chapter 3

45 3 4

Anne pov

the next morning Anne woke up sore and hurting from the night before but she knew that she could not stay in bed and rest because that would just lead Anne to get another punishment so she forced herself up and limped into the bathroom and when she sees her self she has bruises and cut all over her arm and also going down her body this just made anne sign and she just gets in the shower

after a few minutes, Anne gets out of the shower goes back into her room sits on her bed picks up her phone to check the time

Anne's mind: well I got some time before I need to be in school so that gives me time to make food for my parents but I'd better get ready first

Anne gets up from her bed and goes over to grab some clothes and picks out some blue jeans a white T-shirt and a black hoodie when she is dressed she leaves her room and limps down the stairs and she sees her mother sitting at the table and her father sitting across from her Anne didn't pay any mind to them and lips into the kitchen and start to cook them breakfast when it was done Anne takes two plates to the table and places them in front of her parents

Anne: here is your food Mum and dad

Mrs boonchuy: well good you are doing something you waste space

Mr. Boonchuy: haha what she never does anything good dear

Mrs Boonchuy: oh you are right there honey haha

Anne just looked down at the ground with a blank look on her face listening to her parents and all of a sudden she was kicked to the ground hard

Mr Boonchuy: now that you have done what you are meant to leave I do not want to see you until school has finished and be home on time or you will know what will happen now get out of our sight you waste of space

Anne: yes dad

Anne gets up from the floor and limps up the stairs she goes into her room grabs her backpack and the phone goes back down the stairs leaves the room and limps out of the house when she is outside she pulls out earphones and plays her music and starts her walk to school Anne was just deep in thought when she saw some killing picking on a kid Anne just try to walk pass but something told her to step in and stop it so anne limps over and grabs the person arm who was about to be punch

Anne: Hay that's enough I think they have had enough

Maggie: who the hell are you

Anne: that's none of your business so just walk away

Maggie: wait for you that new kid Anne I used to pick on you and your friends before you moved so what are you back for more

Anne: oh yes Maggie I remember you now sorry but we were kids back then and you have no change much you still feel the need to pick on people that make you feel powerful but you are still that little girl who hates herself grown up there are much worse things out there then a little bully

Maggie: well it seems like you have changed fine but I will see you around Anne

Anne: well that's just great

Anne looks over and realises the person that was getting picked on is Sprig himself when Anne realized this she tries to walk away but before she can sprig stops her and Anne just gives a blank look

sprig: thank you Anne thanks for helping me

Anne: sure whatever it's no problem sprig

sprig: can I walk with you, Anne

Anne wanted to say no but she has always had a soft spot for Sprig and look like it had not changed so Anne just nodded her head and which made Sprig smiles happily and they began their walk to school

sprig: you know Marcy and Sasha said you have changed a lot and I agree with them you seem very different

Anne: mmm is that so

sprig: but even though you have changed there is one thing that has not changed at all

Anne: mmm really and what would that be because I think I am not the same as I used to be

sprig: you heart you still have a kind heart that proves it when you stop those bullies from hitting me like you used to when we were kids you still have a kind heart and I am happy that has not changed Anne

Anne was shocked she had to look away from Sprig for a second she had a smile on her face but she quickly changed it back to the blank look that she always does

Anne: is that so well I will keep that in mind

sprig: ohh maybe we could hang out like we used to

Anne: um I'm good I like being alone now sprig

sprig: come on please i miss hanging out with you we all do look since it is Friday Polly Sasha and Marcy are staying over at my house till Sunday and I was wondering if you wanted to come Sasha told me that you would not come but i think there is no harm in asking

Anne: I will think about it ok

sprig: that's all I needed to hear ok I will give you my number so if you decide to come you will be able to text me

Anne just nodded her head and Sprig handed her a piece of paper with a phone number on it when they made it to the school Polly shouted Sprig over and he waved at Anne with a smile on his face Anne just stood there with no expression on her face and just does a small wave and walks off from the friend group and heads to her first class and sits in her desk waiting for the class to start after a few minutes the bell rings and people from her class comes in Anne notices maggie looking at her with a smile then anne notice marcy and Sasha come in and sit in the desk next to her but didn't say anything to Anne this did not bother her and she just put her head down on the desk when mrs smith came into the room and greeted the class

Mrs smith: good morning class hope you all are doing ok today ok let's get started with the lesson today we will be starting to write a paper on one most liked books and I want to have it in by the end of the class but if you like you can work in groups or on your own that is your choice as long as it done by the end of the class so lets get started

Mrs smith came around with paper for the whole class marcy and started talking about what they should write about and what book they should pick Anne just looked down at the paper with the same expression on her face but she didn't know what she could write about but then she thought of a book that she read abit before her parents got in the way so she just started writing about that but only the things she got to read about that story and by the time the class was over Anne finished but before she left the class she hands it into Mrs smith and leaves the class ready to head for her lunch but maggie handed in her work and followed Anne out of the room sasha and Marcy saw this and looked at each other

Anne: mmm glad that is over

Maggie: ha tell me about it

Anne: mmm what do you want Maggie

Maggie: heh nothing much I just want to know what your deal is I have asked around and you don't even hang around with that little friend group anymore I never thought you would change this much

Anne: that is none of your business so just leave me alone Maggie

Maggie: mmm I would but where is the fun in that

Anne: you have not changed much but I don't care right now so just go hang out with your little friends goodbye

Anne just walks away from Maggie but when Anne leaves her she just has a smirk on her face and walks in the other direction Anne walks outside and sits under the tree just enjoying her own company when she notices a text from her dad and this makes Anne have a worried look on her face

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