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Shan had managed to avoid just about everyone until morning so that she could allow herself time to simmer in the peace and quiet

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Shan had managed to avoid just about everyone until morning so that she could allow herself time to simmer in the peace and quiet. No one wanted a passed off Shan on their hands.

The cafe they were meeting at wasn't far, and so she had opted to, half an hour earlier than they were to meet, take herself to the cafe and drown her frustration with a good breakfast.

She didn't care she was sitting at a booth on her own eating a meal by herself, looking lonelier than she probably ever had.

Because by the time the others started filling in one by one, most of her internal rage had been soaked up by buttered toast and really good eggs. Not to mention the place was far cleaner than most in this side of the city, and there weren't dirty ring marks from peoples drinks on the wood tables - so basically, she was sold.

All of the girls ended up sitting on one side with poor Wylan squeezed in between Shan and Nina, who while sitting were both taller than him. Inej had gotten the luxury of sitting by the window. Opposite sat Jesper in the corner and Kaz, with a notable amount of space between them but with him at a slight angle in order to keep the rest of the cafe in view.

Or maybe it was to hide the faint bluish tint across the bridge of his nose, carving its way beneath his eyes. Shan found herself staring at him for quite a long time, wondering if at any point he would meet her eye, but he didn't.

At the sight of Shans empty plate with nothing but crumbs left, Nina peered over Wylans russet curls to catch her eye.

"Are they still serving breakfast here?"

Kaz gave the woman a dry look, but when Shan nodded with a hum before sipping her water, he turned it on her.

"Toast was a bit burnt but other than that it was surprisingly good."

"Do they have anything sweet?"

"I think they do waffles," she rested her chin on her hand.

Nina's eyes lit up with glee, much to the amusement of everyone around them.

Shan twitched a smile back.

"Although this conversation is equally as important," Inej mused while exchanging an uneasy look with the boy opposite her. "Jes has a question to ask Kaz."

He cleared his throat and shot her a glare for putting him on the spot.

"Look, a lot has happened since last night," he began.

A few people glanced between the white haired girl and Kaz, the latter of which had avoided meeting her gaze for the last ten minutes. The former had a calm neutral expression fixed on her face, chin resting on her palm as though she had no idea what they were alluding to.

"We found out we lost our home-"

"-and our jobs-"

"-yes, and that," Jesper nodded, almost afraid if he didn't agree with her she might threaten violence on him next. His eyes flickered to Kaz. "And then you, blew it up just to piss off Pekka Rollins."

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