Chapter 2 - the Return to Hogwarts

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Kate Oze stood on Platform 9¾, her gaze fixed on the scarlet Hogwarts Express. It had been three long years since she last saw the familiar sight, having spent that time hidden away in the mundane world of Muggles. Her family hidden away as they waited for war to end. For Voldemort to die. The Oze family, renowned for their pureblood lineage and extraordinary magical abilities, had concealed their true nature to avoid becoming pawns in the war against Voldemort.

As the train whistle echoed through the station, Kate took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. Her golden locks shimmered in the sunlight, and her piercing purple eyes betrayed a hint of the power within. She wore the traditional Slytherin robes, a symbol of her family's legacy, and her presence radiated an air of confidence that drew the attention of both students and parents alike.

Once aboard the train, Kate found an empty compartment and settled in, her thoughts racing back to the last three years in hiding.

'I guess I'll be sitting alone for my last train to Hogwarts, huh,' she sighed as her eyes watched the scenery outside the window. 'I doubt anyone will sit with me.' Kate thought of all the challenges of pretending to be a Muggle, the constant fear of being discovered, and the longing to return to the magical world. Hogwarts was her sanctuary, a place to harness her powers and regain control. 'This will be so different now that I can finally use my gift...'

The rhythmic chugging of the train and the scenic landscapes passing by offered a moment of reflection. Kate's mind drifted back to the friendships she left behind, the enchanting classes, and the thrill of being a part of something extraordinary. With each passing mile, the weight of the past three years lifted, and a renewed sense of purpose filled her.

As the Hogwarts castle came into view, a surge of nostalgia washed over Kate. The towering turrets, the shimmering lake, and the Forbidden Forest welcomed her back like an old friend. The anticipation grew as the train pulled into Hogsmeade Station.

'What will this year be like?' she wondered. 'Will anyone even remember me? It's been so long...'

Stepping off the train, Kate felt a mix of emotions. The familiar sight of the carriages pulled by invisible creatures and the towering castle stirred memories of her previous years at Hogwarts. She made her way through the bustling crowd of students, her arrival attracting whispers and stares.

'Ugh,' she gulped. 'This feels uncomfortable. They are all staring. I'm sure many of them recognise me. They probably assumed I was dead somewhere and never expected to see me again.'

"Come on, Katerina," she mumbled to herself. "You can do this. You are Katerina fucking Oze!"

In the Great Hall a roar of applause erupted from the Slytherin table, welcoming Kate back to her house. She felt a mix of relief and excitement. The familiar green and silver surroundings felt like a second home.

Seated among fellow Slytherins, Kate's eyes swept across the room, almost immediately landing on Draco Malfoy. His platinum blonde hair and silver eyes locked onto hers. There was a flicker of recognition, a momentary connection that transcended the years of separation.

'He looks so... grown up,' she thought. 'He's tall and handsome, commands attention and respect, just like his father.' But she did not go up to him, her heart was slamming in her chest and she was already nervose as is.

During the feast, Kate felt the weight of curious gazes upon her. Pansy Parkinson and Astoria Greengrass, her soon to be again roommates, exchanged glances with her. Pansy, infatuated with Draco, barely concealed her jealousy at the unspoken connection between Kate and the platinum-haired wizard.

"Kate!" Pansy and Astoria both jumped up to hug her, she melted into their warm embrace.

"I missed you guys so much," she almost felt tears well up in her eyes. But not wanting to cause too big of a commotion she urged them all to sit back down.

I loved you since I was young - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now