Chapter 4 - the Rejection

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As the first light of dawn kissed the edges of the Slytherin dormitory, Kate stirred in her bed. The soft rustling of the curtains and the distant twittering of birds signaled the beginning of a new day at Hogwarts. Kate's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the gentle morning glow. Thoughts of the day ahead and the intricacies of Slytherin dynamics flickered through her mind.

In the dorm room, Pansy was already awake, her energy boundless as she prattled on about Draco. "Kate, do you think Draco noticed me yesterday? I mean, I practically threw myself at him, and he barely even looked in my direction... What do you think he thinks of me? You two were like brother and sister before you left so you probably know him better than anyone? Can you tell if he's interested or playing hard to get?"

'Brother and sister, huh...'

Kate, suppressing a sigh, replied with a diplomatic nod. "I'm sure he did, Pansy. Draco probably just has a lot on his mind lately. And you know he's not that expressive. Be patient and I'm sure he'll come around."

'Not like I'd actually know... It's been years so why is she asking me all this - she can see that Draco and I aren't getting along.'

Pansy, undeterred, continued her barrage of questions about Draco's preferences and interests, her words cascading like a waterfall of curiosity, "He has gotten so much hotter over the summer, I swear, the war aged him for the better," Pansy said, laughing. Astoria, lounging on her bed, added occasional chuckles to the background noise.

Kate, managing a polite smile, felt a slight annoyance bubbling beneath the surface. 'How did I get roped into this conversation about Draco?' her inner monologue questioned, 'Pansy is like a broken record. Astoria warned me that she'd be like this but this is worse than I expected.' She maintained her composure, listening to Pansy's theories and thoughts.

Deciding to escape the noise that was Pansy, Kate excused herself and descended to the Slytherin common room. The emerald hues of the room greeted her, and her eyes immediately sought out Draco, seated in a corner, engrossed in a book.

'Maybe now that no one is around I could try again,' she gathered her composure. 'I just want my friend back.'

"Hello, Draco," Kate thought she'd greet him once more, try again just once more. Her voice was steady, her eyes meeting his. Yet, Draco's response was a nonchalant glance, his attention quickly returning to the pages of his book, ignoring Kate.

Confused and slightly hurt by his dismissive behaviour, Kate lingered for a moment before choosing to move on. 'Why is he acting like this?' her thoughts echoed in the silent corners of her mind. 'What did I do to deserve such coldness?' The unanswered questions lingered as Kate navigated the enigma that was Draco Malfoy.

As she descended to the common room, she heard Astoria's laughter bubbling up behind her, and she couldn't help but smile. "At least someone finds this amusing," she thought.

Astoria, joining her in the common room, offered a knowing look. "Pansy can be a bit much, huh?"

Kate chuckled, grateful for the understanding. "You have no idea. It's like she's on a mission to dissect every detail of Draco's life."

Astoria nodded in agreement. "Some things never change. Slytherin drama at its finest."

Their conversation meandered through shared memories and the dynamics of Slytherin House. As they discussed classes, upcoming events, and the subtle shifts in relationships within the group, Kate found solace in Astoria's friendship.

'At least I have her,' Kate thought. 'And she hasn't changed. That gives me a sense of peace for some reasons, I don't know.'


Classes finished and Kate felt like she was holding back tears. She was the worst one there. She had studied as much as she could but could barely execute a spell. Students laughed at her when she tried. She wasn't good at Charms, or Potions, or Transfiguration - nothing. She needed to work on everything.

After spending a long day in the library and getting help with some spells from Astoria Kate decided to call it a night and return to the common room where again she was found alone with Draco. It was late and she assumed everyone was asleep.

'I was practicing spells in my room for so long but why is he up?' she thought. 'No. Why do I care? I don't!'

Kate approached Draco carefully after she got a glass of water, once more she decided to make an attempt at a friendly exchange. "Draco. I know I've been bugging you and you've made multiple attempts to get me to realise you don't want to speak to me but... I will try one more time. I'm just confused. We used to be friends, yet now when I'm finally back you barely look at me much less speak to me. Have I done something to upset you? Or maybe something happened I don't know about?" she asked, her voice as gentle as possible.

Draco, glancing up, met her eyes with a cool indifference."Everything is as it should be, Oze. I have no need for your concern." He half-smiled, "frankly your persistence is a bit annoying."

"But I just-"

"How about you ficus that energy more on practicing your spells where you clearly lack all skill as a witch to the point where it's disgraceful. After what I saw today I'm ashamed of being in the same house as you much less the fact we used to be friends," his tone was sharp and words hurt like venom.

Kate stood still, completely stunned by his ability to kick her precisely where it hurt whilst she was already down. 'Is this the real Malfoy?' she thought. 'The one I never saw, the side of him he never dared show me... Have I finally earned myself a spot on his hate list? No... He does not hate me. Worse, he's indifferent towards me and wants me to leave him alone. So... fine.'

Confused and very hurt, Kate chose to let the conversation end there as she gripped her glass tight and turned around. With a blank expression she left to go back to her room. No tears threatened to spill, her heart wasn't pounding. She just felt numb. 'I guess I finally got the hint.'

In the silent corridors of Hogwarts, where the echoes of the past mingled with the complexities of the present, Kate Oze faced the challenges of her seventh year, a tale unfolding in the heart of Slytherin House.

Kate placed the still full glass of water down on her desk. She looked her room over. Pansy was sleeping his her mouth slightly open and Astoria was sleeping face down in her pillow like a cat. The calm scene brought a smile to her face. 'You know what, I have great friends who love and care for me here. I came to Hogwarts to study and get back on track, anyone would be behind after suppressing their abilities for years so... Fuck him. It feels like I'm throwing myself at him at this point. I don't want anything from him - I just miss my old friend. If he wants us to be this way then fine. We will be this way. I have plenty of other friends. And plenty of guys drop their jaws at the sight of me. Okay, that sounded conceited but WHATEVER,' Katie was stuck in thought, 'If Draco can act like he doesn't care then so can I. I have other things to worry about anyway. I have one year to get my powers in check, no time for this b.s. anymore.'

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