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As the rest of them discussed what had happened and the next stage of the plan, Shan remained quieter than usual in the corner

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As the rest of them discussed what had happened and the next stage of the plan, Shan remained quieter than usual in the corner. Jesper and Wylan had to gain information on an estate Rollins owned, and Inej had already discussed with her about going after the man who had cut her. It was a choice Shan had no right to challenge, and she could only advise the girl to be careful, though she knew she would.

The darkness of the tomb made it difficult to notice how much paler Shan was than usual. She rested against the corner with most of her weight, struggling to keep herself awake.

Though she prided herself with being observant of others, she did not notice that Kaz was the only one looking close enough to catch it.

He saw how she blinked hard every so often to keep herself focussed, to rid the fatigue from her eyes. She would adjust her stance subtly, trying to take weight off of one of her legs. Swallowing thickly, hands shaking a little before she clutched her shawl.

When they all parted and Wylan and Jesper set off, she quickly and quietly followed Inej down to the crypt, using the wall as support.

Inej counted her knives and meticulously placed them in their sheathes along her sides before she took her leave.

Shan watched while wringing her hands together, knowing that she was set in her decision and nothing she said could change it; and she had no intention to take that choice away from her friend.

Before she took her leave, she carefully took her aside before she reached the stairs.

"Do you still carry needle and thread, my love?" She asked in a hushed whisper.

Inej hesitated but nodded, eyeing the girl up and down. "Are you alright?" She placed a hand on her arm in concern.

"I will be," she said lightly, forcing a smile.

"You should have told Nina if something was-"

"-i didn't want to make a fuss."

Inej shook her head. "Do me a favour," she said in a whisper. "Tell Nina."

Shan remained quiet as the girl fetched her supplies from her satchel and began to hand them over. Before she let go of them, she fixed her with a stare.


"If I need to, I will."

Inej knew she would get nothing more out of her, and so reluctantly bid her goodbye with a kiss to the cheek and a disapproving glare.

Shan listened to the silence for a moment until she was sure that she was alone.

Instantly she let out a shaky breath and stumbled against the side of the stone tomb, bowing her head with eyes scrunched closed.


With trembling hands she set the medical items on the table like surface.

But when she felt the presence of a shadow lingering in the stairway, she swallowed thickly and closed her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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