Page 7: Truth Revealed

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"I just can't believe Derek!" Eva complained to Natasha and Wanda inside Natasha's room.

Wanda nods. "His mind was scrambled when he was at the party."

"He ruined my birthday party! And then he had the absolute balls to blame it on me!" Eva cried.

Natasha shook her head. "How was it your fault?"

"He says one of the Avengers, I invited enchanted him." Eva rolled her eyes as she sat on Natasha's bed.

"That's not entirely untrue." Wanda whispered.

But Natasha caught it. "What?"

"Huh?" Wanda jumped in surprise.

"You said it wasn't entirely untrue. How?" Natasha said as Eva's eyes widened.

"Someone enchanted Derek?" Eva asks in a scared voice.

Wanda shook her head. "It's not what you think."

"Then start explaining. Now. Because if you don't I'm going to my father. This is not okay." Eva threatened.

Wanda looked at her. "Don't threaten me Eva."

"Wanda. Enough. Start explaining. There's something bigger going on here." Natasha tried to diffuse the situation.

"Derek was enchanted. But not at the beginning. The enchantment only brought out more of his personality. How he was at the beginning of the party, was all him because he was drunk." Wanda explained.

Eva nods. "Why would someone enchant Derek? If he was going to make a fool of himself already, why make it worse?"

"Because your not meant to be with Derek." Wanda said.

Eva shook her head. "What do you know about who I'm suppose to be with?"

Wanda growled. "I know a lot more than you do Eva."

Natasha raised a brow. "Care to explain Cupid?"

Wanda groaned. "Loki is your soulmate Eva."

Then everything stopped.

"What?" Eva asked in a small voice.

Wanda nods. "Yeah. It happened in the last battle we had with him. He looked into Eva's eyes when she was trying to crawl away and that's when it happened for him. You passed out and Tony freaked out. He took you to the hospital and Loki surrendered. He's only here, because he wants to be close to Eva. He wants her love, but he doesn't want to say anything to her because he doesn't feel he deserves her love or any type of happiness."

"That's so horrible." Eva said.

Natasha raised a brow. "What is? The fact that he's your soulmate?"

Eva rolled her eyes. "The fact that he doesn't think he deserves happiness."

"So what are you going to do about it?" Natasha asks.

"I don't know. I need some time to think." Eva said.

Wanda nods. "Perhaps avoid Loki. He said you'd feel the bond once you knew."

Eva nods as she stands up and leaves the room, going straight to her father and Peppers room.


Luckily Pepper and her father were both gone, so she had time to think and research.

After her research, she left to go to the kitchen, finding the two gods on her mind.

"Ah. Lady Eva. How are you doing?" Thor asks.

Eva smiles at Thor, causing Loki to frown. "I'm good. Thank you. I was actually hoping to speak to you two about something?"

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