chapter 6

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Anne pov

Anne finished her last class for the day she said her goodbyes to Sasha and Marcy but before Anne could walk off Marcy grabbed her hand Anne looked back at her confused but she quickly changed it to a blank look before Sasha and Marcy noticed

Marcy: Anne can we ask you something before you head home

Anne: um sure don't see why not what is it

Marcy: what happen to you

Anne: what do you mean I don't understand

Marcy: I mean what happened to you I mean you are not like how you used to be you don't smile at all and you used to smile all of the time you keep this blank look like you are trying to hide your feelings and you come back with a scar going through your eye and you come in today with a black eye and you try to push me and Sasha away so Anne please what going on what happened to you when you moved away

Anne: nothing is happening to me Marcy so please mind your own business I am ok nothing is going on I have just changed nothing more this is the person I am now Marcy I'm sorry and I have an accident when I was a kid so this is why i have the scar going through my eye and i have this black eye was when i got into a fight yesterday that it so if you do not like the new me but this is who i am now that person when we were kids is gone I'm sorry but this is how things are now I'm sorry i got to go i will see you both later

before Marcy could say anything else Anne walked away and gave them a small wave she pulled up her hood and started the walk home Marcy just watched Anne walk away with a worried look for the girl

Marcy: Sasha I know something more is going on I just know she is hiding something I can feel it

Sasha: yeah I think so too but are you sure this is not because of what you feel towards her

Marcy: no what I feel toward her will never change I mean I will never stop loving and caring about her but right now I am worried about Anne more than what I am feeling towards and I can't help that she is holding something back from us I can feel it

Sasha: yeah I understand mar don't worry though she will open up to you when she is ready she just needs time I'm sure of it the old Anne is in there I just know it

Marcy: yeah I guess you are right come on let's head home

Sasha: sounds like a plan

Marcy and Sasha start their walk home just talking about a random things that has happened today but Anne she just made it home she looks at her phone and realise that she is late coming home and she knows that Anne's father is going to be upset with her and she was going to get punished for this and Anne got ready for whatever was to come and walks through the door when she was inside a bottle was thrown at her and it just missed but an inch and anne flinch away

Mr. Boonchuy: well well well what time do you call this you waste of space you are late coming home and I told you not to come home late and now you will have to face the punishment

Anne: um yes Dad but I was held up at school with something

Mr. Boonchuy: I don't care what the reason is why you are late all I know is that you are late so you will face punishment

Anne: yes Dad it won't happen again

Mr Boonchuy: no it won't I will make sure of that you little waste of space now let's get started

Anne's father walks toward Anne and pushes her to the wall he has a smirk on his face Anne is just looking at the ground with the same blank look on her face when her father grabs Anne by the shirt and pulls out a knife he starts to hit her and cut her with the knife, after a few hours of Anne father drop anne to the floor with fresh bruces and cuts and goes out of the house after he left Anne slowly gets up and slowly makes her way to her room and grabs a first aid kid and takes of her shirt to see fresh cuts and bruces all over her body this just made anne sigh and start to bandage herself up when she was done she had bandage all over her arm and a bandage on her stomach and a small bandage on her face

Anne's mind: he didn't hold back this time I can't go into a school like this or someone for sure will find out what is going on and I don't want Marcy to see me like this she will just ask more questions about what is going on and I can't tell her that so I guess I won't be going in tomorrow well that if my dad doesn't throw me out man I should get some rest

Anne laid down on her bed covered herself with the blankets and fell into a deep sleep when Anne woke up the next morning Anne was sore it hurt to move so she didn't bother to get up and just went on her phone her dad didn't bother to come in and check on her but Anne knew he didn't care he must have thought that she already left for school so Anne spent the day in bed resting

Hey guys sorry for the late upload  I was so busy yesterday and I didn't get time to upload a new chapter so here is the chapter for u all now again I am sorry for the late upload

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