♡ Chapter Seventeen ♡ New

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𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 ~ ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ•°•°

𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥 ➳♥
As we savored the remnants of the delightful feast he had so lovingly prepared, a cascade of questions began to unfurl in my mind, each one clamoring for attention. The enticing aroma of breakfast still lingered in the air, mingling with the warmth of our shared moments.

I lifted a glass of cool water from the table, the smooth surface refreshing against my fingertips before it met my lips. The crisp taste quenched my thirst, and with a soft, almost imperceptible thud, I returned the glass to its place. Across from me, Rolf was immersed in the glow of his phone screen, his brow furrowed in concentration, his bare torso hinting at a carefree intimacy that made my heart flutter.

"Is everything okay?" I ventured at last, breaking the spell of silence that hung between us.

"Erm, yeah," he replied, his lips pursed in focus, barely tearing his gaze from the screen. I felt an urge to pull him away from his digital distraction, to draw him back into our bubble of connection.

With narrowed eyes, I studied him. What could possibly be so captivating on that small screen? I longed for his attention, just for a moment. Actually, always.
After all, he had promised me a little ‘something’ to look forward to after our meal, and I was still waiting in anticipation.

"Are you searching for your favorite porn video?" I teased, letting the words slip from my lips, a playful challenge to his concentration.

In an instant, he looked up, his eyes widening in shock, cheeks flushing a vivid shade reminiscent of a ripe tomato. His mouth opened as if to protest, yet no words emerged.

"Rachel?!—like why would I do that?" he exclaimed, pressing his lips into a thin, white line, a mixture of embarrassment and disbelief painting his features.

Mischief danced in my eyes as I stifled a laugh behind my hand, the thrill of our banter electrifying the air around us.

He swiftly pressed a button on his phone, the device emitting a soft sound that signaled its lock, and he set it down with a resigned sigh. The corners of his eyes crinkled, a smile tugging at his lips. "There. You have all my attention now—just as you desired."

"But I got you good, didn’t I?" I quizzed, feigning shock as I gasped dramatically, "You watch porn!"

He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Rachel, if I were to indulge in that, you’d definitely know about it."

Intrigued, I pressed on, "How would I know?"

"You’d probably catch me in the act, one hand on my phone, the other…" he trailed off, leaving my imagination to fill in the blanks. "But honestly, no porn star on the Internet can entice me the way you do. No one ever will. That’s why I don’t watch that stuff."

At his confession, my gaze dropped, a rush of warmth flooding my cheeks as I recalled the day I had overheard him moan, lost in the throes of desire, all because of me.

He must have sensed my thoughts, for when I looked back up, he was smirking, a sultry glint in his eyes.

"Next time, you’ll be the one taking care of me. I promise you’ll relish the experience," he said, his voice dripping with promise.

I gasped, heat radiating from my cheeks at the implication.

He hummed in approval, enjoying my reaction.

"So, do you have any other questions before we dive into what I promised?" he asked, arching a dark brow, a playful glimmer in his gaze.

Oh yes!

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