Page 5: Freedom

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Loki walked into the kitchen while Eva was making herself some coffee, since she couldn't sleep.

"What's that?" He asks.

Eva looked at him with a small smile. "It's coffee."

Loki nods. "Ah yes. Thor has mentioned some mortals are obsessed with that beverage."

Eva laughs. "Some of us are, yes. I happen, to be one of them. Wanna try some?" She held her cup out to him.

He took the cup, not expecting much, only to be met with a bitter taste.

He wrinkled his nose. "It's disgusting."

Hesitantly, he raised the mug back to his lips, not breaking eye contact with Eva, as he took another sip. All while Eva watched on amusedly.

He shook his head, still not putting the drink down. "It's still disgusting, yet I wish to drink more. What sorcery is this?"

Eva broke out laughing at that. "It's called caffeine. Have Thor get Clint to explain it to you both."

Loki nods, taking another sip.

"I'll just, make myself another." Eva smiled.

Loki nods as he continues to sip on the bitter drink, while Eva makes herself a new one.

She bites her lip. "Hey Loki. Your like really good with magic right?"

He raises a brow. "Yeah."

Eva couldn't met his eyes. "I was hoping I could get your help with something regarding something magical."

"I don't think you have magic Eva."

Eva looked up at that. "What? No! No. That's, that's not what I meant."

She had him intrigued. "Continue."

"I've been having like really realistic dreams. And the odd thing is, that they push me in the same direction. And like they feel so real." Eva says.

Loki raises a brow as he stared at her for a few seconds, before responding. "I don't think that's magical Eva."

She shakes her head. "But they don't feel like any dream I've ever had."

Loki nods. "Perhaps, it is something from a multiverse."

Eva raised a brow. "That's not magical?"

Loki shakes his head. "No. I'd converse with Dr. Strange if possible. He's suppose to be coming by today actually."

Eva nods. "Okay. Thank you Loki. I'll do that."


Eva knocked on the door and then opened it.

"Dr. Strange?" Eva asked gently.

Stephen's head popped up. "What is it Miss Stark?"

"I was wondering if I could speak to you in private for a moment?"

He nods. "Of course. Close the door and sit on the couch and we can talk about whatever is bothering you."

Doing as told, then she sat. "What I say will stay between us?"

That caught his attention. "If you wish."

Eva nods.

"Okay. Than yes, it can stay between us. What's going on?"

Eva clears her throat, before speaking. "I've been having these dreams, the kicker is, they feel so real. Not like any dream I've ever had before."

Dr. Strange nods. "That happens sometimes. With the Multiverses, there's magic we couldn't even begin to understand. It's possible they're memories and that's why they feel so real. It could also be your future self, trying to tell yourself something, or even another universes you trying to tell you something."

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