chapter 11

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Anne pov

when Anne leaves Marcy's house she hurries and runs all the way home when she makes it her dad is standing at the door waiting for her to come home Anne just looks at him worried about what is going to happen next

Mr. Boonchuy: so you think it is a good idea not to come home when I tell you to what were you thinking when I told you to do something I expect you to follow what I tell you to do you useless brat

Anne: I know Dad I am sorry I just lost track of time doing the school project

Mr Boonchuy: I don't care what you have to say look I am about to head out and I want you to stay in your room and not leave it until I get back if I find out that you left this house there will be hell to pay now get up to your room and I don't want to see you until morning now go unless brat

Anne: understood dad

After Anne said that she ran up the stairs to her room so her dad so she could get away from him when Anne made it to her room she lay down in her bed and tried to relax but her thoughts kept on going back to Marcy and what she sad back at her house Anne felt bad that it ended like that but she felt bad and wish thing could be different for her but she just rolled onto her side and tries to fall asleep the next morning Anne get out f bed and get her self ready for the day and goes down the stair where she found her father passed out on the couch pass out drunk Anne just shakes her head and leaves for school as she was walking she was still in deep thought about Marcy and what she said she could help but feel bad but when Anne made it to school she was walking through the halls to get to her first class of the day when she saw Marcy and Sasha sitting at their desk already

Anne: Hi Marcy Sasha good morning

Marcy: Hay Anne you doing good

Sasha: yeah heard you had to leave in a rush last night

Anne: oh yeah I'm fine just had to get home my dad wanted to see me no big deal

Sasha: oh ok then

Marcy: Anne are you sure about that cause you seemed worried when you left my house yesterday

Anne: I um don't know what you mean Marcy

Marcy: Anne you need to stop lying when you first came back you kept on pushing us away like what the hell then you tried to be our friends again but still pushing us away I can see deep down you are the same Anne who we used to know before you moved away and I can that you are hurting badly but you are trying to hide it under this mask that you are trying to put up I don't know you are trying to do but I want you to be honest with us right now cause we know that something is up with you

Sasha: oh wow marce

Anne: but I'm fine so you don't have to worry alright

Marcy: no Anne you are not anyone can see that you have not been alright for a long time the old Anne would of talk to us without an issue but the new you keeps up walls and I can clearly see that you have been wearing a mask to hide you true feeling and sooner or later you wont be able to keep that up Anne it will break you up inside so just talk to someone anyone

Anne: marc-

Marcy: well guess what I am worried about you like what are you hiding me and Sasha can see that something is the matter with you but you are so close off that you are not willing to talk about it I just want things to go back to the way they were before you moved away

Anne: well things are not like how they were you know that right is not the same and things are different now

Marcy: then make them how they were Anne you are bottling up your feeling and one of these days you are going to snap so please just open up and talk to us come on Anne just open up you need to talk before whatever is going on gets to much for you before you snap

Anne: Marcy you need to drop this

Marcy: no I will not just drop it you need to talk I'm just worried about you

Anne: I get that but can we talk about this later when we are not in the middle of class

Before Marcy could answer Sasha cut in

Sasha: ok both of you stop we can talk about this at lunch later alright now is not the time for this

Marcy: fine I will drop it for now but we will talk about this later and you are not getting out of this

Anne: can't wait to woo

After this the bell went and the class went on as normal until the bell went for the end of class and Anne Sasha and Marcy got up and left the class to carry on with their day as if thing were normal

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