♡ Chapter Thirty ♡

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....... Baby, I'm preying on you tonight.....

             Animals~maroon 5.

Third Pov

Rolf was breathing hard the instant he was done training with his warriors.

"That's a wrap for today." He said, his bare chest glistening with beads of sweat. Everyone disassembled, looking weary but physically strong, brave, and skilled in combat. His lips curled in delight. They had trained in the morning before breakfast, had a break before going in for lunch, had another break again, and concluded with athletic competitions in the evening.
It was his time to go see his beloved wife now.

Surely, he hadn't planned to leave her all alone up there but duty calls forced him out. He had missed her already and was going to explain everything clearly.

"Have a good nighttime, m'lord," One of his men bowed.

"A lovely evening with your wife as well, Lazaroth." He waved.

The man smiled and hurried home. Rolf was indeed a good leader, hardworking and caring.
That is why they all loved and respected him. They also feared him, for he had great capabilities and power, even without his magic. No one would dare double-cross him.

The sounds of his boots clinked against the tiled floor as he walked down the corridor before getting to "their" bedroom.
"My woman?" He called out with a grin plastered on his face as he swung the door open. But he was welcomed back with stillness. He peeked his head inside before fully getting in and closing the door behind him. Scanning the place, his smile was replaced with a scowl. The bed was neatly laid and it was too quiet…

"Maybe she's in the shower.." He murmured.

"Rachel? I'm here!" He disclosed and started taking his shoes off.

"Sorry, I'm late but I hope you loved the masterpiece I made for you this forenoon." He said, still clueless that she was gone.

When he heard no reply again, he went to the balcony to check if she was there.

"Oh Fuck!" He sighed, actuality dawning on him. He couldn't sense her presence or even feel the energy of the twinkling star he gave her. He felt rage crawl up his heart as his hands rolled into fists, he hit the wall right next to him and it shook and splintered. He hurt his knuckles in the process, but he quickly healed.

"Lycarthesz!" He summoned as his eyes sparkled red. His nose flared, and his lips formed an angry pout.
The viper appeared before him, its eyes on the floor. There was a look of guilt on its face.

"Care to explain what shit happened while I was gone?"

"She wanted to know the truth, see it for herself—so I showed her."

"You won't even look at me, Carth," He cocked a brow.
Carth slowly raised its eyes to look at him.
He hummed, "So you decided it was right? Without thinking of the consequences? That she'd fucking run away from me?!"

"Don't you dare utter profanity in front of me nyghtfaer!" Carth hissed.

"As if I give a fuck," Rolf said, putting more emphasis on the word "fuck" just to get on the serpent's nerves.
Carth rolled its eyes, "You always become nonsensical when you're angry."

Rolf scoffed, heading back inside the enclosure, "As if you know me."

The snake followed close behind, "Of course, I do, since you were a little boy."

He held out his hands, and a bottle of scotch and a glass appeared on them. Rolf said nothing.

"And now you want to drink away your bitterness?"

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