chapter 5

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Anne pov

the next day after her dad beating Anne just stayed in bed for the whole Sunday because Anne was too sore to even move her dad didn't bother her he didn't care to check on her and this went on for the whole day and Anne knew she would be sore for a long while but with her father anger she knew this would not be the last time she would get hit

but the next day Anne slowly got up and looked in the mirror in her room when she saw that she was covered in cuts and bruises Anne also noticed that she had a black eye this made Anne panic and look into her eyes

Anne's mind: oh great didn't even notice that he hit my face this time and now somehow I am gonna have to hit it oh never mind it's not like anyone will care I'd better get ready before school starts

Anne limps over and gets dressed in blue jeans a white t-shirt and a black hoodie then she grabs her back and phone goes down the stairs and leaves the house when Anne is outside she pulls her hood over her face to hide her black eye she she starts to limp on her way to school but when Anne was not paying attention she bump into someone and when she looked up she saw that she bump into marcy and anne pull the hood more over her face so that Marcy could not see her face

Anne: oh shoot sorry Marcy im sorry I didn't see you

Marcy: oh hay Anne no it is ok don't worry

Anne: um ok well we better head to school before we are late

Marcy: um yeah sure can I walk with you I mean if you are ok with that

Anne: mmm don't see why not

Anne and Marcy started to walk to school but on the way Marcy noticed Anne was limping and this just made Marcy worried as to why she was limping but before she could say anything they made it to school and someone was shouting Marcy and both of them looked and saw Sasha with a smile on her face

Sasha: Hay Marcy come on over here we have been waiting for you

Marcy: ok sash I am coming I will see you later I guess Anne

Anne: wait Marcy is it if I talk to you and Sash at lunch if that is ok with you

Marcy: sure Anne I will talk to Sasha and then we can meet at lunch

Anne: It's alright I will find you later then

Anne walked off into the school and walked her way through the walls until she made it to her first class on the day she sat down and just put her head down on the desk and waited for the class to start Anne could still feel the soreness from the other day but she had to ignore this and try to just get on with her day after a few minutes Anne hears the bell and people started to come into the class and Anne sits up ready to get on with the class but when the teacher looks over at her

Mrs smith: Anne can you please take down the hood i do not allow the hood up in my class

Anne: um no please can I keep it up

Mrs smith: no Anne like I said I do not allow hoods up in the classroom and it's not like we have not seen the scar on your eyes so if you are worried about that there is no need to be

Anne: alright fine

Anne just signed and pulled her hood down but then the teacher looked shocked at the black eye and the few bruises that could be seen on Anne's face

Mrs smith: Anne what happen to your face

Anne: nothing much just got into a fight on the weekend no big deal

Mrs smith: are you sure Anne

Anne: yes I am sure

Mrs smith: All alright then back to the lesson then

Anne just signed that what she said worked and didn't have to explain what had happened to her the other night so Anne just went back and listened to the lesson with a blank expression on her face and this carried on till it was time for lunch and stands up and walks out of the classroom looking for Marcy and Sasha when Anne went outside she saw them sitting under the same tree Anne was sitting at the other day so she pulls up her hood and walks over to them and sits down in front of them

Anne: um hay Sasha Marcy can we talk now if you want to that is if not I can go

Marcy: sure Anne what is it that you wanna talk about

Sasha: come on boonchuy say what you wanna say

Anne: right I just wanted to say sorry about what I said the other I can't tell you why I said what I said but I am sorry after I said what I did I felt so guilty because I still care for both of you as friends I mean and I just wanted to push you away with the thing I have been through when I left and if you don't wanna accept my sorry I get it to do so um sorry

Marcy and Sasha look at each other both of their eyes soften but when Anne is about to stand up to leave Marcy grabs her hand and she flinches for a second and looks over at Marcy

Marcy: Anne we accept it Anne you wanna stay and hang out for a while and chat up like we used to

Sasha: yeah boonchuy let's hang out like we used to

Anne: mmm alright why not

they all talk for a while just catching up and talking about old times like they used to Anne was enjoying the talk with them when they heard the bell go off for the end of lunch Anne just signed and stood up with Marcy and Sasha luckily They had there last few classes together so they could keep on talking to each other through those classes

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