12. Results

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"Quick! Set up the laptop" My brother commanded.

"It's my results that's being announced, why are you so impatient" I said being annoyed by his behavior.

"You'll know why when the site would crash and you won't get to know your marks untill midnight" He said.

Well he's got a point there.

"Yeah I'm doing it" I said.

The setup is done. The laptop is connected to the Wi-Fi and the website of result is also open. We both looked at the clock 01:56 p.m.

"Just a few minutes" I murmured.

I was nervous. Yes my papers had gone well and I am confident about my marks that I'll score a decent percentage but still it's the board exams we're talking about.

I was just anxious and nervously playing with my fingers while biting my lips when I felt a hand on my right leg.

"Don't be nervous Piku. I know what you're feeling. I've gone through this" My brother explained to me.

That's when I realized that I had started shaking my leg subconsciously.

"It's going to be fine okay. We know you did your best and that's what matters" He assured me.

"Your marks don't matter anywhere. What matters are your efforts and hardwork and we know how hard you've worked for your exams so it's fine okay" He said answering every one of my unasked question.

I nodded my head and he patted it.

"Thanks bhai" I said with a smile.

"But I have one request" I said slightly pouting my lips.

"What?" He asked me.

"Stop calling me Piku" I whined.

"Why?" He smirked. "Weren't you the one who loved to be called with that name?" He asked teasing me.

"I was a kid at that time okay" I protested.

"You're still a kid" He said.

"I'm not okay. I was what six- seven? I'm sixteen now bhai" I whined.

"How much ever old you get you'll always be my baby sister" He said.

"Atleast stop calling me that" I pouted.

"Never" He showed me his 32 teeth stupid smile.

"You've got very pretty pearly-yellows" I smirked.

He gasped in surprise and shock and was about to reply when dad interrupted.

"Okay you both it's already 01:59. Your results are going to be out in one minute princess so you both stop bickering and focus on the laptop cause as Krishna said, if the site crashes you won't get to know your marks until midnight" Dad said.

30 seconds were left till it was 02:00 p.m. when three links appered on the screen.

'Class X Board Exam Results Link-1'
'Class X Board Exam Results Link-2'
'Class X Board Exam Results Link-3'

When the clock hit 02:00 p.m. I immediately clicked on the first link and thankfully it opened.

Enter Roll Number:
Enter Security Pin :

I carefully entered my roll number from the admit card and the security pin that was shown on the screen.

I moved the cursor towards the 'Show Marksheet' button but I was hesitant to click it.

"It's going to be fine just click it" Mom and dad both said at the same time.

I clicked the button and quickly closed my eyes out of nervousness.

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