Chapter 5 - Power needs Control

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As the days unfolded, the subtle rift between Kate and Draco deepened. Hurt and confusion lingered in Kate's heart, prompting a decision to mirror Draco's own cold indifference. In the bustling halls of Hogwarts, she walked with purpose, ignoring Draco's presence as if he were a mere ghost of the past. Most of her days she spent studying in the library and practicing spells. Pansy and Astoria were great help.

"Blaise," Kate ran into the common room. "Come on. We're waiting for you."

"Ou, damn. Sorry. Let me quickly go get my Charm book."

"I have mine so you don't need yours," Kate smiled as she waived her book.

Draco looked up from his book, eying the exchange. "Blaise. Where are you going?" To which the boy replied, "Oze asked me to help her with Charms. There are a few spells she needs to get the hang of."

"More like all spells," the blonde boy chuckled, avoiding making eye contact with Kate. But the girl didn't say anything back, she knew it was best to ignore such comments.

"Come on, Blaise. Let's go. I have the brownie I promised you right here!" she twirled the bag in front of him, making both boys look straight at her.

"Ohh," Blaise grinned. "Chocolate?"

"Obviously," she smiled and Blaise followed her out the common room. "Let's get our study on!"


It finally came down to it - Kates powers passed on to her from her mothers side. A rare pureblood perk. Sadly not as big of a perk in Kate's eyes.

The stone walls of Professor McGonagall's office welcomed Kate as she entered, her thoughts a turbulent sea of emotions. The stern yet kind gaze of the professor fixed on her, awaiting the reason for this visit.

"Professor, hello. You asked me to come."

"Yes. We have matters to dicuss, Oze."

"Yes," she nodded. "The reason I'm even back here... I need to discuss an important matter with you," Kate began, her voice carrying the weight of uncertainty.

Professor McGonagall, with a reassuring nod, motioned for her to sit. "Speak freely, Miss Oze. How may I assist you?"

Kate hesitated, her gaze wandering to the windows overlooking the grounds. The professor's patience gave her the courage to delve into the heart of her concerns.

"It's about my powers, Professor. I know my father has made you aware of my... situation. My family wants me to gain better control over them. Currently I'm a walking time bomb, as hard as that is to admit. And... I can't let my emotions run wild, especially with what I can do."

The professor leaned forward, listening attentively. "Your powers are unique, Kate. The worst thing you can do now is to look at them as something frightening or foreign to you - they are a part of you. A blessed. But, controlling them is a crucial skill. What specifically troubles you?"

Kate delved into the intricacies of her abilities, the consequences of unchecked emotions, and the need for a solution. She expressed the difficulty of managing her powers without inadvertently causing harm. "I'm sure you've heard of the... incident. I'm just scared that something will happen." The professor nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Miss Oze, it's commendable that you recognize the need for control. We can't have unchecked magic within the castle. Tell me more about your experiences and how your powers manifest."

As the conversation flowed, Professor McGonagall expressed genuine interest in Kate's life, her family, and the origins of her extraordinary powers. Kate, though guarded, shared fragments of her story, the weight of her heritage and the responsibility it entailed. The professor leaned forward, listening attentively. "Your powers are unique, Kate. Controlling them is a crucial skill. But you still haven't answered my question. What specifically troubles you?"

Kate expressed: " I have difficulty of managing these powers without inadvertently causing harm. This has not happened in my family at least to this extent. And every time I'm overwhelmed or emotional - something happens. More bad than good happens."

"I've had instances where my emotions triggered unexpected reactions. It's like a fire within me, uncontrollable," Kate admitted, her eyes reflecting the weight of her confession.

The professor nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I see. It's essential to address this issue promptly. Tell me more about your experiences and how your powers manifest."

"It usually happens when I am overwhelmed or when I'm in pain. Usually small things like flowers wilting. It get's worse the stronger I feel - if it's anger or sadness then things around me start to break. I can't control it at all." Kate muttered.

As Kate recounted some other moments of unintentional magic, Professor McGonagall expressed great interest. "Your family background and the nature of your powers make this a delicate matter. How have you coped with it so far?"

Kate, though guarded, shared fragments of her story. "I've tried to keep a distance, to protect others. But now, it's affecting my life at Hogwarts, and I need a solution. I'm scared I may hurt a friend..."

The professor reassured her, "I appreciate your honesty, Kate. We'll find a solution together. I'm very familiar with your situation, you know, I taught both your mother and father. Your father, an excellent man, though a trouble maker. But your mother," she said looking at Kate deeply. Kate turned away and she continued, "...your mother was more like you. Confused and alone. Had it not been for your father - she would have never opened up to anyone. It took a while. She also feared her own powers."

In the midst of the discussion, a flicker of stress triggered a flashback—a memory that danced at the edges of her consciousness. The vivid image of a fleeting fire played in her mind, a reminder of the potential danger she posed when her emotions spiraled out of control. She shooed the memory away. The fire dissipated as quickly as it emerged, leaving Kate momentarily unsettled.

The professor, sensing the tension, continued the conversation, offering words of advice and understanding. "Kate, I believe a private tutor would benefit you. Someone to guide you through the intricacies of controlling your powers. I'll choose a capable student for this role."

Kate, still grappling with the memories of her powers gone awry, nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Professor. I just... I can't risk hurting anyone."

The professor reassured her, "I understand, Kate. We'll find a solution. Now, let me consider who would be the most suitable student to assist you."

She walked out of the office and looked out the large windows of the school. 'Dumbledore really is gone, huh...' She walked the hall in peace, her mind steady. 'I guess I should go back to the library.'

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