Midnight Noises

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As promised Nicola came in with breakfast, crazy girl bought the whole candy store too. I see why Kim is always in charge of getting us food, leaving Cheryl or Nicola is a recipe for disaster.

Nic mentioned she stopped by my dorm to check on the girls, Cheryl's still sick but Kim is feeling perfectly fine which is great, that way she can take care of Cheryl.

They need to stay isolated one more day or maybe even more depending on how Cheryl feels tomorrow. I guess some teachers are allowing a lot of the students that are out sick to take virtual classes to prevent spreading the virus.

I also got the message with the link for Monday's online classes; in case I want to stay in bed and not force my leg. I'm highly considering doing it. I'll be saved from having to deal with Paige and her fucking cult.

I want to but I know I can't leave Nicola alone to deal with them. Poor thing has enough on her plate right now. I managed to convince her to go back to the workshop, she had a meeting with her sewing instructor and was going to cancel just to sit with me.

She didn't want me to be alone but felt better knowing Lizzie had left the minute she came in with breakfast. I still don't understand why Nicola is so afraid of Lizzie, even worse than Paige and Aubrey.

I personally don't think Lizzie would risk losing Kimberley's friendship by bullying Nicola, not to mention Cheryl would probably kill her if she ever did something to Nicola.

I mean look at the way Cheryl has defended me against all these fucking nasty bitches and we've just barely met at beginning of the school year. I can't imagine how bat shit crazy she would go to defend Nicola. Shit, even I would throw hands to protect little Cola.

I groan reaching for my phone.
My whole body aches from just lying in this stupid bed not being able to move or do anything.

Nicola brought me a few books, but I'm finding it difficult to concentrate on reading them. I can't stop thinking about Lizzie. I wish to understand her more, to ease the storm in her mind.

Sometimes I feel like I can so easily read her eyes, that I don't need words to understand her and yet other times her words don't make much sense, not to mention her actions contradict her words.

I hear the doorknob jiggle, followed by a few voices on the other side of the door. I place the open book on my chest, close my eyes and wait for the door to open.

If it's Ollie, I'll open them but if it's Lizzie I'll play asleep. I don't really feel like finding out which version of Lizzie will come through.

"I believe you are angry at everyone else for things you've done but now feel regretful. Instead of looking past those things, you are fixated on torturing yourself when you should be focusing on self-nurturing and self-love." I hear Ollie's gentle voice and for a second, I think she's on the phone but then Lizzie's words stop me from opening my eyes.

"Easy for your trippy hippy ass to say- Interacting with my sisters has become an extreme challenge, it's so damn hard to have a conversation let alone effectively communicate with them. In addition to that, my father has high fucking expectations of me, which exceed my capabilities, leaving me feeling overwhelmed. I am exhausted from constantly putting on a facade and pretending to be someone I'm not -,"

"Then stop pretending Elizabeth, stop living for others and start living for yourself-,"

"Everyone will literally hate me if I do that, my dad will fucking disown me, my friends will leave me- I can't-," Lizzie says, there's a long pause, neither of them are talking but I feel their eyes on me.

I know I should say something to let them know I'm not sleeping but I don't want to interrupt them. Lizzie sounds like she really needs this talk, and I'm not about to ruin it for her.

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