Chapter 8

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after Anne made it home she realized that her dad was nowhere to be seen but this was not a surprise to anyone because he was most likely at the bar so Anne just decided to head up to her room so that she didn't have to see her dad drunken face when she made it up to her room she places her bag on the floor then lays down on her bad deep in thought

Anne's mind: well I got myself more into a mess now why can't I just have a normal life I have to deal with my so-called father with his treatment I have to deal and I have to deal with Marcy and the rest of my friends from finding out what is happening to me and now of all thing I have to deal with maggie and this stupid thing why can't I just have a normal life

When Anne was thinking about this she could not help but get the feeling that things might get worse before they got better Anne knew but she still needed to keep up this blank look and keep her feelings in check so that the people who she does care about does not find out what is going on with her but at this point, Anne does not know how long she can keep it up but Anne just decided to go sleep for the night so that she is well rested tomorrow

the next morning Anne got up and got ready for the day when she was done she slowly went down the stairs and rushed out of the door so she didn't have to talk to her dad when she was out of the house and started her walking on her way to school when she made it to school she saw Marcy with Sasha at the front of the school when they saw Anne they wave her over Anne just nods her head and goes over to them

Anne: um hay Marcy Sasha what's up do you need something

Sasha: well let's see today in class we have a group project coming up a group of three and me Marcy wonder if you wanna join us in the group project

Marcy: yeah it will be fun like when we used to hang out and do school work together

Anne: you me when I and Sasha used to do nothing and Marcy did all of the work

Sasha: what no it won't be like that we will do the work together

Anne: All alright then I guess I can be in your group if it is fair

Marcy: yaa I can't wait to work with you again like we used to on group projects this will be so much fun you have no idea

Sasha: plus Marcy can spend some time with you maybe you two even can spend some time alone

Marcy looks at Sasha blushing about what she just said anne just stands there confused look on her face for a second wondering what that comment was about

Sasha: what its true Marcy

Marcy: oh I know it's true but you don't have to bring that up sash

Sasha: what why not mar mar

Anne: um Sasha Marcy what are you talking about I am so confused right now

Sasha: oh it's just that Marc-

Marcy: nothing Anne we are talking about nothing at all

Anne: oh um ok then well the bell is about to go so we should head to class before we are late

Marcy: yes, yes you are so right Anne we should head to class let go

Sasha just laughed to herself watching Marcy and Anne together when they all started walking to their first class for the day when they made it to their first class they took their seats and waited for the lesson to start when the bell went the teacher explained what the group project was going to the brand who was with who luckily Marcy Sasha and Anne was place in the same group then the teacher gave the class the rest of the lesson to plan the project
when the bell went off Anne started to pick her things up and followed Marcy and Sasha out of the room so that they could talk some more

Sasha: so when do you wanna start this project

Marcy: I say tonight at the latest then we have enough time to get all that we need to be done

Sasha: but it's not in for 4 weeks we got time

Marcy: but the sooner we start it the better it will be

Anne: she does have a point there Sasha

Sasha: oh alright then I guess all work and no play

Marcy: we can play after the work is done

Sasha: fine I guess you are right

Marcy: soo now that is out of the way the next thing is which house are we gonna do it at

Anne: um it cant be mine you know still unpacking and stuff

Sasha: mine either my dad is working from home for his job for a while

Marcy: ok I guess it will have to be mine then what time can you two do

Sasha: I'm free whenever anytime is good

Anne: I am not sure i will have to text my dad at lunch and find out

Marcy: ok that's great Sasha and ok Anne just let me or Sasha know what time you can do

Anne: ok as soon as I know you will know

After Anne said this they went their different ways and Anne headed to her next class for the day when Anne got there she sat down at her desk and just put her head down waiting for the class to be over with

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