Chapter 7 - Truth or Dare

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The Slytherin common room became a cauldron of mirth and revelry as the vodka flowed freely. Kate, positioned between Blaise and Astoria, observed the dynamics unfolding in front of her. Draco, seated across from her on the couch, bore the burden of Pansy's unwavering affection.

"Pansy, for Merlin's sake, can't you just be quiet for once?" Draco's tone dripped with annoyance, a sharp contrast to the festive atmosphere.

Pansy, unfazed, continued her animated chatter. "Oh, Draco, you're just playing hard to get. I know you secretly enjoy listening to my voice."

Draco's retorts grew sharper, his attempts to distance himself from Pansy met with stubborn resistance. 'Does he really like her? Doesn't seem like it,' wondered Kate. The air crackled with tension, and Kate couldn't help but notice the complexity of emotions swirling in Draco's silver eyes.


Amidst the lively atmosphere, Blaise again turned his attention to Kate. Leaning in with a charismatic grin, he initiated a playful banter. "So, Kate, tell me, what's the most daring thing you've ever done?"

Kate, a glint of mischief in her eyes, responded, "Well, Blaise, that's a secret I'll keep to myself for now. But you know... I'm always up for a good challenge," she winked, "What about you?"

Blaise, undeterred, continued the flirtatious exchange: "I've been known to push the boundaries, but there's always room for a new adventure. Maybe we'll find one tonight."

Draco staring at the two, he scoffed. Astoria just looked away which went unnoticed to everyone at the table.

As the night wore on, the effects of the vodka heightened the spirits of the Slytherin group. Laughter echoed in the room as someone proposed a game of Truth or Dare. Blaise, always one to embrace the thrill, suggested a twist.

"Before we start, let's add a little excitement. Draco, did you happen to keep that vial of truth potion from Potions class yesterday?"

Draco, smirking, produced the vial: "Always prepared for a good time."

As he said that, Pansy giggled. 'Yuck...'

Blaise explained the rules of the truth potion - Each participant had to drink a small dose, ensuring that honesty flowed freely during the game. If someone chose not to answer a truth question, they had to down their entire glass. However, no one could refuse to complete a dare, once chosen.

The group, fuelled by the spirit of adventure, eagerly drank the truth potion. 'I'm a little worried. I definitely don't want to spill too much and God knows Pansy tries to pry. Welp. Worst case scenario – I get fucked up tonight!' thought Kate. And a sense of anticipation filled the room. The game commenced, with truth and dare challenges.


The flickering candlelight in the Slytherin common room cast shadows as the game of Truth or Dare intensified. The enchanted bottle spun, its momentum gradually slowing until it pointed towards Blaise. Astoria, with a mischievous glint in her eye, posed the question, "Truth or dare, Blaise?"

Blaise, never one to back down, confidently declared, "Truth."

The girls smirk widened as she framed her question, her gaze fixed on Blaise. "Who at this table do you want to sleep with most right now?"

Without missing a beat, Blaise's response echoed through the room, "Kate."

A hush fell over the group, broken only by Kate's blush and the audible clenching of Draco's jaw. The revelation hung in the air, a subtle undercurrent of tension intertwining with the magic of the game.

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