional, I feel weak mentally and physically.

"Oh babe," Kim lays next to me, gently wrapping her arms around me.

"I don't feel good Kimbers," I whisper, my eyelids getting heavier and heavier with each slow breath I take.

I feel the bed move from behind making me panic, Kim said I was in Lizzie's bed and if Kim is holding me that means Lizzie is sleeping behind me. How did I get here? I thought I was in my own bed.

I remember Nicola driving us back to school late at night. We stayed working on some of the designs and lost track of time. Next thing we knew it was well past midnight when we headed back. I don't have any recollection of how I got here. I opened the door, saw Cheryl and Kim sleeping so I went and laid down on the second bed, must've thought it was my own. I don't remember seeing Lizzie there though, I stripped out of my clothes and got in bed, fell asleep straight away. I haven't gotten a full 8 hours of sleep in God knows how long. These almost two weeks have been nothing but go go go.

From school, dance, working with Nic and the twins, to helping at the center and then back to school to finish my homework and then repeat it all over again. Weekdays and weekends blended together; time is nonexistent.

Somewhere between school and work Scarlett managed to squeeze me in with a private driving instructor three times a week. They gave me my driving permit after a few sessions and now I can drive as long as someone with a valid driver's license is riding alongside me.

The twins provided me with a car just like it's written on the contract that Lizzie reconstructed. Kim never asked for the documents she needed but somehow, she set me up with a bank account and a credit card. Everything is so surreal, a bank card with my own name. Money comes in weekly, and I don't even have to worry about food or anything. I was able to buy the girls lunch for the first time and that fulfilled my heart to the max.

After everything they've done for me, it felt very rewarding being the one paying. They didn't make it a big deal, they were very sweet and thanked me, didn't make me feel any type of way. They really are the best friends any girl could ever ask for.

Lizzie was also included the second night I bought us all dinner. Everyone has been working so hard getting everything set up for the event. Nicola is working with the twins non-stop, she drives me to the twin's office then Lizzie picks me up to go to the center, then whichever girl is free takes me back to school.

Cheryl and Lizzie have been more than civil and it's so strange but refreshing. They're not screaming in each other's face, ready to rip each other to pieces. It makes things so much easier; the girls don't question me on why I'm talking to Lizzie or why is Lizzie texting me or why did Lizzie drive me back. Everything is just so easy right now.

Even though Lizzie and I have spoken a lot more without hiding from the girls, nothing has changed between us. I think I can safely say she's a friend, an actual friend. We haven't kissed or anything, we've barely spent any time alone. We're always busy working on the event preparations or someone is with us.

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