chapter 9

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Anne pov
after the class, Anne headed outside and sat by a tree pulled out her phone opened her text message opened her dad's contact and started to write a message

text message:

Anne text: um hay Dad um I know you will say no but I have a group project that I need to do and I need this to get a good grade and you always go on about my grade so can I go to someone's house to do this project for the next few weeks

Mr. Boonchuy text: how many weeks

anne text: well the project has to be into about 4 weeks and we are starting it as soon as possible

Mr. Boonchuytext: fine I guess you can do this project but I want you home at the latest at 5 or there will be a problem do you understand me you waste space and if you do not get an A you will be facing the punishment

Anne text: ok thank u Dad I will see you at 5 then

Mr. Boonchuy: you better be

When Anne puts her phone away she just sits and looks up at the sky until she hears someone shouting at her when Anne looked over it is Marcy coming over to her

Marcy: Hay Anne I have been looking for you

Anne: oh have you why what is the matter

Marcy: oh well don't know I just wanted to hang out with you Sasha is off helping Sprig and Polly with something so I thought if you wanted we could hang out one on one

Anne: I mean sure we can I would like that why do you wanna hang out just one-on-one tho without Sasha?

Marcy: oh um there is not a reason for it I just thought it would be good

Marcy goes a little red and looks away Anne just looks confused about it but this still makes Anne nervous but she didn't know why fully she felt like that

Anne: so I can come over to yours to do the project but I have to be home by 5

Marcy: that's fine we get out of school at 3 so that will be enough time to work on the project and we have 4 weeks so that should work out fine

Anne: yeah ok that's good then

Marcy: now that settle Anne can I ask you something if you are ok with it

Anne: shoot what is it

Marcy: um this is going to sound strange but how do you feel around me what do you feel

Anne: where is this coming from

Marcy: I am just wondering if all

Anne: oh ok um well when I am around you I feel nervous like I have some butterfly in my stomach and I have a warm feeling when I am around you but that's how it been since we were kids before I moved away nothing has change you could say that i have........nevermind its dumb

Marcy: no what dumb you can tell me Anne

Anne: um well Marcy you know know when we were kids we were good friends but it is more than that but i didn't realized it back then but I have feelings for you and I think they mean I care for you I might even love you

Marcy: really Anne? you mean that

Anne: yeah

Marcy: well might as well tell you as well then Anne I really like you too so do you wanna try and give it a go and gives us a try

Anne: Marcy im not sure that is a good idea there are things in my life that well you don't know about and I don't want you to know I am sorry I can't risk you getting hurt because of me

Marcy: Anne I am willing to risk it what could be so bad in your life that could be so bad

Anne: I'm sorry Marcy i can't tell you it better that way

Marcy: no Anne you need to learn how to trust and since you came back you are not willing to open up like you used to Anne please talk to me what are you so scared of why don't you show any emotion

Anne: look a lot happened to me when I moved away what could change a person if we started dating I would be putting you at risk and I do not want to do that Marcy look you mean so much to me I care about you a lot i know i don't show it though because i can't so us together can never happen if i want you to stay safe

Marcy: Anne I don't understand what are you hiding that will stop you from showing your feelings

Anne: Marcy I can't tell you I'm sorry look class is about to start I gonna head I will see you after school to start the project see ya

Anne gets up and walks off leaving an confused Marcy just sitting there unsure what to do when she gets up and heads to her lesson all of her thought being on Anne

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