Chapter 12 - the Confrontation

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The warm cascade of water from the shower offered a brief respite, but Kate's thoughts revolved around Draco. Tonight, they were set to meet to keep trying to summon her powers. The air was thick with tension as she readied herself, opting to join the group downstairs to study before her meeting with Draco. Descending with notes and books in hand, she was happy to see she had avoided encountering Theo, taking her place across from Draco, next to Pansy.

A flicker of a smile graced Draco's lips upon spotting Kate, a silent acknowledgment of their upcoming meeting later. The study session progressed, the atmosphere tinged with focus until Blaise rudely barged into the common room, proclaiming his conquest with a Ravenclaw girl "Guess who just finished fucking the hottest Ravenclaw in this whoooole school in a fucking broom closet" he laughed. The crude revelation struck a nerve, particularly for Astoria, whose eyes whelled up with tears. She hastily excused herself to avoid further humiliation, not wanting Blaise to see her tears, leaving Kate seething with anger.

Unable to contain her rage, Kate cast a silence spell to ensure privacy within the room once Astoria had left. She unleashed a tirade against Blaise, condemning his insensitivity: "What is wrong with you, Blaise? You stupid dumb fuck," Kate yelled. With that Pansy got up and ran to comfort her friend, leaving all the drama in the common room. Taken aback, Blaise said: "What's your problem, Kate?" Draco visibly displeased with Blaise's tone, stood up as well. Kate yelled back: "You are the problem, you big oaf." Blaise tilted his head and laughed, "Ah I see, you're just jealous cause I haven't thrown you a bone yet, huh, Kate?"

With that Draco's eyes darkened, he turned, clenching his fist and punched his best friend square in the face, delivering a hard and swift punch to Blaise's mouth. The room echoed with tension as Blaise fell backward, rendered silent by the weight of Kate's scathing words "Zabini, you just slept with Astoria not even a full day ago. Now you waltz in here beaming about your next sexual conquest. Have you ever thought of anyone else's feelings or is all you care about how your dick feels? Shame on you, Blaise, I expected better from you," Kate said as she walked away to go comfort Astoria.

As Kate walked to her room she saw Draco helping his friend up, but Blaise just stayed silent, looking at the ground. As the room fell into an uneasy quiet, Kate retreated to find Astoria on her bed, tears staining her cheeks. Pansy, ever supportive, kept dabbing Astoria's face with tissues, trying to calm her down. Kate, overwhelmed with affection for her friends, kneeled in front of her Astoria, took her hand and squeezed it. Suddenly Astoria's tears and panic stop and she says: "How do you do that, Kate?". Kate just chuckles as a newfound control over her powers was evident in calming Astoria's distress,

'Maybe my efforts aren't completely hopeless...' she thought to herself.


A while later a knock on the door was heard, Kate opened it to find Blaise standing there looking at the ground. Head bowed, he sought a private conversation with Astoria. Sensing the need for space, Kate and Pansy exited the room leaving them to talk, closing the door behind them. In the common room, Pansy's happily hummed causing Kate to suspect something "How's everything with Granger, Pansy?" she asked. An unexpected revelation about Hermione Granger unfolded.

With genuine surprise, Pansy shared her encounter with Hermione, "I went to find her in the library, that's where she usually is and I sincerely apologized and asked for her forgiveness. I told her I'm sorry for all I've done to her and others over the years. I told her that I don't hold those beliefs anymore. She agreed we could start becoming friends." Pansy looked up: "I'll have to work to gain her trust and even then. She may not even like girls at all. Most likely she doesn't. Still, I just want to spend time with her, that's all," she smiled. The revelation hinted at a transformation in Pansy, unveiling a person beneath the cold exterior—a realization that Hermione's influence had broken the facade of the stereotypical Slytherin.


Racing against the clock, Kate sprinted towards the Astronomy tower, finding Draco still waiting. She was a minute late. Breathless, she teased him: "I'm late and you are still here, don't I have to find a new tutor?" drawing a chuckle from him. The minute of tardiness was met with a subtle warning from Draco, "next time you are late, you'll be punished" his tone carrying an intriguing mixture of authority. Determined to assert her dominance over him she realized she wanted to rebel against him more, make him mad, so Kate thought of ways to challenged him, recognizing the need to keep this dynamic in check: "It's only a minute, now come on, help me learn". 

The tutoring session progressed swiftly, marked by Kate's growing mastery over her powers. Without wands, she lifted objects effortlessly, avoiding any unintended mishaps and fires. After two hours, fatigue set in, prompting Kate to suggest ending the lesson here and there. As she moved, Draco, seemingly captivated, seized her hand, crashing her into him. She looked up at him whilst he ran his fingers through her hair. She chuckled: "Isn't this considered an abuse of your power, professor Malfoy," she knew what she wanted, she wanted to see if she could get under his skin. She wanted to break his facade like Hermione broke Pansy's.

Draco chuckled: "You certainly are a very disobedient student. And I only reach out like this to the students who most need it," he said leaning into her neck. Without skipping a beat Kate said: "Then next time spank me with a ruler... professor," she leaned in and whispered it into his ear sending goosebumps all over his right side. 

The daring suggestion kindled an unexpected tension as Draco grabbed her arms and pinned her against the window in the tower, "If I wanted to, I could throw you off this tower right now," he leaned in and started kissing her neck softly. Kate moaned. He smirked. The exchange heightened, and to get some of the power back, Kate grabbed his face and kissed him, shocked, he paused before finally kissing her back. What unfolded was a crazy tense and heated make out session with both of them ending up on the floor. Kate's top had already been thrown across the room as she was opening Draco's shirt and kissing his collar bone - he moaned. 'Hot,' she thought. As they were about to get it on, they heard footsteps coming. They quickly got up, Kate grabbed her shirt off the ground, and they hid in a tight corner. She pretended she couldn't, but she could feel Malfoy's soldier saluting. 

As Filch passed by Kate and Draco stifled laughter. Draco escorted her back to her room, planting one last kiss on her lips, but before she went in she stopped upon hearing disturbing sounds from her room. Astoria and Blaise – moaning, groaning and a lot of bed squeaking.  Draco said: "Looks like my room is free tonight," making Kate chuckle. They both decided to retreat to Draco's quarters. Kate started to wonder where Pansy was hiding. Entering Draco's room, he playfully said: "Welcome to paradise, baby!" a remark that hung in the air.

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