Chapter 1

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anne pov:

when anne was 13 years old her parent got a new jpob so they would have to move to a new town far away anne felt upset about this and didnt want to go but she new she didnt really have a choice so she say her good byes to sasha and marcy and told marcy she wish she could stay with her but she has to go and when they moved things start to change

over the year just before anne 14 birthday anne parents start to change and they start to blame anne for everything becuase thing are not going so well in this new job but thing kept on getting worse so they took it out on anne more and more until one day anne dad was drunk and ened up throwning a glass bottle at anne eyes cutting it luckly anne did not loose her eyes becuase of the bottle hitting her but she has a scar going through her eyes and the doctor says that it will not fade anytime soon but thing was not going to get any better anytime soon if anne got a bad grade in school she would get punished if she broke a glass or plate by accdent she would get punished if she did something that her parents didnt like mostly everything she would get punished so there was no escape anne was always covered in fresh brushes and cuts what anne would have to hide and wear baggy hoodie so that she could cover then all lucky they never hit her face so for now she didnt have to hide that but there was still time for then to slip up and hit her face then i would have to figure out to hide that so that no one would find out what anne has being going through but no one would really care because anne did not matter so why would anyone care so she rather just let this stuff happen but soon anne started to change she became quiet and distant from everyone she just didnt want to let anyone in and she was not the happy girl that could bright up a room with a smile anymore

but when anne was 15 she got worse she was cold distant and didnt like being around other poeple and just wanted to be left alone and her parents treatment of her just got worse over the years but one day both anne parents made the desision that they where moving back to anne home town but when anne found out that they where moving back and anne would have to go high school their she didnt like the idea because she would see alot of people that she new and she didnt want them to see her like that but anne new better then to speak up because that would just result in her getting punished so anne just went alone with it

a few weeks later anne was in her new room laying on her bed she was just looking through her phone with a cold look in her eyes she was reading an email with the details of her new school and classes she would be taking

anne mind: oh man this is gonna be such a pain i really dont want to move to this new school but like everything else in my life i dont really get a choice in that matter and if i told my parents this they would just hit me so there is no really point and i just need to get on with it but i will just have to advoid the old people i used to know like my old friends sasha sprig polly and i will also have to keep an eye out for my old crush marcy well i say old i still have feeling for her they never went away but i will not let myself get connected with them all people is get in the way i rather not and that would put them at risk with my parent and how they are now so i just be the new me the cold person i have become and not go back to how i use to be

anne was bought out of her thoughts when her father shouted her to get down the stairs anne just sighs and places her phone on the bed side table and get up to head down the stairs when she made it down the stairs her father did not look please and just staired at her with an angry look in his eyes this did not surprise anne she was used to getting this look from her parents by now

Mr boonchuy: good you are here your mother is out right now but she want me to remind you about the new school the rules are still the same you need to get a top marks and if you dont you will get the same punishment as always and also i dont want you to mess around after school so you need to come right home after school no messing about you will only be allowed to leave this house when me or your mother saids it is ok and if we do find out that you left without are permission you will have a punishment if you dont follow what we say also anne i dont want to find out that you have been hanging out with the people you use to hang out with you dont deserve to have friends you are nothing and that is alll you are ever going to be now do you understand anne

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