Chapter 23: Why do I think this looks like women's clothing?

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Villa study room.

Shen Qiuyu was sitting at his desk, connecting to Lu Qian via video on his mobile phone. The camera accurately focused on Lu Qian's cold and handsome face.

He was sitting in front of his laptop, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, wearing simple clothes, and being taciturn. He did have the elegant temperament of a professor and scholar.

Especially when he was typing on the computer keyboard expressionlessly without a word of nonsense, it looked more like it.

Just now, he turned a deaf ear to Shen Qiuyu's inexplicable title of "teacher" and got into the topic as if he didn't hear it.

Supervise him in writing test papers.

His disregard.

Shen Qiuyu shouldn't be too happy, he was a little scared of escaping from death, secretly soothing his heart that was scared to the throat.

But he thought at the same time.

It would be better if there was not one more Party A present now.

He turned his head silently and glanced at Zhou Qinchen behind him.

Zhou Qinchen was sitting on the sofa behind him, holding his forehead with one hand and lazily flipping through the book "History of Western Art", reading it very carefully.

Noticing Shen Qiuyu's gaze, he raised his eyelids and looked at her with a more natural attitude, just like accompanying a parent.

He smiled half-heartedly and said, "Don't worry about me, just continue."

Shen Qiuyu: "..."

Shen Qiuyu clenched his fists with tears in his eyes, "Do I want to care about you? I want to beat you."

How does it feel to face two parties at the same time?

Don't ask, just asking will make your scalp numb.

Shen Qiuyu felt like sitting on pins and needles while holding the pen. He still didn't start writing the title, and his heart was pounding (scared).

Lu Qian, who was busy working in the video, suddenly turned his head and looked at him with a frown. He looked disgusted at him for wasting time like a waste of life, and told him to hurry up and start writing.

Shen Qiuyu said "Oh" and lowered his head to write the high school test paper.

In order to deal with Lu Qian, he had recently reviewed a lot of high school knowledge points. He had almost recalled them all and was able to do the questions easily. However, just in case Lu Qian noticed something strange, he had to pretend to be a scumbag.

Lu Qian looked away when he saw him writing.

Zhou Qinchen happened to look up and saw half of the handsome face passing by in the video, and he narrowed his narrow eyes slightly.

This Teacher Lu...

Very familiar.

Time flies very fast.

It was nearly eleven o'clock when Shen Qiuyu finished finishing the test paper. He made many mistakes and finally delayed the time to half past ten, but...

Why doesn't Zhou Qinchen leave yet?

He delayed it to this point just to let Zhou Qinchen get out of the guest bedroom quickly, but he had no intention of moving his feet at all, as if he was sitting on the sofa.

Shen Qiuyu turned his head and glanced at Zhou Qinchen, and saw that he had his head slightly buried and was seriously drawing a sketch of the human body in his sketchbook.

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