Chapter 18 - the Time Skip

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------------ 5 years later

Now, in a different time and place, Kate and Draco reside in a magnificent mansion near the Malfoy Manor. The surroundings are lush and serene, with sprawling gardens and magical enchantments that add an ethereal touch to their home. The mansion itself is a blend of modern luxury and classic wizarding architecture, reflecting their refined taste. Malfoy had inherited his family's wealth and so did Kate, but even still Malfoy wanted to have a job so he worked at the Ministry of Magic with Hermione. Kate didn't work, she just wanted to take care of her family. 

In the backyard, there's a quaint play area where a cheerful two-year-old Scorpio Malfoy giggles playing with his father as the child explores the magical wonders created for him. The Malfoy name carries on, and the couple couldn't be prouder parents.

Kate and Draco tied the knot three years ago in a stunning ceremony. The wedding was a magical affair, filled with enchanting decorations, an abundance of white roses, and an ethereal atmosphere. Their love was celebrated by friends and family, marking the beginning of a beautiful journey together.

As Kate and Draco watch Scorpio play in the garden, they reflect on the trials and triumphs that brought them here. The love that started in Hogwarts has blossomed into a beautiful family, and their mansion stands as a testament to the enduring power of love. That's when Kate's owl suddenly flew by their garden and dropped a letter in her hands. Drako picked up little Scorpio and walked over to his wife asking: "What's that, love?" 

And as she opened the letter her eyes widen, and she smiled as she read out loud "You have been invited to attend the wedding of Ms. Pansy Parkinson and Ms. Hermione Granger..."

The END ---

I loved you since I was young - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now