Chapter 17 - the End

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A month had passed. In the dimly lit Slytherin common room, Kate and Astoria lounged in their room, engrossed in their books. The calm was shattered when Pansy burst into the room, breathless and wide-eyed. Confused, the two girls looked at her, and then she screamed, "I kissed her!"

There was a moment of silence...

"WHAT?" Kate and Astoria exclaimed in unison, their eyes wide with shock.

Pansy plopped down on a chair, still panting, trying to catch her breath. She began recounting the unexpected turn of events, "We had gotten closer since the party that happened a month ago." Kate flinched at the thought of Theo that night, his absence still lingering over Hogwarts.

Pansy continued, "Hermione and I sat in the library talking, reading. Her legs were in my lap. She mentioned how she is not happy with Ron, who has not been in contact for more than 2 weeks now, and she is worried and angry. I just couldn't keep it in anymore, I said, 'Forget him, you deserve better,'" Pansy demonstrated by grabbing her face, "and I kissed her."

Silence hung in the room as the weight of Pansy's revelation settled ans she hid her face in her palms. Astoria inquired, "What happened after?"

Pansy looked distressed, "I don't know. When I realized what I had done, I sprung up, and ran out of the library."

"You ran away?" Kate asked, surprised.

"Yes. I ran. I ran like the coward that I am," Pansy admitted making Astoria laugh. 

"Was it a peck, or was it like a KISS-kiss?" Kate pressed for details.

Pansy responded with a blush, "No, it was like a full-blown make-out."

Hearing Pansy say that - Kate stopped and giggled for a moment, realization dawning on her, "So, she kissed you back?"

Pansy nodded, "Yes."

Astoria chuckled, "She kissed you back... and you ran away..."

Pansy's face went pale, "OMG... she kissed me back."

Both girls screamed, "GO, GO find her NOW!" and Pansy hastily got up and left the room, running through the common room and out the door into the halls, with Kate and Astoria following behind her. In the common room, Draco and Blaise sat when they noticed the commotion the girls had created. Draco asked Kate confused, "What's going on?"

Running through the Slytherin door, Kate just looked back and said, "Pansy made her move. GET UP, NOW. LET'S GO!" Intrigued, the boys decided to follow. They found a hiding spot behind a massive pillar watching as Pansy caught Hermione right as she was leaving the library. The four Slytherins cast a spell to eavesdrop on the girls' conversation better.

Pansy apologized, "Hermione, I'm so sorry." Hermione's tone was stern and her face seemed to hold a blank expression, "Pansy, about—"

"No, not about the kiss." Pansy interrupted still a bit shaking, "I'm not even a little bit sorry I kissed you. I've been wanting to do that for a very long time now. I'm sorry I ran away. I was scared you'd hate me once you knew..." Pansy confessed.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, now smirking, "Once I knew?" she pushed Pansy's buttons, probably trying to see if she can get a bigger reaction out of the girl.

"Once you knew I was in love with you!" she shouted through the empty corridor. The four Slytherins who were hiding went pale. A silence fell. Before Pansy could react or hear the anticipated rejection, Hermione leaned in and softly pressed her lips against hers.

The two boys Draco and Blaise stared intensely, unable and unwilling to look away, while Kate and Astoria grinned, realizing what had just happened. Feeling like they should give them some privacy, the girls grabbed both boys, pulling them away. The boys went very reluctantly.

Finally leaving the scene, the four returned to the common room where Blaise suggested, "Let's celebrate!, babyyy!" pulling out a bottle of vodka from behind the Slytherin fireplace, prompting laughter from the group.


That night, Pansy didn't return to her dorm, so Blaise stayed with Astoria in the girls' room, and Kate stayed with Draco. As she walked into his bedroom, before she could even speak, he grabbed her waist and pulled her close, a wide smirk on his face. They started to make out, Kate beaming with eagerness that Draco could see, making him smirk.

As they moved closer to the bed, items of clothing being flung all over his room, Draco pulled back and just stared, wanting to take in how her naked figure looked, making her blush under his intense gaze. He threw her on the bed as she moaned, the room filled with a mix of excitement and shared need for each other's touch. 

Draco bit her lip, making her gasp as he slid his tongue in. His fingers went down her whole body – this is what she wanted. But she wasn't going to give him everything that easy. Swiftly she sat up and made a turn, causing Draco to fall on his back in his bed, giving her the opportunity to climb to top. As she did, she started to kiss and bite his neck, making him moan out of pleasure "God, Katerina, what you do to me". She started to grind over his now very noticeable bulge and as she did – he sprung up, picked her up by hers legs and pinned her back against his wall, smirking, "Don't for a second think that I'll just let you do whatever you want", he said as he leaned down planting kissed on her neck and then... entered her. 


As the morning sunlight gently streamed through the curtains, Kate woke up entangled in Draco's arms. She couldn't help but smile at the warmth and comfort he provided. "Morning," she whispered, pressing a soft kiss on his cheek. Draco stirred, his grey eyes fluttering open. A sleepy grin formed on his lips as he looked at Kate. "Morning, beautiful," he greeted, his fingers gently tracing patterns on her arm. "How did you sleep?"

Kate nestled closer to him, savouring the intimate moment. "Like a dream. Your presence makes everything better," she replied, her fingers brushing through his tousled hair. 

Draco chuckled, a low, melodic sound that reverberated in the quiet room. "Well, I must be a fantastic dream, then."

"You are," Kate affirmed, placing a lingering kiss on his lips. "I'm so happy to wake up next to you." Draco's gaze softened hearing her words, and he pulled her even closer. "The feeling is entirely mutual. You're my favourite part of literally every day." 

After getting dressed in Draco's black hoodie, they headed to the dining hall for breakfast. The curious and judgmental gazes from fellow students made Kate feel a bit uneasy, but Draco grabbed her hand reassuring her and he leaned in just to whisper, "Let them talk." His words gave her the strength to ignore the whispers and focus on just focus on them. He kissed her cheek and so they walked on to join everyone at the Slytherin table, where Kate noticed the resentful looks from other girls but found amusement in how they'd quickly turn away once Kate's eyes met their gaze. 'Cowards,' Kate laughed in her thoughts. 

Astoria and Blaise were notably absent, occupied with their own personal morning activities. However, at that moment Hermione and Pansy entered, and Kate swore that just for a second, she saw their hands letting go of each other's, both looking a bit awkward. Pansy proceeded to sit down and be questioned by Kate on previous night's escapades with Hermione, "we did do something last night," Pansy confessed as her cheeks flushed red, and she looked away. "What about the Weasley boy?" Kate questioned, earning a scoff from Draco once he heard her say that name. 

"She sent him a letter, ending their relationship," Pam said proudly. Kate laughed: "And how is she, you know, in the bedroom?" once she said that Draco looked at her in disbelief whilst Pansy stated, "I'm not telling you that," she smiled "... all I'll say is that the Weasel definitely didn't know what he had," making Kate laugh at how uncomfortable this conversation was making Draco.

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