Chapter 7: This is my son, Gu Zhuo.

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  Li Beiye's emerald green eyes glanced at Shen Qiuyu's racing suit, pointed lazily, and said: "This row is full of limited edition motorcycles with good performance. Pick one out and test it for me to see."

  Shen Qiuyu Somewhat embarrassed: "Ah this..."

  Li Beiye in the original book is famous for cherishing his car as much as his life. He has been dealing with motorcycles for half his life. He treats his precious motorcycle as his wife and won't let anyone touch it, not even the heartthrob he likes. The protagonist has never been touched either.

  Now he lets himself choose as he pleases, no one will believe him if he says there are no tricks in it.

  He must be looking for trouble over that bowl of egg noodles!

  Li Beiye narrowed his eyes slightly, "You don't like it?"

  Shen Qiuyu scratched the end of his eyebrows and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to pay for such an expensive motorcycle if it crashes."

  Li Beiye snorted coldly and said with a smile: "I'm afraid I won't be able to compensate. If you get off the motorcycle, can you afford this clothes?"

  Shen Qiuyu: "?"

  Li Beiye stood back half a step, his sharp eyes fell on Shen Qiuyu's black and green racing suit, he squinted slightly, and the smile in his eyes gradually faded.

  "This racing suit is a high-end custom-made model by an internationally renowned designer. Not many people in the training ground have the opportunity to wear it. Who gave you this suit? Is it Gu Zhuo?"

  If it belongs to someone named Gu. , then Shen Qiuyu must know him...

  Thinking of this, Li Beiye's face became more and more gloomy.

  Shen Qiuyu was so frightened by his amazing insight that his heart trembled. Seeing that his handsome face turned black, his strong desire to survive made him immediately say without thinking: "No! I don't know Gu Zhuo, I picked up these clothes!" "

  Li Beiye raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, with an expression on his face that said, "You're just crushing my IQ on the ground." The veins in his fists jumped, and there were faint signs of losing his temper.

  "Shen Qiuyu, do I look like the kind of person who is easy to deceive?"

  His voice suppressed his anger, making his voice slightly hoarse.

  Shen Qiuyu said without stopping: "Someone was so angry that he threw his clothes on the ground after losing consecutive games. I helped pick them up, but he didn't want them, so I had to stay."

  Most of the customers who come to the training ground are wealthy people who are not short of money. The second generation, who has lost several games, is not surprised to throw away one or two pieces of clothing in anger. Li Beiye has done this before.

  The reason barely makes sense.

  Li Beiye looked at him sharply for a long time and said: "It's an eyesore, so take it off and throw it out."

  Shen Qiuyu hesitated and said: "Young Master Li, it's not good to litter..."

  These are the clothes of the person you want to pursue in the future. !

  Li Beiye's tone was cold, "Don't make me say it a second time."

  Shen Qiuyu secretly said, you deserve to chase your wife to the crematorium.

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