Chapter 17: Gu poke poke

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At eight o'clock in the evening.

Shen Qiuyu went downstairs to the community to have dinner nearby and buy some cold medicine. He had symptoms of a cold and was walking there when his phone dinged and he received a text message.

[Gu Poke: Bring your own ingredients on Wednesday night]

"Gu poke poke" was the note he gave Gu Zhuo.

Zhuo and poke, rounded up, are the same word, which sounds a little cute... Okay, he admitted that he was retaliating against Gu Zhuo for saying he made dark cuisine twice.

Shen Qiuyu was very satisfied with this nickname and felt that it fit Gu Zhuo very well. He chuckled twice and called back.

When Gu Zhuochen's cold and clear voice came from the other end of the call, he happily ordered his favorite home-cooked food.

"You're quite welcome."

Gu Zhuo's smiling voice came.

Gu Zhuo's voice is very charming, not hoarse or deep, but has a cold and clear tone that is unique to young people. His tone is gentle and moderate, like warm and clear wine, strong and with a hint of sweetness.

Shen Qiuyu quite liked his voice.

Gu Zhuo said again: "Five dishes are too many and a waste. Reduce two dishes."

Shen Qiuyu smiled cheekily and said, "No more, no more. I'll prepare the other two dishes for the second meal."

Gu Zhuo: "..."

There was a long silence this time.

When Shen Qiuyu heard the boarding reminder from Gu Zhuo, she was afraid that he was still at the airport, so she didn't disturb him and hung up the call very wisely.

He had just stuffed his cell phone into his pocket when he vaguely noticed something. He paused slightly and glanced sideways at the long forest road behind him.

Huanyue Community is located in a remote urban and rural area of ​​​​Beicheng. It is surrounded by factories and few pedestrians. There are woods crisscrossing the lanes, and the branch roads covered by bushes are very convenient for hiding.

Shen Qiuyu dodged and hid in the bushes. Half a minute later, two figures chased him. They looked around, apparently looking for someone.

They were the two people who collected debts from loan sharks last time.

Shen Qiuyu was about to go out to find them to solve the debt problem when his lower back was suddenly pressed against by a hard object. Before he could turn around, the severe pain caused by the electric current suddenly swept through his body.

Without seeing clearly who was attacking him, his vision suddenly went dark and he completely lost consciousness.


Beicheng Airport.

The window position of the VIP room in the terminal building.

The assistant lowered his head to confirm the time on his watch in case he missed boarding.

He turned to look at Vice President Gu next to him. He was wearing a dark black suit and sitting upright on the sofa. He was slowly flipping through the tablet... electronic version of a food magazine, the kind with pictures and tutorials.


He has had a lot of contact with Vice President Gu during this period, and he has seen that he usually reads financial magazines most often, and in his spare time, he is also used to preparing scientific or philosophical works.

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