Family Affairs

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The week flew by, even with my almost healed foot I wasn't able to stop and take time for myself. Between classes and actually helping Scarlett at the Center things got a little crazy and busy.

Cheryl has been keeping me up to date with our dance lessons. I had promised Cheryl I would come watch her practice but after one day of sitting through a dance lesson not being able to dance was too much.

Cheryl being the amazing friend she is, she told me not to worry about it. She understood and wasn't mad at all. I love my friends and I feel absolutely horrible hiding Lizzie from them, but I could never tell Cheryl. She would probably kill me or kill Lizzie, they're always looking for an excuse to get in each other's face.

Lizzie and I are a little more than civil around Kimberley. It's easier because Kim doesn't really mind, I think she actually likes that we get along, she doesn't have to limit herself to show the love she's got for Lizzie.

Kim is who convinced me to stay in Cheryl's dorm for the past week. I didn't put up much of a fight, but she doesn't need to know that. I, of course, wanted to stay more than anything. Lizzie lied and said she hasn't even been staying at her dorm because her bed was always made, and unused every time Cheryl or Kim came over.

Cheryl actually made a comment about her pillow smelling like Lizzie's shampoo. I was way too stunned to even defend myself and acted as if I hadn't heard her. A few hours later that same day she brought me two new bottles of the shampoo I had at mine and Kim's dorm. Since that day, Lizzie suggested just sleeping in her bed instead but that meant waking up even earlier to make sure the bed was made to make it seem like she never spent the night in.

"STOP STOP STOP!" I hear Kimberley shout waving her hands over to the music booth.

Every day I have been sneaking into the theater, watching both Kim and Lizzie act their heart out. I bring homework for the day and finish it while they practice their play. But also, because that way I can prepare myself for Lizzie and which mood she'll be in. I have come to notice that her mood depends on how her theatrical experience goes for the day. If she has a good day then she's over the moon, the happiest girl alive, but today seems to be an opposite day. She's missing all of her queue's and coming in late every single time.

"Lizzie you were late, AGAIN!" A girl shouts and I see Lizzie charging at them, but Kim holds her back, she says something forcing Lizzie to walk off stage.

I shake my head, Lizzie is going to be in a god-awful mood, but I have learned to deal with her moody self. I turn my attention back to my English homework as the music starts.

I feel my phone vibrate but I don't check it. I like to have zero distractions when I'm doing homework here, even though it's loud around me, my brain is quiet and I stay focused on the schoolwork.

I could just finish this tomorrow or Sunday but I don't really wanna have to worry about doing homework during the weekend. I'm supposed to move all the shit I have accumulated these past two weeks back to my dorm. It's mainly clothes but it's a lot.

The girls said they'll help but if I let them, I know it'll take longer than it has to, plus my foot is almost 100%. The nurse gave me a boot that I can easily take off. Which is only when I shower or right before bed, letting my foot breathe a little.

I have also been using the cream Mama Cozy gave me, well, Lizzie made it her mission to give my foot a small massage with the cream, every night before bed. I can tell it has helped a lot; I don't know what kind of miracle herbs are in it but it has helped my foot heal a lot faster.

"You know, my wife used to sneak in and watch me run my play." I heard a voice behind me.

"What?" I turn around, holding my chest as I feel my heart beating like crazy.

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