Content with Struggling

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"ELIZABETH WHAT WERE YOU-," the door bursts open for the second time, but instead of an angry Geordie, two furious dirty blonde girls' storm in but stop in their tracks when they see the state of my face.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" One of the twins rushes towards the bed ripping me out of Lizzie's hold. "ELIZABETH!" The other twin spits, angrily picking up Lizzie up by her arms.

"IT WASN'T ME! ASH!" Lizzie urges, snatching her arm back.

"Giggles, baby what happened?" We all turned around to see Scarlett slowly closing the door. "You two need to apologize for screaming like maniacs," she hisses at the twins who drop their heads in shame.

"Aubrey," Lizzie bites her lip, "she um- she hit her, I- don't know wh-why I got there to-too late- um," she sniffles "I- Mr. Arthur told Mrs. Massell to pull me out of theater-,"

"And just why would he say that-," MK interrupts but stops talking when Scarlett gives her a side eye.

I feel my lip bleeding again, but I don't say anything, I don't want my head ripped off.

"I um was on my way to see him then I saw Aubrey punch her. I- I promise I don't know why sh-she would do that," she cries and Scarlett wraps her arms around the younger girl kissing her hair with so much love making my heart hurt, I will never know real love.

"Oh my god- Y/N!" Ashley gasps, making the rest of the girls to look at me.

I have blood streaming down my chin and on top of my neck, I don't even flinch when they all hurry to my side, grabbing my face wiping away the blood.

"Lizzie, I am so sorry baby, but Mr. Arthur called your parents. Luckily, I answered the house phone- I need you and the twins to go speak to him. I need to take Y/N with me, she needs stitches and I assume the nurses office is not an option," Scarlett raises her eyebrow, both me and Lizzie shake our heads.

"Girls, please!" Scarlett hints to the door. "Come on," she rolls her eyes.

The Olsen sisters swiftly leave the room, Lizzie is the only one that looks back just in time for me meet her eyes. She said so much with just one look. I know she's worried and also sorry that I'm in this position, I can tell she's scared for me and for herself. She's probably going to be in so much trouble.

"Here, press down on your lip," Scarlett hands me one of Lizzie's shirts. I bring it up to my lip and her unique scent fills me up.

"It's Friday, my dad is just around the corner helping at the charity center," she informs me, offering her hand to take.

"Charity work, that's all I am to you rich kids huh," I snort.

Paige's words running circles around my mind.

"I'm not even going to entertain that thought. I don't know your story, but I know DAMN well my girls have not treated you in a disrespectful way- walk," she pauses- grabbing the doorknob and slowly opening the door. "We'll get that nasty cut clean and stitched up then you can tell me your story-," she digs both of her hands in her back pockets, casually walking down the hallway, ignoring the questioning stares.

I try to keep my head down the whole way out to the parking lot but it feels like my blood was draining faster, my head throbbing and I start to feel dizzy.

"Scar?" I mumble.

"Yes, baby?" I don't have to respond, by her reaction she knows I'm not doing too well.

"There- lay all the way back," she helps me get in the car and moves the seat all the way down for me to lay down. I don't even bother with the seatbelt. I close my eyes and wait for the car to start moving but it doesn't, I feel Scarlett almost on top of me trying to buckle me up. "Pardon my reach," she giggles.

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