Chapter 40

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The sun is scorching.

The waves crashed over the golden beach, hitting the rugged black rocks. Then the tide gradually receded, and the splashing water suddenly fell on Shen Qiuyu's forehead, feeling ice cold.

Shen Qiuyu's consciousness gradually returned.

His heavy eyelids barely opened a crack.

There was a tall and hazy figure in front of him. The bright light was so bright that it was difficult to see his face clearly. Only the two hands stretched out towards him were as cold as jade. Their muscles were strong and gleaming with a beautiful sheen like golden sand in the sunlight.


Shen Qiuyu's head felt swollen and painful, and his thoughts were in chaos.

The sequelae of drowning made it impossible for him to distinguish between reality and dreams.


His abdomen was violently pressed by an external force, and his ribs were squeezed with extreme pain, as if they were twisted into a ball. The discomfort made him want to vomit, and his chest was turbulent.

Salty seawater suddenly surged up in his throat, causing him to choke. After spitting out the seawater, he coughed.

His chest was still swollen and uncomfortable, as if it was about to burst, and his whole body was even tighter, as if it had condensed into ice. He was so thirsty that he unconsciously licked his chapped lips, and the sound of breathing above his head became infinitely heavier. There seems to be some urgency and tension.

The sun was dazzling, and sleepiness swept over me like waves.

...He is so sleepy.

"Shen Qiuyu, don't sleep."

A cold low cry rang out, distant and familiar like a layer of thick night mist.

Immediately afterwards.

The wings of his nose were pinched by cold fingers, his chin was lifted slightly, and his mouth was forced open. Something cold and soft suddenly touched his lips, and oxygen-containing air rushed in. The tightness in his chest instantly weakened, making him feel much more comfortable.

The intertwined breath seems to be mixed with a hint of cool mint, and it is like a refreshing rice wine filled with sweet glutinous rice dumplings, making people sober at times and intoxicated at other times.


Shen Qiuyu drowsily stretched out his tongue and licked it.

not sweet.

he thought in disgust.

However, the fingertips controlling his nose suddenly stiffened, and the hand holding his jaw suddenly loosened. The speed was astonishingly fast. The back of his head lost support and hit the soft sand without warning, like falling into a soft pillow. .

Trouble strikes suddenly.

Shen Qiuyu's consciousness gradually weakened and he fell into a deep sleep.


Yuan Shang climbed onto the deck all wet. His soaked clothes and shorts were so heavy that they clung to his body, and they were falling into the water.

His face was extremely pale, and he glanced coldly at Yang Lan, who was picked up by the crew. The latter was shivering from the cold, and his plastered left leg was paralyzed on the ground and unable to move. He looked at Yuan Shang with red eyes, looking at Chu Chu pitifully.

Yang Lan reached out to hold Yuan Shang and said with sobs: "...Brother Yuan, it was Shen Qiuyu who pushed me down."

Yuan Shang avoided his hand indifferently and looked at him as if he were looking at some disgusting garbage.


Yang Lan suddenly heard this and was pricked by Yuan Shang's eyes again. He vaguely noticed something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong. He was so pathetically dressed.

"Shen Qiuyu probably didn't mean it. He might just be afraid that I would steal Brother Yuan. As long as I am here, he and Brother Yuan will not be able to be together in the future..."


Yuan Shang sneered.

Yang Lan looked at him with a wet face and puzzled.

Yuan Shang took the towel handed by his assistant Yang Yan and wiped it while saying: "You don't know what the relationship between me and him is, so you dare to do evil things without telling me and want to kick him away. Yang Lan, it's because I have let you off too much these years. Make you forget your duty."

Yang Lan panicked and said calmly: "Brother Yuan, I don't understand what you are talking about. How could I do this without telling you? It's Shen Qiuyu who——" "

You The first day you met me?"

Yuan Shang interrupted him suddenly.

Yang Lan felt strong uneasiness in her heart.

Why is this different from what he thought? Why does Brother Yuan look at him like this and why doesn't he feel sorry for him?

His eyes were so terrifyingly cold.

"Brother Yuan..."

Yang Lan shouted timidly.

Yuan Shang combed back his soaked forehead hair and looked down at him condescendingly. His peach blossom eyes were covered with frost, and a hint of disgust appeared on his handsome face.

"If you want to die, die as far away as possible."

Yang Lan felt like she was struck by lightning.

Yuan Shang passed over Yang Lan who fell to the ground and left the deck without even looking back at him.

Cold and unfeeling.

Yang Lan leaned against the wall of the ship weakly, her face as white as paper.

Brother Yuan told him to stay away from death...

He didn't care about his life at all. Life and death had no meaning or impact on him. Although he had known for a long time that he was such a ruthless person, but...

Yang Lan's lips turned purple with coldness. , the whites of the eyes are red.

Why until now, he only cares about Shen Qiuyu, why, why should he!

"Shen Qiuyu is a bitch who can fuck anyone!"

Yang Lan yelled viciously.

He opened his eyes fiercely and stared at Yuan Shang's leaving figure. He was so angry that his whole body was shaking, and his nails were almost digging into his palms.

Yuan Shang suddenly stood still.

Everyone around him was silent and did not dare to speak.

Plastic Surgery secretly tugged on Yang Lan's arm to tell him to stop talking. The Yang family also tried their best to calm him down and signaled Yang Lan to shut up. The Yang family's business now relies entirely on the Yuan family behind Yuan Shang. Yang Lan cannot drag the whole family down because of his impulsiveness. Get into the water.

Yuan Shang turned around quickly, with a bad look on his face.

Yang Lan had a secret pleasure in retaliating against him, and couldn't help laughing lightly. Her delicate and beautiful face was abnormally twisted and perverted at this moment.

Yes, that's the expression.

He should hate that bitch Shen Qiuyu.

Everyone was expecting Yuan Shanghui to question angrily, but they saw him turning back quickly, grabbing Yang Lan who was lying on the ground, grabbing his arm and walking quickly to the guardrail.

Yuan Shang grabbed Yang Lan's chin, "Don't make me angry, I'll give you another chance."

Yang Lan laughed twice, then opened his mouth and said a few dirty words about Shen Qiuyu.

Yuan Shang immediately let go of his hand, and Yang Lan fell instantly.

Everything happened so fast, Yang Lan's scream was immediately drowned out by the sound of waves hitting the ship wall, leaving only a clear sound of falling into the water.

The whole place immediately became a mess.

Yuan Shang wiped off the water stains on his face and casually ordered several crew members nearby, "Go and pick him up."

The crew members nodded in fear and hurriedly ran to save people.

It's crazy, crazy. Some people commit suicide by jumping into the sea, and others are pushed into the sea.

What kind of luck is this today?

Yang Yan looked at Yuan Shang with disapproval. If he couldn't prevent the group of paparazzi from getting on the yacht, Yuan Shang's move would probably make him a target of conversation and have a great impact on his future stardom.

Yuan Shang turned a blind eye.

He was very angry now. Not only was he displeased that Yang Lan was out of control and trying to cause trouble, but what made him even more irritated was what Yang Lan had just said.

Did Shen Qiuyu really sleep with someone else?

Think about it a little more.

Yuan Shang recalled the phone call to Shen Qiuyu. Who was the man who answered the phone for him that night?

Unlike Lu Qian.

Not like Gu Cheng.

If it was Gu Zhuo...

Yuan Shang wiped away the water sliding all over his face and became more and more irritated. In addition, his whole body was wet, sticky and uncomfortable, which made him even more unhappy.

After he ordered the crew to fish out Yang Lan, he turned to look at the stunned Yang family.

The visitor was Yang Lan's cousin, who used to follow Yuan Shang with Yang Lan, treating himself as half of Yuan Shang's family, showing off his power, but now he was glanced at by Yuan Shang's peach blossom eyes, and suddenly felt chills all over his body.

There were only two words left in his mind -

it was over.

Yuan Shang only glanced at cousin Yang Lan and then looked away.

He asked Yang Yan to deal with the next matter, then walked to his room, ready to go back to take a shower and change clothes. Just a few steps away from the crowd, someone called him to stop him.

Turning around, I saw someone named Xu.

Xu Zhengtai pursed his lips and said hesitantly: "Brother Yuan, when we were on the deck just now, Shen Qiuyu..."

Yuan Shang looked at him, "What's wrong with him?"

Xu Zhengtai looked strange and was about to open his mouth to speak when someone suddenly intercepted and said: "Shen Qiuyu said he should go back to the room to rest first. It's

too noisy here." Mrs. Xu Zheng turned her head and saw the plastic-faced young man striding forward and put her arm on his shoulder, "Brother Yuan, I have something to do with Mrs. Xu Zheng."

Yuan Shangben originally said I didn't like these two people very much and didn't want to talk nonsense with them, so I passed them and left directly.

When he walked away, Xu Zhengtai dragged Xu Zhengtai to the corner of the corridor and said in a low voice: "Don't you hate him too? If he falls into the sea, he will fall into the sea and drown."

Xu Zhengtai looked hesitant, "But it's okay It's a life, no, that Gu Zhuo also jumped."

The plastic-faced man said with impatience on his face, "I ask you, did anyone else see it besides you, right? , then they jumped off on their own, and it has nothing to do with us, understand?"

"If there is any problem..."

"Don't worry, this is a foreign country. Even if we find them missing later, there will be no bodies in such a large sea. They were swallowed by fish and couldn't be traced to us."

"That's right."

The two thought that the matter was done perfectly and would not be discovered, and they left separately after blending their excuses.

However, they ignored the most important point. Nowadays, all ships, including yachts, will be equipped with surveillance cameras. However, the location is more secretive than ordinary land surveillance cameras and is not easy to be discovered to prevent damage from erosion by splashing seawater.

Their every move was clearly recorded on camera.

When Shen Qiuyu regained consciousness, he opened his eyes and faced a green banana leaf.

This big banana leaf just covered his face.

Shen Qiuyu: "???"

Is he not dead?

Or is this what heaven looks like?

He turned over and sat up, threw away the huge banana leaf, looked around in confusion, and found that he seemed to be still alive, and not on Island A.

This time it was even more foggy.

Could it be that he survived the catastrophe, but was photographed directly by the waves on an uninhabited desert island?

Shen Qiuyu's mind flashed through books and documentaries such as "Robinson Crusoe" and "Survival in the Wilderness". He did have some skills in wilderness survival, but his cooking was unpalatable! There's no need to poke around here!

Shen Qiuyu fell into an unprecedented food crisis.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but he was a little thirsty. He subconsciously pursed his lips, but suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Damn, why does my mouth hurt so much?

He raised his hand to touch it and found that his lips were a little swollen.

Shen Qiuyu's head was filled with questions. Could it be that the original owner was allergic to sea water and his lips were allergic and swollen? Or maybe it's dry and inflamed after not drinking water for too long?

Either way, it doesn't seem good.

Shen Qiuyu was going to check if there were any coconut trees around him and drink something to relieve his pain. As soon as he turned around, he met someone sitting on the top of a huge rock behind him.

Shen Qiuyu: "..."

Shen Qiuyu was so shocked that his heart was pounding, "Why did you sit so high without saying a word?!"

Gu Zhuo said calmly: "Look at the boat."

Shen Qiuyu asked smoothly: "What kind of boat?"

Gu Zhuo lowered his eyes. Glancing at him, there was a look of concern for the fool.

Shen Qiuyu: "..."

Shen Qiuyu looked at him for a while, and suddenly realized something -

why is Gu Zhuo here too?

Shen Qiuyu couldn't understand, so he threw his question to Gu Zhuo.

Gu Zhuo said: "If you don't understand, then think more."

Shen Qiuyu: "..."

Shen Qiuyu put aside those coincidences and thought about it carefully. He suddenly understood something and suddenly raised his head to look at Gu Zhuo.

Shen Qiuyu looked shocked: "You accidentally fell into the sea?"

Gu Zhuo: "..."

Shen Qiuyu chuckled and said: "I'm kidding you, did you see me falling into the sea and come to save me?" "

Gu Zhuo said nothing.

Shen Qiuyu climbed up the boulder in two or three times, sat down cross-legged next to Gu Zhuo enthusiastically, and said, "Gu, this is the first time someone has been so kind to me."

Gu Zhuo tilted her head to look at him.

Shen Qiuyu scratched the tip of his nose, his snow-white face slightly blushing, as if he was embarrassed.

"Everyone is quite afraid of me."

Afraid, really afraid.

He was often bullied in the orphanage because of his young age. Later, he learned to protect himself with fists and bricks. He beat all the invincible enemies in the orphanage with such force and cruelty that he often bled. No one dared to adopt such a cruel and terrifying little boy like him. child.

After graduating and taking the Ph.D. exam, the dean had a heart-to-heart talk with him before his death. His personality became much more restrained. He was used to pretending to be peaceful with silly smiles, but he couldn't stand hunger or pain. Whenever he encountered these two weaknesses, his temper became very bad.

And the life before he wore the book.

No one had ever been so kind to him, so good that in such a dangerous situation, he jumped into the sea to save him regardless of his own safety.

Only he himself knows that his fear of water when he fell to the bottom of the sea was enough to kill Gu Zhuo. If he had a strong desire to live and could easily hold on to Gu Zhuo, causing Gu Zhuo to become exhausted, it is very likely that both of them would be killed. die.

Despite this, Gu Zhuo still came.


very touched.

Shen Qiuyu was so moved that tears filled his eyes, and he wanted to worship Gu Zhuo as his brother on the spot.

Shen Qiuyu: "Gu Zhida, we will be half brothers from now on!"

Gu Zhuo: "..."

Gu Zhuo ignored him with a cold face, and Shen Qiuyu felt a little regretful.

A moment of silence.

Shen Chatty Qiuyu asked: "Are we really living on a deserted island?"

Gu Zhuo said coldly "Yeah".

Shen Qiuyu glanced at him out of the corner of his eye and said, "If you don't want to bow, I won't bow. Why are you still angry?" He is so stingy.

Shen Qiuyu leaned over again and said to himself: "Gu Zhitai, please help me see if my lips are allergic or bruised. They are a bit swollen and painful."

Gu Zhuo's figure froze for a moment.

He turned his head to look at Shen Qiuyu without saying a word, his dark and deep eyes as cold as ice.

At that moment, Shen Qiuyu felt an inexplicable sense of danger as he was being stared at by a ferocious beast with its fangs in its throat. He instinctively shrank back a few points to widen the distance between the two.

"Look, it's okay if you can't tell."

Shen Qiuyu said.

Gu Zhuo turned his head silently, "It's not broken."

Shen Qiuyu said "Oh" and diagnosed himself: "That might be an allergy."

"What allergy?"

"Sea water."

Gu Zhuo: "..."

Shen Qiuyu saw that he didn't speak. , his expression was very strange, and he asked: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Gu Zhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, "...It's okay."

Shen Qiuyu: "?"

Why is Gu Zhuo acting strange today? Could it be...

He Stupid by the sea water?

Shen Qiuyu couldn't help but look at him with a bit of concern.

Gu Zhuo suddenly faced Shen Qiuyu's caring expression, as if he had an insight into what he was thinking, and "..." for two full minutes.

Shen Qiuyu changed his movements, hugged his legs, rested his chin lazily on his knees, drooped his head, and looked at the sea in the distance like Gu Zhuo.

In the distance, the sea and sky were both calm and empty. Not to mention the passing ships, not even a single other island could be seen. It was extremely desolate.

How on earth did they get rushed to this ghost place!

I don't know how long I watched it.

Shen Qiuyu's neck was stiff with soreness. He rubbed it and asked, "Why don't we light up cigarettes or write a distress signal?"

Gu Zhuo suddenly turned his head and looked at him.

Shen Qiuyu looked back and blinked.

Eyes facing each other.

The air was suddenly quiet.

Shen Qiuyu looked embarrassed and said with difficulty: "... Don't you have the common sense to survive in the wild?"

Gu Zhuo said nothing.

But in a sense, his silence was a disguised admission.

Shen Qiuyu: "..."

He stared at Gu Zhuo for a few seconds, and suddenly laughed, "I thought you were omnipotent, and even after a long time, there are things you can't do hahahahahahahahaha."

Gu Zhuo's cold and handsome face flashed across his face. A little embarrassed.

He is certainly not omnipotent.

Gu Zhuo said: "I'm just an ordinary person."

His words made Shen Qiuyu laugh so much that he beat his chest and feet. Shen Qiuyu had a low point of laughter and could make him laugh at anything. For example, a heartthrob with top-notch looks and a distinguished family actually said to him now I am just an ordinary person.

Shen Qiuyu: I also want to be such an ordinary person, thank you.

Infected by his smile, Gu Zhuo also raised the corners of his lips and smiled with cold and raised eyebrows.

He chuckled and said, "If you laugh again, cooking will be cancelled."

Shen Qiuyu stopped laughing.

Shen Qiuyu secretly clenched his fists: Sooner or later, I will secretly practice my cooking skills and impress Gu Zhuo! Let him kneel down and beg for mercy and call daddy!

Shen Qiuyu was immersed in his own indignation and didn't notice Gu Zhuo glance at him. The coldness between his eyebrows also faded a bit in this short moment.

After a moment, Shen Qiuyu turned to look at Gu Zhuo.

Gu Zhuo was already standing under the huge rock. He said, "I'm going to find something to eat. You wait for me here."

"No need."

Shen Qiuyu supported the rock wall and jumped down, thinking to herself: "I'm not a delicate little girl. "Whatever you need to take care of, let's go together. If anything happens, we can help."

Gu Zhuo nodded, "That's fine."

The two found a lot of dead branches and grass nearby, and Gu Zhuo was responsible for digging wood to make fire and lighting the fire. Heated and used at night.

Shen Qiuyu took out the folding knife he carried with him from his trouser pocket, cut off a corner of his shoe sole, and threw it on top of the fire. After a while, thick black smoke rolled up.

As a distress signal, it is very eye-catching.

Shen Qiuyu found another branch of suitable length, lowered his head and carefully cut off one end of the branch. The folding knife was not very sharp, so it was a bit difficult to cut it.

He looked around and found a smooth stone nearby, and sharpened the blade on it.

Gu Zhuo drilled wood to draw out sparks, and slowly added firewood to light the fire. The thick smoke from his rubber-soled shoes rolled into the sky, making it very conspicuous.

He turned to look at Shen Qiuyu and saw that he had his head lowered and was sharpening the branches little by little with a folding knife. His eyelashes as thick as crow feathers concealed the soft light in his eyes, and his thin and pointed snow-white chin reflected the light of fire. , like clean porcelain covered with pure silk, beautiful and flawless.

Him now.

It is completely different from the cheerful and silly look of the past.

Gu Zhuo saw that his movements were familiar and he seemed to know the steps of surviving in the wild. This was very inconsistent with and even somewhat inconsistent with the resume recorded in his information.

Gu Zhuo frowned slightly.

Shen Qiuyu seems to have many secrets hidden in him.

"Gu Zhuo?"

Shen Qiuyu looked at him in confusion.

Gu Zhuo woke up, lowered his head to adjust the fire, and added a few dead branches to it, then raised his eyes to look at Shen Qiuyu, as if wondering what was wrong with him.

Shen Qiuyu scratched his head and said, "I'll see if there are sea urchins and shellfish on the rocks later. I'll leave the fishing to you."

Gu Zhuo noticed something keenly and suddenly asked, "Are you afraid of water?"

Shen Qiuyu asked. Stunned.

When he met Gu Zhuo's dark eyes again, he didn't hide anything and admitted it carelessly.

Gu Zhuo pursed her thin lips and said no more.

Next, the two of them performed their duties. The one who caught fish caught fish, and the other looked for sea urchins and shellfish. Soon they gathered for dinner, and the sky became darker and darker.

The two of them gathered around the fire, grilled the prepared fish and shellfish, used folding knives to pry open the sea urchins, and after carefully processing them, they shared the food.


After Yuan Shang changed his clothes, he went to Shen Qiuyu's room and knocked on the door. Just after knocking twice, the door clicked and opened automatically, as if the door had not been closed at all.

Yuan Shang: "?"

He called "Shen Qiuyu" inside, but no one responded. He couldn't help but wonder. When he walked in, he found that the whole room was empty and there was no one.

Shen Qiuyu was not seen at afternoon tea before. He is usually the most active in eating, but today he has not come. There is no one in the room now. Where will he go at this hour?

Yuan Shang was exiting the room when his cell phone suddenly rang.

It was a call from Gu Cheng.

After the call was connected, Gu Cheng asked him bluntly if he had seen Gu Zhuo, saying that he could not contact him.

Yuan Shang recalled briefly that Gu Zhuo didn't seem to show up during tea time. He immediately went upstairs and knocked on Gu Zhuo's door. No one responded, so he contacted the captain and opened the door with the master key. Gu Zhuo was also nowhere to be seen.

Two people disappearing on a yacht is no small matter.

The captain was worried about a murder case and immediately asked for an inventory of all members of the yacht. Yuan Shan had no objection. He did not object, and the others did not dare to object. After the crew inventory, it was soon discovered that there was no trace of the two of them in any room on the yacht, so there was only one Maybe...

fall into the sea.

Once this possibility emerged, the captain did not dare to delay and arranged for the crew to immediately conduct a thorough investigation of today's surveillance, and everyone began to get busy.

Hearing that there was a need to check the surveillance, two people in the crowd immediately couldn't sit still and looked at each other anxiously, seeing panic in each other's eyes.

They paid no attention to monitoring this matter.

But it is unrealistic to delete the surveillance video now. The two of them can only pray that the fire will not burn themselves, but they are afraid of what will happen.

We found footage captured by another camera within 40 minutes after Yang Lan jumped into the sea in the afternoon.

Three people got into an argument in an inconspicuous corner. Among them, a young man wearing bright beach pants suddenly became emotional and reached out to push the shoulder of the man standing by the guardrail. The man blocked it with one hand, but was pushed out of the guardrail and fell into the Deep blue sea.

Immediately afterwards, a white shadow appeared at the edge of the monitoring area, and then jumped down.

The whole ship gathered in the cabin hall.

As time passed by, Plastic Surgery Face and Xu Zhengtai became more and more panicked. They had no idea whether the surveillance camera had captured it or not. The less they knew, the more scared they became.

Every minute they sit here is an invisible torture.


The hall door was pushed open.

Yuan Shang's affectionate peach blossom eyes looked coldly, and suddenly focused on the plastic surgery face in the crowd who was wearing bright beach pants, and Xu Zhengtai who was wearing a beach shirt.

The author has something to say: Qiuzai: Do you want to worship your son, the kind of half-father and half-mother?

Gu poke: My daughter-in-law is also a half-father.

Qiuzai:? ? ?

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