chapter 4

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Anne pov

Anne just kept on looking at her phone wondering what he could want he never texted her why she was at school unless she had done something wrong but Anne just signed and opened her text

text message:

Dad texts: when you get home we need to talk you have done something that we need to talk about as soon as you leave for school

Anne text: ok dad

After Anne sends that text she hears the bell go for the end of lunch and she sticks her phone back in her pocket and heads over to her next class when she makes it there she sits down at her desk when she sees Maggie still looking at her Anne just rolled her eyes and looks away from her and this carries on for the rest of the day but Anne when anne hear the last bell for the day she gets up from where she is sitting and put her bag on her back then he leave the school but when she was about to put her earphones on she heard someone call her name when she saw sprig running up to her follow back Marcy and Sasha keeping their distance from her

sprig: Anne wait up so will you be coming tonight

Anne: oh hay sprig um I can't sorry I need to hurry home

Sasha: come on sprig let's not bother Anne

Marcy: sorry about this Anne

Anne: no no it is fine I guess I will see you guys around

Anne waves at the tree friends and walks off to head home but on the way, Anne is in deep thought

Anne's mind: ok I wonder what my dad wants this time and I don't know I could have done this time let's just hurry home so I can get this over with Man seeing Sprig happy to see me today brought back so many memories from when we used to hang out and same with Sasha and Marcy I still feeling so guilty I mean the look on Marcy's face when I said that it must have hurt her and it hurt me to see her so sad with what I said I mean I care about her so much to the point I think that I love her but I can tell her that because she would get hurt with my life now but I will talk to both of them on Monday and tell them that I am sorry but right now I should hurry home so see what my dad wants

when Anne made it home she walked inside to be hit with the smell of beer when Anne looked over to the living room she saw beer bottles all over the floor and her dad sitting in front of the TV Lucky he did not notice her yet but when Anne try to get up the stairs her dad shouts her name

mr boonchuy: Anne get your butt over here you waste of space now

Anne: yes Dad I am coming

Anne put her bag on the floor walked over to her dad and stood in front of him looking at him with a blank expression

Mr. Boonchuy: so I just got word that your mother is going out of town for a business trip and she is going to be gone for a while I am not sure when she is going to be back

Anne: oh is that so What trip has she gone on last time I checked she did not have a job that would allow her to go on a business trip

Mr Boonchuy: I know that I think your mother is going to abandon me and guess what I blame you if you were not such a waste of space your mother would still be happy and we would not failed in our dream it is all of your faults I wish we never had you but so I am gonna have to teach you a lesson

before Anne could answer back her dad kicked her to the ground and kept kicking her Anne yelped in pain every time Anne felt a kick to her stomach and this lasted a few hours until her dad finally stopped hitting Anne and just looked down at her with a angry look in his eyes

Mr. Boonchuy: ok I am done I don't want to see you for the rest of the night so get out of my sight now

Anne: yes dad

Anne slowly gets up in pain limps up the stairs and heads to her room where she just falls on her bed and passes out from the pain of the beating she just had to deal with

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