8 - Intrusive Thoughts

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"What if we go to the park near Hope Haven? It's a beautiful day, perfect for a stroll," Jake suggests, breaking the comfortable silence that followed our discussion on happiness. He's been staring at the sky for a while before finally speaking up as if the idea just struck him. I smile a little. 

"It's been a while since I went to the Park," Sunghoon says, standing up as he dusts off the grass from his clothes.

"What do you even do with all the free time you have?" I watch as Jake rolls his eyes and shakes his head in disbelief. Something is telling me that Jake's teasing is his way of showing affection towards Sunghoon. The roots of their friendship might not reach warm conversations on rainy nights or shoulders to cry on, it's more of a banter-filled friendship, and somehow, it works for them.

"I spend all my time in the rink." He brushes off Jake's comment but his words make me frown. Didn't he say it's been a while since he did ice skating? It makes me confused, but I keep the confusion to myself because well, he could have resumed skating recently for all I know. "Everyone is up for the little stroll?"

"I could use some fresh air," Jay says, closing his notebook and slipping it into his bag. "I can't remember the last time I went for a walk."

"Your mansion literally has its own park. You're not missing out on much." I'm starting to note that Jake is the king of banter, always quick with a comeback. I read somewhere in a book about how the funniest and most sarcastic people often hide the deepest pain. Maybe there's some truth to that. Or maybe writers just love making everything seem deeper than it is. I hope whoever wrote that book is just a dramatic teenager with too much time on their hands because I don't want to think about Jake hiding deep pain beneath his witty remarks. But then again, who am I to judge?

Jay raises an eyebrow, giving Jake a deadpan look. It's the first time I see him react with anything more than a calm demeanor. "That doesn't mean I spend my time wandering around it." He replies, his tone dry, but a flicker of a smile dances on his lips. "Having a park in my mansion doesn't mean I go for walks there. It's more like a decorative piece than a place for strolls."

"My bad." Jake holds up his hands in mock surrender. "Guess I'll have to take your word for it, Mr. Mansion Owner. Y/N, you're coming with us, right?" 

I stand up, dusting my skirt off before holding my oxygen tank closer. "Yes." I feel like a walk in the park would be a change of pace. Plus, it's an opportunity to spend more time with these guys, to unravel more about them and perhaps about myself too.

"Park?" Niki nudges my arm and when I turn to him, he signs the word and it makes me smile. The way he's confused and excited all at the same time makes him look like a little puppy. Not that he's a puppy, of course, but there's a certain innocence and curiosity about him that's endearing.

"Yes, we're going to the park," I sign back to him, making sure he understands. His eyes light up, and he nods eagerly, a small smile gracing his lips.

The park is not too far from Hope Haven, just a short walk away. The sun is shining brightly, casting a warm glow over everything it touches. The air is crisp and clean, carrying the faint scent of flowers and freshly cut grass. It's indeed a perfect day for a stroll.

I fall into step beside Niki and I look down at our feet as we walk at the same pace. I'm trying to keep up with him, smiling at the way we have matching shoes. Black converses. I'm pretty sure I'm matching with half of the world's population right now, but somehow it feels special when it's with him. He suddenly stops and I stop too, glancing at him as he smiles at me. "Is it heavy?" He signs. 

"What do you mean?" I reply, a bit puzzled by his question. He points at my oxygen tank and I realize he's talking about it. I set it on the ground so I can sign to him. "It's not heavy-" Before I can finish my sentence, Niki bends down and picks up the oxygen tank.

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