chapter 7

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Anne Pov:

a week had passed since Anne had been to school she spent the week trying to be better from the beating Anne got from her father a week before but today Anne was going back to school she did not know what would happen but she knew one thing for sure that Anne will have to face her father more and she will have to keep hiding these feeling and her pain behind of this blank look that she does but she is looking forward to one thing is getting out of this house for a few hours

When Anne got up that morning she did her normal thing that she does in the morning once Anne was ready she wearing a blue hoodie black jeans a white T-shirt and when she was done she left her room and headed down the stairs but before she could leave the house to head to school her father called her over

Mr. Boonchuy: Anne get over here right now i need to talk to you

Anne: um sure Dad what is it

Mr. Boonchuy: well I see that you are going back to school well that is good to know you know you are so weak you should have just dealt with it and not just been lazy and stayed in bed all week i have never done anything that would cause you to stay in bed all week so if you know what is good for you then you will not do that again and just deal with it do I make myself clear

Anne: yes Dad I understand it will not happen again

Mr. Boonchuy: good now just get out of my sight and go to school i do not want to see your worthless face around me till later

Anne: yes dad

After Anne said that she walked out of the house and started to walk on her way to school after about 10 minutes because Anne was still sore and limping she made it to school and went to her first class for the day when she made she sat down in her desk she was the first one there so she sat down and put her head on her desk but when the bell rings for the  start of the class students start o come into the class and sits in the right seats but after a few minutes Anne feels a tap on her shoulder when Anne felt this she looked up to see Marcy looking at her worried

Marcy: Hay Anne I see that you are back are you ok are you feeling better

Anne: Hi Marcy and I am OK don't worry about me i am fine just had a hard week but I am back now

Marcy: well that is good to hear then oh you won't need to be worried about catching up at all I got some notes for you so that you would not have to fall behind

Anne: really? you didn't have to do that Marcy really I would have just had to catch up on what I missed

Marcy: that's true you could of just caught up but Anne this save you so much time and i wont mind if I didn't want to do it I would not doing it Anne you are my friend well I think you are anyway so I want to help you Anne

Anne: thank you Marcy that does mean a lot to me thank you and yes we are still friends

Marcy: heh that's good to know and you are welcome Anne but you know I was thinking that

Anne: that what

Marcy: that maybe you wanna hang out after school I don't know if Sasha can make it but it will be fun to hang out like we used to so what do you say Anne

Anne: I mean I would love to but I will have to check with my dad to see I will let you know later

Marcy: All alright but take your time tho there is no rush but it will be nice if you can it will be like old times

Anne: yeah it would be

after they talked for a few more minutes the teacher started to talk about what was happening in the class for that day and when the class was over Anne left the class with Marcy then after they walked down the halls for a minute they had to split way and go to different class but why Anne was walking to her class maggie caught up to her and Anne just gave her a blank look

Maggie: Hay boonchuy wait up I need to talk to you for a second

Anne: whats up Maggie what do you want

Maggie: just to talk and maybe find something out

Anne: what are you talking about find what out

Maggie: well mmmi don't know maybe about you and your dad

Anne: what are you talking about

Maggie: well so your dad is not beating you then

when maggie said that Anne looked at her shocked that she would say that and she knew about what happened at her home and how she found out

Anne: what how do you know about that

Maggie: heh well you see that I followed you home before you were off for a week I saw everything that happened i knew something was going on with you since you moved back this is the interesting thing what should I do with this information should i run off to Marcy and your other old friends and tell them everything that i saw should i keep it to my self but if i keep it to myself i want something in return

Anne: no don't tell them anything that you saw

Maggie: that what are you going to give me in return then boonchuy

Anne: what could you want from me that you would go this far just to do this

Maggie: oh that is a simple answer I want you just hang out with me and do whatever I say even when I tell you to do it even if you do not want to I mean you won't have to stop hanging out with Marcy and her other friends but when I tell you to come you come how does that sound Anne I mean if you do not agree I will go tell everyone your little secret anyway so do we have an agreement or what

Anne thinks about what she has just said and wonders if she wants to take this offer that Maggie has just dropped on her but Anne does not want anyone to find out to her dad treats her and on the other hand she does not want vaggie to tell her what to do but Anne thinks what choice does she have

Anne: fine you win i will take this agreement with you just wont tell anyone

Maggie: good I knew you would see it my way, heh well this was a nice talk well it was for me I will see you later Anne

After Maggie says this she walks away and leaves Anne in her thoughts anne didn't know what to do things are just getting worse for her and all she wants is for all of this to stop but she didn't know how she is just going to do what she always does hide how she feels and put on a blank look so Anne starts her walk home again

hay guys, so I managed to get a new chapter out I am really sorry for the wait I am but I hope you enjoy this chapter the next chapter next week will go back to its normal day so it will come out on Wednesday

also if you saw on my profile I am planning a Hazbin Hotel story in the future nothing will change with the Amphibia story I have a lot planned for future Amphibia story but I am really into Hazbin Hotel and I wanna do a story on it but I am still planning that at the right now but I do hope you will enjoy like you do with my amphibia stories but anyway guys i hope that you enjoy this chapter and i will see you in the next one

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