chapter 2

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Anne pov

after first classes it was lunch time Anne was walking through the halls of the school as normal she was not allowed to bring any food with her so she was not gonna eat anything this was normal to Anne so it did not really bother her but when Anne was about to turn the corner of the halls she stop when she heard a conversation between Marcy and Sasha

Marcy: I'm telling you Sasha it's the same Anne that we used to hang out with but she seems so different and the way she spoke she sounded so hurt and the look in her eyes it was like she was trying to show no emotion I remember Anne full of life when she used to bright up a room with her jokes or the cute smile she uses to do but the person I saw today she didn't show any of that what could of happen that she could of change so much

Sasha: I don't know Mar Mar something bad must of happened to her why she was not in town that caused her to change this much but what you told me with the scar on her eye and the way she acted it must be bad and i kinda want to find out more about Anne past now

Marcy: But Anne was clear that she didn't want anything to do with us and that she wanted to be left alone

Sasha: I mean that is true but when Anne used to live here never gave up when we were sad she always made it her mission to cheer us up and make us laugh and if we needed to talk to someone she would always give us the time of day to just listen to our problem and I think we should do the same now if she seem in this much pain it is the right thing to do to get us to open up

When Anne hears this she starts to panic and start to worry more but she does not show this and just walks out and looks at both of the girls when they see Anne they both have worried looks in their eyes and Anne knows she has to put an end to it before they got to close

Anne: hello Sasha and Marcy look I am gonna say this once I want nothing to do with either of you or Sprig and Polly so please just leave me alone there is nothing wrong I have just changed I am not the same person I used to be  and i don't want to be friends with Marcy or you Sasha so stay out of my business and stay away from me we are not friends no more and i want to keep it like that because Marcy you are just a nerd who should have no friends and all of you interested are a waste of time i wish i never gave you the time of day when we where kids and Sasha you where nothing you where just a cry baby because of your parent going through that divorce and you always came crying to be about it so much that i glad i moved away so i didn't have to deal with you anymore this is what i think of the both of you so this is your last warning leave me alone

both Marcy and Sasha look shocked by what Anne just said until Sasha's shocked face turns into an angry one and Marcy just keeps looking at Anne

Sasha: what the hell is your deal boonchuy

Anne: my deal is you two are trying to come back into my life when I do not want you two and what I said is the truth of how I feel now I have to go see you around I guess

Sasha was about to say something else but Marcy gently grabbed her arm looked at Sasha and shook her head telling her to leave it alone Anne just pulled up her hood and walked away with no more work to the girl behind her

Anne's mind: there that should have hurt them enough that they would stay away from me and not want to be my friend anymore but it did hurt me to say that I did not mean anything I said back there and wish I could just hang out with them again especially Marcy seeing her again has bought back all the old feeling that I used to have for her but stronger but nothing can ever come of these feeling because my life has changed so much and I won't bring them into my problems it is better like this if they hate me because if they knew I do not know how they would react and i don't want that for them

anne kept on walking down the hall of the school when the bell rings for the end of lunch lucky anne was sitting away from marcy and sasha in the rest of the classes so it made it abit more easy for anne to keep her distants from them but anne saw them looking at her from time to time but anne just ignored it and got on with her classed until the last bell rings for the end of the day so anne pick up her bag and leaves the school anne put her earphone and and pulls her hood over her head and start her walk home from school but as she was walking she saw marcy sasha and sprig and polly having fun with eachother but anne just ignore it and carry on her walk home once she made it home she takes out her earphone and put them in her back and goes inside of the house when she could see glass bottles all in the living room floor and her father sitting infront of the tv drink one of his beer but anne could tell he was clearly drunk and anne just look at him for a second before trying to sneak up to her room before her dad see her but it was too late and her is already looking at her

mr boonchuy: hic Anne get your butt over here right now hic

Anne: um yes Dad

anne head over to her dad and stands in front of him just looking at him blankly until her dad grabs her but the arm roughly and brings her closer

Mr Boonchuy: what have you forgotten to do this morning by the way Anne

Anne: Um, I'm not sure dad

Mr. Boonchuy: you have one job in the morning to make me and your mother breakfast in the morning before you head out to school

Anne: but you told me to head right to school this morning

Mr Boonchuy: that is no excuse Anne you know you should have done that now your poor mother had to go to work hungry because of her waste of space a daughter could not make her food before she left this morning you knew that is one of your jobs so now you are gonna get punish by me I hope you are happy

Anne: .....

Mr. Boonchuy: speak when you are talking to!!!

Anne: yes dad

Mr Boonchuy throws Anne to the floor and kicks her in the stomach Anne yelp when he kicks her and this carries on for most of the night when he is done Anne is covered in new cuts and bruises

Mr. Boonchuy: I hope that you have learned your lesson anne now go and clean yourself up i don't want to see you for the rest of the night

Anne just nodded her head limped up the stairs went into her room when she made it to her room she took off her hoodie looked at her arm and saw that her arm was covered in fresh cuts and bruises Anne showed no emotion and just signs and got in her bed and fell into a deep sleep

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