chapter 10

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Anne pov

after the day of classes, Anne was standing next to the gates waiting for the other to get there as she was waiting she was just staring into space until she heard someone shouting her name when Anne looked over she saw Marcy and Sasha walking towards her with smiles on there faces

Sasha: Hay Anne

Marcy: hi you ready to go

Anne: hi and yeah I am

Sasha: All alright then let's go

Anne just nodded and started to walk in the direction of Marcy's house with Sasha walking next to her with smiles on her face making jokes to her about why Anne kept up her blank expression Marcy just looked at Anne for a second with a bit of worry in her eyes and just started walking to catch up with them once they made to marcy marcy house once they made it inside Anne look around to remember all of the good time that they have there before they moved

Anne: this place has not changed a bit since I moved

Marcy: I know nothing has changed remember all the good times we had here

Sasha: haha yeah we all had good times here and the food is good too

Marcy: all you think about is food sash do you think about anything else

Sasha: well yeah food is not the only thing I think of

Marcy: sure you do

While both Sasha and Marcy were talking Anne just kept on looking around remembering all of the good times that they shared and this brought a smile to Anne's face for a second Marcy noticed this and went over to her and put a hand on her shoulder Anne jump before and turn and look to see it was Marcy and she relaxes

Marcy: we had a lot of good memories here didn't we before you moved

Anne: yeah we did some of the best

Marcy: heh that is good to know and you never know we are back together now we can make more great memories together again

Anne: that would be nice

Sasha: ohh the love birds are acting like a couple again i mean come on I can see how much you like each other Just go and get together already

Marcy: Sasha!! what the hell

Sasha: what its true we are all thinking it

Marcy: well keep your thoughts to yourself

Sasha: oh why do you want me to do that why do you know it is true

Marcy: shut up Sasha

When Marcy said this Marcy blushed ready to jump on Sasha to get her to be quiet Anne was just looking around the house still not paying attention to Marcy and Sasha then Sasha heard her phone buzz so she took it out and looked at the message she just got

Sasha: oh shoot sorry Marcy Anne I need to go there has been a problem at home and I need to go is it cool if I catch up on this project later I will help tomorrow I promised

Marcy: oh yeah sure go Sash and Anne will find today to help your family

Sasha: oh you a life saver Marcy I will see you tomorrow then later

Marcy: bye

Anne: oh um later

Sasha nods and runs out of the house in a hurry just leaving Anne and Marcy standing in the house just the two of them either of them was not saying just standing there not knowing what to say to each other

Marcy: so um should we get started on the project

Anne: yeah I think that is a good idea

Marcy: ok then let's get started so the project

Anne: so what is this project for anyway I did not listen when the teacher explained it

Marcy: oh right well it is just so that we have to write a project on one of the books we can all agree on and then write the project around that is that ok

Anne: ok so what book are we doing

Marcy: oh that's what I am gonna talk to you and Sasha about today but Sasha had to leave so she will just have to be left out of the choice so you got any ideas for what book we gonna do

Anne: nope I'm not bothered which book we write about

Marcy: All alright then let's just get started then

Marcy shows Anne a few books they could write and after a while, they settle on a book that both of them had read so after this they both start the introduction to the project

Marcy: so um Anne what we talked about earlier can we talk about that again

Anne: what is there to talk about

Marcy: Anne please just listen to me ever is holding you back don't care I will wait for you when we were kids I had a crush on you forever but when u left and moved away I knew that it was love I fell in love with you Anne

Anne: Marcy i

Marcy: Anne you do not have to answer right now please take your time really there is no rush I know what you said back at school and I don't know what you have been through I wish you could just talk to me we used to talk but we both know that you change and I wish I knew why but I you do not want to talk about it just know I am ready to listen when you are and I will wait for you Anne

Anne was about to say something but her phone started to ring and and looked at it with worry when she saw that it was her dad calling so she got u from where she was sitting and answered with Marcy looking confused

Anne: um dad

mr boonchuy: get your ass home right you are past the time we agreed on you better hurry home or else

Anne: um yeah I'm coming I'm sorry I didn't realize the time

mr boonchuy: yeah you think just get home you brat

Anne: I'm on my way now

mr boonchuy: good hurry up

after this, he hung up the phone and Anne looked at Marcy with a worried look she just looked back with worry and confusion then anne walked and grabbed her bag ready to leave

Marcy: Anne wait what was that about

Anne: oh nothing my dad just wants me home's all sorry I have to go

Marcy: then what with that look why do you look so worried and a bit scared

Anne: it's nothing look I will see you tomorrow at home ok

Before Marcy could say anything Anne left quickly so that she could not say anything else to Anne and Marcy just looked out the door and wondered what was about and worried for anne with what she was hiding

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