10. A Step Towards The Future

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Parthi's Point of View:

Time flies real quick. It feels like yesterday when I was in eighth grade and now I've passed my tenth boards exam. I'm gonna be in eleventh grade now.

I need to go to school today to submit the form for my subject selection for eleventh and twelfth.

"Are you sure about this baby? You won't be able to change the subjects in future even if you wanted to" My mother said with concern and hope that I would still consider choosing biology instead of mathematics.

"No mumma I'm sure" I said with confidence.

"Enough now" My dad said. "Why can't you let her choose the subjects which she likes?" My dad asked my mom.

"It's not that. It's just that these subjects she chooses concern her entire future and career" My mother said explaining my dad.

"She has decided her career and is confident in it so why are you still hoping she would change her subjects?" My dad again asked my mother.

Not this discussion again. Already there has been World War III about this topic.

My mother wanted me to choose biology and pursue medical as she felt that I was capable of doing so.

When I announced that I wanted to pursue engineering, it came out as a shock to her.

It's not like she opposed the idea of me being an engineer, but still, she did insist me to choose biology, as, being a girl, it would be better for me in the future.

"It's not like that. It's just that girls go for medical and engineering is for boys" My mother explained my father.

"There us no such rule that medical is for girls only and engineering is for boys only" My father said, his voice dripping support for me.

I am thankful to God for giving me such parents who always understand me and support me in every step of my life.

My mother also supported the thought of me being and engineer but the societal stereotype, 'engineering is made for boys whereas medical is for girls', makes her a bit unsure about my decision.

"Yes I know that but-" My mother tried to speak but my father cut her in mid-sentence.

"No buts and no ifs. She has decided her future and is confident in it. As her parents we should support her and not compel her to choose something she doesn't like" My father said sternly.

"When did I force her to choose something. I didn't even oppose her decision, yet you are scolding me, that too in front of the kids" My mother said with a pout.

"Ohh so now you both realize that two grown up kids of yours are present here" My brother said sarcastically.

"Aren't you both getting late?" My father asked changing the topic.

"Well now you remember that we're getting late. You both didn't remember it when you guys were bickering" My brother said further.

"Krishna do you want me to smack you" My father said fake glaring at him.

"Parthi don't you understand we are getting late. Hurry up let's go come on" He said putting the blame on me.

The fuck did I do?

He's probably scared of dad.

I just rolled my eyes at him and followed him to the car.

"When are your results gonna be out?" My brother asked me, looking at me for a second then back at the road.

"I don't know" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I don't understand how are they making you guys select streams and subjects when your exam results are not out yet" He said shaking his head in disbelief.

"They have given out choices of the streams and subjects we can select based on the marks we scored in our pre boards" I said explaining him.

"Why not let you guys select them after the results are out" He said.

"When did this pattern change?" He asked me.

"After the new principal came" I said.

"Thought so" He said.

"You know back in my days, we would be allowed to choose the stream and subjects based on our percentage only" He said.

"What do you mean by back in my days. Don't forget you and me belong to the same generation. You're just five years older than me bhai, not fifty. Stop acting like an oldie" I said kind of scolding him.

"You're gonna be in eleventh you know" My brother said catching me off-gaurd.

"Yeah I know, so what" I asked.

"You know that eleventh students are selected for student council right" He said.

"Yeah I know" I said.

"Do you want to be in the council?" He said.

"You'll even be the Head Girl if you want to" He said before I could even reply to his prior statement.

"I don't want to be in the council" I said blankly.

"Why?" He looked at me as his voice came out in a shocked tone.

"I simply don't wanna be an unpaid slave for the school" I said shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly.

"Being in student council is respectable okay. It's not being a slave" He said being offended.

We reached my school and I quickly got off the car followed by my brother.

"Feels so good to be back here" He said while smiling slightly.

"It's still the same" He said looking around.

"Yeah it is and it will be" I said.

As we walked in the school building, we greeted the few teachers who came our way.

They recognized us almost immediately.

Well, of course they had to I'm the topper after all. And as for my brother, he was a topper of his batch too. In fact he was the school topper in both his board exams and also set the record of highest percentage in class XII Science of 92.5% which was left unbroken till now.

Of course the teachers would recognize the record setter student and also the former Head Boy of the school.

Yes, he was the Head Boy of the school which explains his offence upon me saying that council members are equivalent to unpaid slaves of the school, which is true though.


Hello everyone,

I am so sorry for the late update.

As Parthi passed her boards, a confession is coming her way very soon😉

Also, do you agree with Parthi that council members are equivalent to unpaid slaves of the school?

I do agree with her. *Auther herself was in the student council of her school🤡*

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-Love Purva.

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