Chapter 8 - the 'Helper'

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The morning sun streamed into Kate's dorm room, revealing the aftermath of a night filled with revelry. Astoria, usually warmer in her interactions with Kate, handed her friend a potion to remedy the lingering effects of a hangover. Kate, suppressing a grimace at the taste, dismissed Astoria's colder demeanor due to the previous night's festivities, 'she must just be hungover...' Kate thought.

With a free day ahead, she decided to explore the castle she hadn't seen in years. The library, a haven of quietude, beckoned her. Amidst the towering shelves, she encountered a boy with dark hair, pretty eyes and an intriguing aura.

"Hey there. Katerina, right? I'm Theo, Theodore Nott. Mind if I join you?"

She smiled, "Not at all. I'm Katerina Oze. You can call me Kate." There was a pause, "It's been a while since I've been in the library. Hogwarts has not changed that much."

The handsome tall boy was now grinning ear to ear: "Ohh, you are the girl who has been hiding, right? Draco's little sister," she flinched at his comment, "How does it feel to be back?"

Kate just said softly, "Like entering a forgotten realm. Everything is both familiar and different."

"Yeah, I get that. You miss it all?"

She nodded, "too much, even."


As Kate and Theo engaged in conversation, the tranquility of the library was disrupted by Draco's entrance, accompanied by a blonde companion.

Draco smirking says: "Nott, what's this? Why are you chatting up someone like her?"

"Why not?" Theo smirked, "I enjoy talking to... pretty girls," he states as he looks over and meets Kate's eyes. Making Kate blush and quickly look away, 'dammit, it's because he's so good looking.'

Draco scoffs: "Well, suit yourself. I've got better things to do," he says as he looks up and down the blonde bimbo he had on his arm, making her giggle.

As Draco left with his pretty blonde companion, Kate and Theo continued their conversation, leaving the library.

Theo: "So, what's the deal with you and Malfoy?"

Kate, who was laughing at this current situation, though still a bit hurt over Draco's comment, said: "Oh, he's just jealous I have naturally blonde hair and don't need to bleach my roots every two weeks."

Their laughter echoed through the castle corridors as they walked away from the library, weaving an unexpected bond amidst the complexities of Hogwarts relationships.


The dimly lit corridor outside Professor McGonagall's office echoed with the hushed whispers of enchanted portraits lining the walls. Kate paced nervously, her anticipation growing with each echoing footstep. The heavy wooden door creaked open, revealing the stern yet composed face of the professor.

Professor McGonagall gestured for Kate to step inside. The room was adorned with ancient books, and the soft glow of enchanted lanterns cast a warm ambiance. A sense of academia hung in the air.

Professor McGonagall: "Miss Oze, I've managed to find a tutor for you. Someone with exceptional skills and a half-commendable record." "Who?"

Kate scanned the room, her gaze landing on a familiar figure—Draco Malfoy. His platinum blond hair reflected the subtle light, and his silver eyes met hers with an air of detached aloofness.

Kate seemingly bewildered seeing him here just said: "Why him?"

Professor McGonagall said with a subtle smile: "Mr. Malfoy serves as the seventh-year prefect and consistently secures top grades within Slytherin. He is very skilled with wandless magic, and I also deemed it appropriate to assign you a helper from your own house, Miss Oze."

I loved you since I was young - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now