Chapter 41

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The dry wood burning in the fire made a soft sound, and the jumping firelight illuminated the two faces in the darkness.

The nameless little fish skewered with branches around the fire were sizzling with oil. The sweet and burnt aroma of the grilled fish meat was like an invisible fish hook dangling in the pond to hook fish.

Shen Mouyu successfully took the bait and quietly swallowed the saliva aroused by the smell of grilled fish. His taste buds were noisy and he wanted to reach out to the grilled fish.

The claws are ready to move.

There was a snap, and the claws trying to steal food were caught.

The red light of the flame reflected on Gu Zhuo's cold brows and eyes, and bright fire danced in his dark eyes. He stared at Shen Qiuyu expressionlessly, and uttered two words unhurriedly with his thin lips.

"It's not ripe."


Shen Qiuyu retracted his paws, "I don't want to eat it secretly, I just want to see if it's burnt. Look at it, it's all black."

Gu Zhuo glanced at Shen Qiuyu, and then Feeling guilty and bowing his head, he let go of Shen Qiuyu's hand, then sat back down, turned the skewered grilled fish over, and continued grilling.

Shen Qiuyu licked his lips, hungry.

He touched the raw wild plantains at hand, wanting to satisfy his craving, but he hated the bitter and hard texture. He was not picky about food, but he couldn't eat underripe plantains.

The worst thing about living on a desert island is probably the difficulty of eating.

Shen Qiuyu didn't have any big weakness, except that he couldn't resist hunger. When he was hungry, his face would fall down, and his whole body would be paralyzed with no energy.

Gu Zhuo was grilling fish seriously when he saw someone lying on the ground out of the corner of his eye, staring at the uncooked fish. He was so thirsty that he drooled.

Gu Zhuo: "..."

Shen Qiuyu was drooling while smelling the grilled fish. Suddenly he saw Gu Zhuo standing up. He asked blankly: "Where are you going?"

Gu Zhuo said: "Find something."

Shen Qiuyu told him to pay attention to safety, Gu Zhuo Then he walked away and disappeared into the thick darkness.

past few minutes.

Shen Qiuyu licked the corner of his mouth and thought secretly, I shouldn't be discovered if I try a little, right?

The devil's claws secretly stretched out to the nearest grilled fish, grabbed some fish skin and meat and quickly stuffed it into his mouth. He just moved his mouth to chew it -

"What are you doing?"

"Cough, cough, cough, cough!"

Shen Qiuyu coughed. His face turned red, and he shook his head with a guilty conscience, "I, I didn't eat anything."

These words were almost too obvious to hide.

Gu Zhuo walked out of the darkness behind him and looked down at the fire. It was obvious that a piece of fish was missing.

Gu Zhuo: "..."

Shen Qiuyu ate anxiously and was startled again. His throat was very uncomfortable and he coughed from time to time.

Gu Zhuo threw the thing in his hand to him. Shen Qiuyu hugged it with a confused face. He looked down and found that what Gu Zhuo gave him was a fresh green coconut. Looking at Gu Zhuo's clothes, there were several scratches and dizziness. It looks like it was just picked.

Shen Qiuyu was moved: "For me?"

Gu Zhuo was adding wood to the fire.

He didn't even raise his head and said, "Give it back to me if you're not hungry."

Shen Qiuyu shouted in surprise, "Hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry!"

Gu Zhuo glanced at him: "Are you a Goose repeater?"

Shen Qiuyu: "... ..."

Shen Qiuyu chuckled and didn't argue with him. He was usually very easy to talk to if he had something he liked.

Gu Zhuo continued to grill the fish, while Shen Qiuyu opened the green coconut with a folding knife and drank the coconut juice. After satisfying his craving, he remembered that Gu Zhuo had not drank water all day, so he handed over the green coconut.

"You should drink some too. There is no fresh water here. Even if you don't like drinking coconut water, your body still needs to replenish water."

Gu Zhuo pursed his thin lips slightly and frowned in thought.

He seemed to be doing an extremely complex and difficult math problem.

Seeing that his lips were a little chapped, Shen Qiuyu was afraid that his body wouldn't be able to bear it, so he told Gu Zhuo all the advantages he saw about coconut milk.

Gu Zhuo's eyelids twitched, "Where did you hear the brainwashing package?"

Shen Qiuyu wanted to say that I made it up, but he definitely couldn't say it at this time, so he continued to talk nonsense.

Gu Zhuo: "..."

In fact, there are many reasons why he doesn't want to drink it. Coconut water has a light taste and it is indeed difficult for him to like it, but preference is not the main reason for not drinking it.

The main reason is...

His eyes passed over Shen Qiuyu's snow-white and clean face, and paused for a few seconds on his reddish lips. The lips were full and full, as red as flowers, stained with the clear water of coconut milk.

very beautiful.

"Gu Zhuo?"

Shen Qiuyu shouted.

Gu Zhuo lowered his eyes and looked away, silently taking the green coconut from Shen Qiuyu, avoiding the place where his lips touched, and drank some coconut juice.

The corner of Shen Qiuyu's mouth couldn't help but twitch wildly, and he said in his heart that I didn't even dislike you, but you actually disliked me first! I declare that our friendship is broken on the spot!

After Gu Zhuo finished drinking, he returned and saw Shen Qiuyu's eyes filled with anger.

Gu Zhuo: "?"

The grilled fish was cooked quickly. Gu Zhuo took out some wild small lemons, which he accidentally discovered when picking green coconuts. He used them to pour on the grilled fish to enrich the flavor of the grilled fish.

The slightest bit of dissatisfaction in Shen Qiuyu's heart disappeared when he tasted the delicious sea fish grilled by Gu Zhuo.

Gu Texa's cooking is so delicious. He also wants a bicycle. If you don't like it, feel free to dislike it. As long as he makes moves for him to eat, feel free to dislike it.

Gu Zhuo didn't know what little Jiujiu was in his heart. Seeing that he was inexplicably depressed, and now inexplicably excited, he was speechless for a moment, lowered his head to eat his own food, and ignored Shen Qiuyu, who looked across from him as if he was on a roller coaster.

After eating the grilled fish, Shen Qiuyu deliberately moved a fire. I wonder if there are any wild animals on this deserted island. More fires can also act as a deterrent.

The two were resting in the open space between the fire. Shen Qiuyu fell asleep and asked again: "Gu Zhuo, are you asleep?"

Gu Zhuo: "Asleep."

Shen Qiuyu: "..."

Shen Qiuyu lay flat and looked at Skyrim.

The clear night sky is cloudless, the sky is full of stars, the crescent moon is like a hook, and the bright moonlight spreads like frost and snow on the beach, illuminating the rich darkness in the distance.

Shen Qiuyu said: "Gu Zhida, do you think these stars are so far away, will it be very cold?"

Gu Zhuo: "..."

Gu Zhuo was so annoyed by him that he turned around and looked at the sky with his black eyes. The stars were twinkling, every time. Each one is dazzlingly bright, reflected in those almond-shaped eyes, which is particularly dazzling.

Shen Qiuyu's eyes suddenly darkened, and a generous hand blocked his sight. Gu Zhuo's voice rang in his ears, "Get up and keep vigil if you can't sleep."

Shen Qiuyu looked at him speechlessly, feeling very disgusted, "You won't be able to find a partner in the future like this, really. Yes, there is no romance at all."

Gu Zhuo: "I don't know if I have a partner, but if you keep eating like this, there is a high probability that I don't."

Shen Qiuyu: "..."

This is really not harmful, it's an insult. Very strong.

Shen Qiuyu was about to say "I gained weight eating your rice" with integrity, but when he thought about it carefully, he didn't eat Gu Zhuo's rice, but he did eat the one, two, three, four, five... meals + snacks he made. There are still many meals left to eat.

The one who takes the person is short-handed and the one who eats the person is soft-mouthed.

His backbone was like a punctured rubber ball, instantly deflated.

Shen Qiuyu turned into a puffer fish in anger alone.

He closed his eyes and prepared to sleep, when his body suddenly felt heavy.

The coat that had been soaked in sea water and was rather stiff was draped around his body. There was no saltiness from the sea water, but instead there was a faint scent of mint, which was refreshing and cool, like the frost and snow in the cold winter.

He blinked and turned his head to look at Gu Zhuo.

Gu Zhuo closed his eyes, his expression was calm, his cold and indifferent face was like jade, and he was incredibly handsome. He was breathing lightly, as if the person who put clothes on Shen Qiuyu just now was not him.

Shen Qiuyu stared blankly for a moment, then gave Gu Zhuo half of his clothes with a smile, and shamelessly leaned over. The two slept next to each other, relying on this piece of clothing to keep warm.

Gu Zhuo ignored him, turned around and rested by himself.

sea ​​surface.

On the deck of the rescue ship, Yuan Shang looked around. The sea surface reflected the moonlight with sparkling waves, but there was nothing there and no one could be seen.

Yuan Shang looked very unhappy.

The assistant next to him, Yang Yan, handed over a cup of hot water and comforted him: "Don't think too badly about the outcome. Maybe the two of them are waiting for rescue somewhere."

Yuan Shang pinched his eyebrows and asked, "Has anyone come back from rescue?"

Yang Yan shook his head.

Yuan Shang felt even heavier.

Missing in the empty sea, the survival rate is almost zero, especially because Shen Qiuyu, an idiot, is afraid of water and can't swim, not to mention Gu Zhuo... He

clenches his fists tightly, and the paper cup is deformed by him.

Yang Yan frowned and said, "Yuan Shang, control your emotions."

Yuan Shang took a deep breath and said, "Have you locked up those two people? Find someone to keep an eye on them, and hand them over to the Singapore police when they get ashore."

Yang Yan thought about it and said, "I'm afraid they will be extradited to the country for trial."

Yuan Shang said solemnly: "Since these two people dare to commit intentional murder, they must be held responsible for their actions. No matter where the case is tried, you will Arrange someone to follow this matter. I want to see a satisfactory result."

Yang Yan nodded, "I understand."

Yuan Shang looked into the distance.

The sky is vaguely white, with a tendency to be bright.

He couldn't help but feel anxious in his heart. If he couldn't find her in a few days, something must have happened to Shen Qiuyu. Gu Zhuo fell into the sea at the same time as him, and he was probably in danger as well.

Gu Zhuo...

Yuan Shang closed his eyes with a cold face, then opened them again, his peach blossom eyes were full of exhaustion.

As time went by, new teams continued to join the maritime rescue, and the number of rescuers gradually increased to nearly 30 people. Several ships were divided into searching in the surrounding sea, and more experienced rescue crews checked the situation on nearby islands.

However, there was no news for four or five days.

Gu Teng also contacted many professional maritime rescue companies to come for support. He concealed the matter and did not leak any information to the outside world. Yuan Shang also controlled the yacht crew at all times and prohibited the news of the two missing people. Reveal it.

And far away on a small island.

Shen Qiuyu lay on the top of a huge rock, holding an open green coconut in his hand. He scooped out the coconut meat with a small spoon ground with a shell and ate it while watching to see if any ships were passing by in the distance.

The palm of his left hand was wrapped with torn cloth, and the light-colored cloth faintly revealed solidified dark red blood stains.

Shen Qiuyu lowered his head and glanced at Gu Zhuo, and asked, "Gu Tingtai, do you eat coconut meat?"

Gu Zhuo shook his head, "No."

After answering, he entered the jungle behind the banana tree, took out two pieces of wood as thick as an arm, and placed them side by side. Put them away and tie them together with the elm bark they found.

The rudiments of the raft were already evident.

Two days ago, after waiting for rescue to no avail, the two decided to try to build a raft after discussion. At least they would leave this desert island first and see if there were any boats elsewhere, otherwise they would have to stay on this desert island for the rest of their lives.

Shen Qiuyu thought about the many delicacies waiting for him in the world, and it was like a chicken's blood. He had sharpened several pieces of wood here with a folding knife.

No one has this kind of perseverance.

Gu Zhuo worked very seriously, with a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead. Seeing how busy Shen Qiuyu was, Shen Qiuyu couldn't help but wanted to help, but Gu Zhuo refused.

He had helped two days ago, but the hands of the original owner were too delicate. When he helped bundle the bark, a large gash was pulled out by the bark, and the skin was torn.

After Gu Zhuo simply bandaged him, he didn't let Shen Qiuyu do anything anymore. He only asked him to act as a consultant and teach him which way to tie the knot.

After thinking about it, Shen Qiuyu felt that the Magnus knot was more suitable. This knotting method is very strong and safe, and is most suitable for connecting wood.

Building a raft was time-consuming and laborious. In the past three or four days, I managed to make a little progress, but it was far from enough to be able to sail. Shen Qiuyu looked at Gu Zhuo with scratches on his hands and cuts on his arms from branches, and his heart gradually became heavy.

At night when Gu Zhuo was resting, he got up secretly and continued to build the raft, choosing places where Gu Zhuo could not find him. However, he was soon discovered and Gu Zhuo began to watch him sleeping every night until he fell asleep and then rested.

Stay on the desert island until the ninth day.

An ocean-going fishing boat passes by.

Shen Qiuyu was so surprised that he shook Gu Zhuo awake, but when he touched his arm, he froze and his brows gradually tightened.

He quickly stretched out his hand to look at Zhuo's forehead, which was very hot.

Gu Zhuo has a fever.

"Gu Zhuo?"

Shen Qiuyu patted his shoulder and shouted.

Gu Zhuo slowly opened his eyes and looked at Shen Qiuyu, his clear black eyes a little dull.

"What's wrong?"

he asked.

Shen Qiuyu said worriedly: "You have a fever."

Gu Zhuo's expression remained unchanged, "It's okay."

Shen Qiuyu saw that his eyes were bloodshot and he looked a little tired. He obviously didn't have a good rest. I'm afraid it was the fatigue of these days that caused physical problems. He Said: "There is a boat coming, please wait for me."

After saying that, Shen Qiuyu went straight to the seaside.

Gu Zhuo stood up and saw the distant ocean fishing boats, which seemed to be from China.

Gu Zhuo was ill, and Shen Qiuyu did not dare to delay any longer.

He immediately ran to the beach, waved the eye-catching clothes in his hands, and shouted for help. With the rising black smoke from the fire, the ocean-going fishing boat finally noticed him and began to change its course.

The fishing boat slowly approaches the desert island.

Shen Qiuyu rushed over happily, hugged Gu Zhuo forcefully, and said excitedly: "Gu Zhuo, we are saved!"

Gu Zhuo was suddenly hugged, and his whole body froze for a moment.

He lowered his eyes to look at the arms hugging his waist. They were white and strong, with a layer of light pink due to the hot sun, and the smell of green grass that came over them was particularly strong.

In the past few days, when the two of them were washing themselves with fresh water in the jungle, they used the fruits of the saponaria tree near the water. The fresh saponaria tree smelled of light grass, which was very special.

Shen Qiuyu let go quickly, and his attention was all on the offshore fishing boat. He didn't even notice the strangeness in Gu Zhuo at that moment. He let go of his hand and waved his clothes to greet the fishing boat.

The offshore fishing boat got closer and closer to them, and finally stopped offshore, and the two of them boarded the boat one after another.

When the second officer learned about what happened to the two of them, he immediately asked someone to bring antipyretic medicine to Gu Zhuo, and made a vacant cabin for the two of them to rest. The cabin room was limited, and both of them were men, so they temporarily shared a room.

Gu Zhuo took antipyretic medicine, asked the second mate to borrow a medicine box, and treated Shen Qiuyu's cut on his palm in the room. The wound was not deep at first, but because there was no medicine and he was often soaked in water, the cut became inflamed, red and swollen.

When applying the medicine, Shen Qiuyu breathed cold air from the pain.

Gu Zhuo comforted him: "Be patient."

Shen Qiuyu was so angry that he said, "Brother, you can coax people to get some candy."

Gu Zhuo looked at him and said nothing.

Shen Qiuyu reasoned and muttered, holding back his temper: "It's okay without sugar."

Gu Zhuo suddenly said: "Open your mouth."

Shen Qiuyu: "?"

Gu Zhuo took out a sugar-coated fruit candy, "The second officer gave it to me."

"Do you have one?"


Gu Zhuo's dark eyes instantly met someone's passionate eyes.

Gu Zhuo: "..."

He also put another fruit candy in Shen Qiuyu's palm. Shen Qiuyu said, "That's so embarrassing." "I'm not greedy for your candy. I mainly want to share the burden with you." But there was something hidden in his hand. Sugar hides very quickly.

It can be said that he is very outspoken.

Gu Zhuo sneered: "You're not afraid of toothache."

Shen Qiuyu was unreasonable and strong, "As long as I eat candy fast enough, toothache will not bother me."

Gu Zhuo: "..."

It's really unreasonable.

he thinks.

Gu Cheng got the news about Gu Zhuo ten days after he disappeared.

Gu Zhuo contacted Gu Cheng through the mobile phone of the second officer of the ocean-going fishing boat. At that time, Gu Cheng and Yuan Shang had been searching for them in the offshore waters for nearly ten days, but there had been no news. Everyone had no hope for their lives.

What a twist.

Gu Cheng immediately recalled the maritime search and rescue members and prepared to set off to meet Gu Zhuo.

The search and rescue personnel on Yuan Shang's side got the news and immediately contacted Yang Yan. Yang Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that Shen Qiuyu and Gu Zhuo were alive. The search and rescue activities these days have seriously affected Yuan Shang's work schedule, and even delayed his audition for a new film by a well-known director. , if those two people are safe, at least Yuan Shang is willing to return to China and continue working.

Yang Yan called Yuan Shang to inform him, and Yuan Shang went with Gu Cheng.

When the two arrived at the agreed point half a day later and went straight to the offshore fishing boat, they saw the two sleeping on the same bed.

To be more precise, Shen Qiuyu slept like a dead pig, while Gu Zhuo looked at the two people at the door soberly.

He had just carried Shen Qiuyu to bed.

Gu Zhuo silently covered Shen Qiuyu with a thin quilt and closed the door to the corridor. Gu Cheng's expression was very subtle. He didn't say anything, but simply asked about his physical condition.

Yuan Shang was different, he didn't look very good.

Gu Teng realized that the two of them had something to say, and left the corridor on the pretext of looking for the second officer.

Yuan Shang's peach blossom eyes were filled with coldness.

"You don't know that he is mine and you sleep with him in the same bed?"

Gu Zhuo looked coldly and said, "I just found out."

Yuan Shang: "..."

Yuan Shang was choked and quickly brought back the focus, "You Slept with him?"

Gu Zhuo frowned, seemingly not happy to hear this.

He didn't answer, but Yuan Shang took him as his acquiescence. His breathing was stagnant and his face was very ugly, which could even be described as ugly.

Gu Zhuo said indifferently: "I'm not you."

Yuan Shang: "..."

Gu Zhuo always spoke accurately, but Yuan Shang couldn't defeat him. He bypassed Gu Zhuo and wanted to enter the room, but unexpectedly a slender arm came across to block him, Gu Zhuo black His eyes met Yuan Shang's displeased gaze with deep eyes.

Gu Zhuo said: "He didn't get a good rest on the desert island, let him sleep."

Yuan Shang made a cold face, pursed his lips, and did not move.

The two of them stood in the corridor, looking at the surging waves and undercurrents outside the window, without speaking.

There was silence until the room door clicked softly and someone came out yawning.

Shen Qiuyu suddenly stood still, and the relief on his face disappeared instantly.

He looked shocked: "Brother Yuan, why are you here?"

Yuan Shang tightened his sunglasses in his hand, "What do you mean, is it inappropriate for me to come over?"

Shen Qiuyu shook his head, "That's not the case."

Yuan Shang glanced at Gu Zhuo , and said to Shen Qiuyu: "Come with me."

Shen Qiuyu vaguely noticed that the atmosphere between the two was not right, so he tried his best to wink at Gu Zhuo and asked him what was going on. Gu Zhuo looked at him silently, his eyes cold, as if he had not received him signal, ignore people.

Shen Qiuyu was blinking when Yuan Shang dragged him away by the collar. He stretched out his hand to Gu Zhuo, trying to ask for help, but when he reached halfway, he was afraid that Yuan Shang would cause trouble for Gu Zhuo, so he secretly poked and withdrew his hand.

Gu Zhuo watched the two of them go away in silence. Gu Cheng walked in from the deck and stood beside him, with a warm and elegant smile on his handsome face.

"Do you want it?"

He didn't mean what he wanted.

But as brothers with a tacit understanding, the two of them knew it in their hearts.

Gu Zhuo said nothing.

Gu Teng laughed softly.

the other side.

Yuan Shang dragged Shen Qiuyu to the corridor upstairs, stopped breathing slightly, looked back at Shen Qiuyu, and asked in a bad tone: "What's going on between you and Gu Zhuo?"

Shen Qiuyu looked confused: "What's going on?

Yuan Shang felt angry because of his blank expression. He suppressed his displeasure and said, "You are my bed partner. What does it mean to sleep on his bed?"

Shen Qiuyu: "Huh?"

Shen Qiuyu: "Huh ? " ! ? "

Who sleeps in whose bed? "

Yuan Shang let go of his hand and looked at him coldly, "What are you talking about? Explain clearly to me. When Yang Yan asked you to sign a contract, I asked him to emphasize again and again that I don't want anyone who has been with others, let alone someone who has no spirit of contract and violated the agreement. " What's wrong with you? A blatant breach of contract?"

Shen Qiuyu said dryly: "Did I... break the contract with you? I didn't go with anyone else before. Don't accuse me wrongly.

" It doesn't matter.

Shen Qiuyu comforted himself in this way.

"Where's Gu Zhuo?"

Yuan Shang fiddled with the sunglasses in his hand impatiently, and he cracked the temples.

Shen Qiuyu's heart skipped a beat.


Is Yuan Shang jealous?

Because I was sleeping on Gu Zhuo's bed just now...wait a minute, that's his bed too. The room given by the second mate only had a 1.3-meter single bed. We couldn't let him sleep on the floor miserably, right?

Shen Qiuyu said sadly: "Next time I will give the bed to Gu Zhuo, and I will make the floor."

Yuan Shang: "???"

Yuan Shang frowned and looked at him, "You guys sleep on the same bed, and you really haven't done anything. ?"

Shen Qiuyu asked, "What can we do?"

He felt that Yuan Shang's words were inexplicable. What could he and Gu Zhuo do?

Seeing his reaction, Yuan Shang realized that nothing really happened between the two of them, and his mood instantly became brighter.

He asked: "Before our agreement ends, don't sleep in the same bed with another man. I don't like it."

"Okay, I will listen to Brother Yuan."

Shen Qiuyu agreed obediently.

In fact...

He was madly complaining in his heart that Yuan Shang was an annoying double-standard dog. Didn't he and Yang Lan have a lot of fun? When it was his turn, he had to be bound by the agreement. No wonder this guy couldn't catch up with Gu Zhuo and was directly cremated. Let's raise ashes.

Gu is such a good person. Although he has a bit of a venomous mouth, he cooks delicious food, is good-looking, has outstanding abilities and comes from a prominent family. Yuan Shang, a ruthless sea king who has lived among hundreds of flowers, is not worthy of him at all.

Gu poke is either uniquely beautiful, or it deserves a better attack!

After thanking the second mate, the group moved to the yacht brought by Gu Cheng and began to return.

Yuan Shang hadn't paid attention these days. After lunch, he went back to his room to rest. Shen Qiuyu ran to look for Gu Zhuo, but after looking around, he was nowhere to be seen, but he bumped into Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng smiled gently and said, "Look for Gu Zhuo, he's surfing in the sea over there."

He said and pointed towards the back of the yacht.

After Shen Qiuyu thanked him, he ran to the back of the yacht and saw Gu Zhuo surfing in the distance.

He changed into a black, close-fitting surfing suit, stepped on a huge surfboard, and faced the front of the wave. He spread his arms, stabilized his center of gravity, and controlled the direction of the surfboard with ease. He was like a black swallow flying freely in the air.

Watching him surf is a great pleasure.

Shen Qiuyu thought sadly, if he was not afraid of water, he could learn it, it would look cool.

"Do you want to learn?"

A gentle and smiling voice suddenly came to mind.

Shen Qiuyu turned his head and saw Gu Cheng placing his arms gently on the guardrail, looking far away at Gu Zhuo on the other side of the sea, and then turned to look at Shen Qiuyu, as if waiting for an answer.

Shen Qiuyu scratched the tip of his nose, "I want to, but I'm afraid of water."

Hearing this, Gu Cheng said with a slight regret: "I thought I could let the second child teach you, but it seems that won't work."

Shen Qiuyu smiled.

When Gu Zhuo came back, Shen Qiuyu also forgot what business he had with him, yawned and went back to his room to sleep. He had been sleeping on the ground all day on the desert island for more than a week, which made him feel sore and uncomfortable.

They had a few hours until they arrived at the dock, and Shen Qiuyu wanted to take a break to recharge his batteries so that he could do something big when he arrived at his destination later.

At seven o'clock in the evening, they disembarked at a pier in Singapore. The hotel arranged a vehicle to receive the four people. The group of people on the yacht had already arrived at the hotel early to rest.

After dinner at the hotel, we went back to our rooms to rest.

Shen Qiuyu called Yuan Shang's assistant Yang Yan. Yang Yan frowned, but still stopped and waited for him to speak. Shen Qiuyu didn't mince words and directly asked where the two people were. He had something to see them.

Yang Yan naturally knew who these "two people" were.

Shen Qiuyu has always been a soft persimmon and easy to manipulate. He didn't think the other party would do anything with those two people.

Yang Yan told Shen Qiuyu nonchalantly, "Chen Qiang (who has plastic surgery) and Xu Zhengtai are in the indoor swimming pool on the first floor. There are people watching them. If you have anything to do

, just go to them." Shen Qiuyu politely thanked them and went to their destination.

When he got out of the elevator on the first floor, he happened to encounter a cleaning staff pushing a tool cart passing by. He caught a glimpse of the broom hanging on it. The length was very suitable, so he borrowed it from the cleaning staff, held the extra-long broom and went straight into the indoor swimming pool on the first floor.

There were two tall and strong men standing at the entrance of the swimming pool. Yang Yan knew about each other and let Shen Qiuyu in smoothly.

There was only one person with a plastic surgery face in the swimming pool, and there was no figure of Xu Zhengtai. Shen Qiuyu approached step by step.

The plastic-faced man didn't notice anyone approaching from behind, and was resting against the wall of the swimming pool. He had recently suffered from insomnia because of intentional murder, and he begged his father to sue his grandmother before he was allowed to leave the room and come here to swim and relax.

He wiped the water on his face and was about to get up to leave the swimming pool and go back to the room to rest.

in vain.

Got stabbed hard in the back.

The plastic surgery face was stabbed so hard that he fell into the water. He choked several times and turned around angrily to glare at the culprit.

"Who the hell is teasing me!?"

Suddenly seeing the person behind him, he was so frightened that his legs went weak, and he almost fell into the swimming pool again, with a look of horror on his face.

"Shen, Shen Qiuyu, why are you!"

The author has something to say: Gu Zhidao: Are you his?

Qiu Zai: First listen to my quibbles,

cannon fodder: It's time to get lunch again


Erha: I'm late, try to get early tomorrow, go to bed, good night everyone

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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