Chapter 33: Do you want to eat the cake the devil gave you?

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Shen family.

Jiang Yushu was being teased by the man and covered her mouth with laughter when she suddenly heard the movement of the lock on the entrance door. She hurriedly hung up the call and walked out of the second bedroom.

She saw Shen Fuqiang walking into the living room full of stench. He took off his mask and fisherman's hat as he walked. He didn't know what he was doing. He was sweating profusely, but there was a strange excitement on his face.

Jiang Yushu handed him a towel, "Old Shen, what are you doing here at night?"

Shen Fuqiang glanced at her and said nothing.

Jiang Yushu turned around to pack up the things he had left at the door. When she saw that the plastic bucket was full of coagulated blood, she screamed in fright and sat down on the ground, shaking tremblingly with a look of horror on her face.

"What on earth did you do?! What is this thing...?"

Shen Fuqiang regained his composure, drank a glass of water in several gulps, and said angrily: "You are yelling, you have no knowledge."

Jiang Yushu's face turned blue and black at his words. She closed her mouth tightly and resisted the thought of scolding him back.

Shen Fuqiang added: "What are you doing here? Why don't you go cook quickly? Do you want me to starve to death?"

Jiang Yushu glanced at him secretly and went to the kitchen to cook. Shen Fuqiang went in and poured a glass of white wine. He drank with the food. He was in a good mood. After drinking a glass, he started talking nonsense.

Jiang Yushu smelled the fishy stench mixed with the smell of alcohol all over his body and felt so sick that she wanted to vomit, but she was still thinking about another thing and didn't leave.

When he drank the third drink and blurted out the truth, Jiang Yushu began to ask for the bank card password.

She was in charge of all the family affairs, but Shen Fuqiang held the bank cards and other things in her hands and would give her part of the money every month. Shen Fuqiang loved gambling, but he also had a little hidden private money. This was something she happened upon accidentally. of.

At the dinner table, Shen Fuqiang was coaxed into confusion by her, but he was very tight-lipped and refused to tell her the password.

Jiang Yushu angrily poured wine for him, and drank several more drinks in a row. Shen Fuqiang almost fell asleep from the drunkenness. Only then did she ask for the bank card password, and she checked the balance in ecstasy.

It turned out that the password was wrong. She was so angry that she kicked Shen Fuqiang's feet. Shen Fuqiang let out a drunken ouch and fell asleep completely.

Jiang Yushu glanced at the dark bucket, feeling frightened. She found a large plastic bag and immediately threw it into the trash can downstairs.

When she returned home from her work, she saw two policemen knocking on the door.

She hid vigilantly and did not go over.

Seeing no one responded in the house, the police knocked on the door of the neighbor next to him and asked about the situation. The neighbor didn't know but said he heard someone going out. One of the two police officers stayed while the other left.

Jiang Yushu stayed there for a while and did not go home. She turned around and entered the fire corridor and quickly went downstairs.


A certain western restaurant.

Gu Zhuo took the hot towel brought by the waiter and wiped his hands.

Shen Qiuyu also wiped it hastily, staring at the snacks with bright eyes, greedy, but he did not dare to move.

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