Chapter 15 - the Fight at the Opera

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The anticipation of yet another Slytherin party filled the air, and Pansy, eager to spend more time with Granger, was bubbling with excitement. Kate, seizing the moment, questioned Pansy about the night of the dormitory confrontation, her gaze penetrating: "Where did you go, Pansy? Who did you stay with that night?". Pansy blushed and confessed, "I went to Hermione's..." 

A curious smile played on Kate's lips as she probed further, "What happened?" 

Pansy sighed, revealing the complexities, "Well, technically, she is still with that Weasel - Ron, but things are not going well for them. I feel a bit bad feeling happy that she is not happy in her current relationship. I feel like a total snake. Ron apparently is being cold and distant; they rarely talk. That night we talked and laughed too long. We even fell asleep holding hands... but she probably thinks I'm just being a friend and needs someone who will listen to her."

Kate could see Pansy's hopeful expression shift to a sad smile. Encouragingly, Kate advised, "Tell her how you feel tonight." Pansy, startled, protested, "What, no, too early... I can't." Kate laughed, offering sage counsel: "Pansy, anytime you want something or someone, you go after them like mad. Don't chicken out this time. Your friendship is fresh; but wait too long, and she'll only see you as a friend and nothing more. Don't hide your feelings - learn from my mistakes." The girls continued their conversation as they prepared for the upcoming party. Determined to make an impression, Kate wore something hot and tight, she aimed not only to spite Malfoy but also to explore new possibilities and, perhaps, start moving on with someone else. 


The night of the party unfolded with a mix of revelry and hidden turmoil. Pansy clung to Hermione the whole night, disappearing into the crowd, leaving Blaise, Astoria, and Kate to navigate the festivities together. The drinks flowed freely, with Kate declaring, "I'm going hard tonight!" Determined to drown her sorrows, she immersed herself in the pulsating rhythm of the music, momentarily forgetting the complex web of emotions ensnaring her. 

Yet, that haunting feeling of being watched crept over her once more, an uneasy sensation that she dismissed amidst the rhythmic beats. Dancing with anyone she could, she stumbled and collided with someone unexpectedly. "Oh, sorry!" she exclaimed as she turned around, only to find Theo standing before her. "Theo, hi..." they exchanged pleasantries, forgetting a silence that had lingered for a while.

"You look wonderful," he complimented, and Kate, attempting to embrace the distraction from Draco, smiled in response. Engaging in conversation, she wondered if this interaction might offer an escape from the haunting memories of Draco's touch and how much she missed it. Casting a glance across the party, she spotted Pansy engrossed in conversation with Hermione, her hands all over her. Surprisingly, Hermione seemed receptive to Pansy's affections, even showing signs of blushing. Blaise and Astoria had already disappeared, probably off to his room for some more action.

Attempting to escape her tangled thoughts, Kate seized the opportunity. While talking with Theo, she impulsively pulled him closer by his collar, their lips meeting in a kiss. It was a fleeting moment, a desperate attempt to drown out the echoes of Draco's lips. Glancing over at Draco in the corner, standing alone and staring at her, she couldn't help but find satisfaction in the idea of evoking rage within him. Kate chuckled to herself, thinking, 'Jealous much?'

Deciding to indulge this distraction, Kate suggested, "Why don't we go somewhere more private?" with a suggestive raise of her eyebrow. Theo, was quite receptive to the proposal, and followed her out as they left the party, heading towards the Astronomy Tower with hopes of finding it vacant.

As they approached the tower, ready to slip into the shadows, the night took an unexpected turn. Without warning, Theo crumbled to the ground, and Draco materialized, unleashing a torrent of violence upon him, beating him senseless. Kate's screams fell on deaf ears as Draco, consumed by anger, continued the assault.

Attempting to pull Kate away, Draco finally relented, grabbing her hand and pulling her away as the reality of the situation sank in, as they were leaving Theo a bit bruised and beaten on the floor. Kate, torn and reluctant, wanted to ensure Theo's well-being first, but Draco's urgency compelled her to follow.

Before Kate could even process the next events, Theo unleashed a painful curse on Draco from his wand, triggering chaos. Draco fell to the ground groaning in pain, still stuck unable to move due to Theo's holding the curse. Kate screamed at Theo, pleading with him to stop this and let Draco go as a crowd of students starts to gather from all the screaming and ruckus going on in the hall. She didn't know what to do, her mind racing, all she wanted was to stop hearing the screams of Draco. Kate still looking over at Theo states: "Let him go now or I will kill you, Theo..." But Theo ignored her please completely, still chuckling he asked Kate: "If I kill him now will you finally just be mine?" he says so laughing at his own words.

As the words escaped his mouth, a switch in Kate flipped. She couldn't take all this anymore. Lights flickered, candles extinguished, and the air filled with the ominous sounds of fleeing creatures outside. Kate's eyes began to glaze over as she stared into Theo's face. Suddenly, his hand that is holding onto his wand snaps backwards and Theo yells, falling to the floor. His pain echoed as his own bones started to snap inside him one after the other, the magical upheaval rendering him powerless. First his legs, then his arms, then more and more bones snapped. Students seeing what's happening started to run and scream as the curtains in the hallway began to catch fire.

In the supernatural chaos, Draco, dazed but able to stand, looked around. His head was still in pain, but he was able to adjust his eyes only to see Kate, staring emotionless, standing over Theo as he screams in pain, his body being disfigured more and more as each second passes. Without thinking, worrying that someone will harm Kate in order to stop her crazed attack - he runs to her and hugs her tightly: "It's okay, I'm okay, Katy. It's all going to be okay. Look at me, my love. Let him go now, please," not sure if she even heard him, Draco pleads: "I'm sorry for how I've been acting. I- I just lo-, fuck, I love you, Katerina. I was scared. I was angry. I was jealous. But you are a good person, you have a good heart - you have always been good, I'm the jerk. Please, Katerina, please, come back to me..."

As Theo writhed in agony, Draco clung to Kate, admitting his fears, jealousy, and feelings. The scene unfolded as a cataclysmic climax, with Kate's eyes returning to clarity. Theo still on the ground now unconscious, professors rushing to his aid. Kate, unresponsive, stared into the void, her world collapsing into darkness. The black abyss swallowed everything.

I loved you since I was young - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now