Chapter 11 - the trip to Hogsmeade

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Kate walked into the dining hall, the early morning sunlight casting a warm glow on the ancient stone walls. She noticed a familiar figure engrossed in her books, sitting alone. Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, was known for her dedication to knowledge. Kate decided to approach her, aware of the skepticism she might face as a Slytherin. They all knew Granger was with Ron, but lucky for them – Ron was not here. He and Harry both decided against returning to Hogwarts after the war and look for jobs instead. Harry Potter. Huh. Kate wondered what type of person he was.

"My name is Katerina Oze. I'm sure you've heard of me. I've heard much about you," Kate introduced herself, attempting to appear friendly and open and trying not to look like a complete snake. Hermione glanced up, her expression guarded. "What do you want?" she replied, returning to her studies.

"I have a friend who is really interested in being your... friend. Though very shy. Annoying yet still shy. I wanted to know if maybe now that all the shit has passed, you'd be open to a sort of... new friendship with us - Slytherins?" Kate explained, hoping to break through Hermione's reservations. Hermione remained skeptical, assuming ulterior motives: "I'm not interested in dating any of your Slytherin fan boys, Katerina," she retorted, her tone biting. Kate liked how she said her name, she has a calming and feminine voice. No wonder Pansy liked her. Now if only she hadn't bullied the muggle-born witch for years along side Draco - this would be much easier for Kate. She sighed.

Her reply: "It's no boy. Just us girls - wanting to make more friends from other houses," Kate assured her, maintaining a friendly smile. Technically she wasn't lying. There was no boy. Ron had nothing to worry about. Hermione eyed her cautiously before relenting, "Okay, let's get along then." The idea of forging new connections seemed to intrigue her since now that both Harry and Ron were gone – she felt more alone at school than ever.

In a bold move, Kate extended an invitation, "Look, there is a party at the Slytherin dorm literally every Friday. How about you join us this week? You don't HAVE to drink but its much more fun if you do." Kate laughed. Hermione hesitated, considering the proposition, "I'll think about it and let you know," she finally responded. Kate nodded, satisfied with the progress, and left Hermione to her studies.

As she walked away, she noticed Draco sitting at the Slytherin table, watching her with an amused smile. His eyes conveyed a sense of pride, as if acknowledging her successful interaction with Hermione. Kate couldn't help but feel a surge of accomplishment, wondering how this newfound connection might unfold.


Pansy's scream echoed through the room as Kate spilled the details of her encounter with Hermione Granger. Pansy, clearly taken aback, exclaimed, "You did WHAT?" Kate calmly recounted the conversation, emphasizing Hermione's interest in joining their Friday party. She also told her she got her number, and she did. Pansy appeared on the verge of fainting, prompting Kate to offer a cautionary note, "Remember, she technically could still be dating Ron, so be careful with how you approach her. Definitely don't get wasted - you'll scare her away." Pansy, still in shock, nodded silently.

While Pansy grappled with the unexpected turn of events, Kate focused on getting ready for her date with Theo. Astoria lent her a dress, slightly revealing but undeniably stunning. It was very tight and short. Perfect. As Kate admired herself in the mirror, thoughts of Draco's potential reaction to her dress crossed her mind. She chuckled at the irony of going on a date with a guy Draco explicitly warned her to stay away from. Astoria, in the midst of calming Pansy down, threw her a compliment, "You look hot." Kate laughed, appreciating the light-hearted moment before heading out.

In the common room, Kate's eyes met Draco's gaze. His reaction was palpable—his eyes widened, almost jumping out of their sockets. Kate couldn't help but find amusement in his apparent shock. Draco shifted uncomfortably on the couch, and a sudden seriousness clouded his expression. Meanwhile, Theo arrived, looking utterly gobsmacked by Kate's appearance. "Shall we go?" Kate offered, and Theo, still in shock, could only manage a nod.

As they left the common room, Kate glanced back at Draco. He had risen from his seat and was engaged in a serious conversation with Blaise, maintaining eye contact with both Kate and Theo. The situation struck her as peculiar, leaving her with a lingering sense of intrigue.


Hogsmeade unfolded its charm as Kate and Theo stepped into the village. Cobblestone streets lined with quaint shops led them to the Three Broomsticks, where the warmth of butterbeer awaited. The atmosphere hummed with a cozy allure. Upon entering, an unexpected sight awaited them - Draco and Blaise already seated, nonchalantly surrounded by two other Ravenclaw girls. Kate clenched her jaw. The question lingered, how had they arrived before Kate and Theo? Oh right – magic, not walking. Seated with a Butterbeer in hand, Kate found the drink to be a universe of flavor, yet her attention wavered to Draco.

His presence held a magnetic pull, and she couldn't escape the intensity of his gaze. Uninterested in the female company around him, Draco's smirk met Kate's eyes. The scene unfolded as a Ravenclaw girl sought Draco's attention was tugging on his arm and leaning close to his face, only for him to look at Kate, smile and seize random the girls face, indulging in a heavy, public display of making out. Blaise just whistled at them, moving in on the girl sitting next to him. The sight revolted Kate, an unpleasant reminder of their tangled past,

'God, he is showing me more and more reasons as to why I should stay away. Noted.'

Reality snapped back, and she refocused on Theo, who was attempting to engage her in conversation. Yet, Kate struggled to even listen to him, the spark she sought eluding her. It was just not there. As their date progressed, Theo's attempt to hold her hand met with compliance, though Kate still hoped for any spark. Eventually, they decided to stroll, but Theo sensed an undercurrent of tension. Bracing himself, he turned Kate to face him, cupping her cheek in a tender gesture, expecting to share a kiss, maybe more. Kate's suddenly pushed him away from her with both hands, her rejection of him left them both frozen in a silent realization.

In a bid to escape the awkward situation, Kate turned around and ran towards the castle, her hurried footsteps echoing in the deserted surroundings. 'Why did I do that? Why did I push him away?'

After running for a while, the heavens finally opened, and rain poured down on Kate, 'I deserve this,' she thought. As Kate stopped and stood drenched, in the rain contemplating her life, her impulsive run, a voice called her name. Fearing that Theo followed after her, she calmed down when she turned to find Draco, panting but still smiling at her. "Chasing after you. Damn, you are fast," he remarked, laughter intermingled with breathlessness, "Is this how you outran Voldemort for 3 years?" They were now both drenched in heavy rain. Without hesitation, he grasped her hand, urging her to run with him to back to the school, "Come on, before we both get sick." Once they reached the castle, they got in, giggling and closed the door, they leaned back panting against the narrow entrance corridor's walls. Both still laughing.

Amidst laughter, Kate confessed, "God, I missed this. I missed this so much. I missed... having fun with you, Dray". She accidentally said his old nickname, surprising herself as well. Draco, deeply captivated, leaned in, pulling her close. He hugged her and she did not feel the urge to push him away. As he pulled back and cupped her cheek, a profound look preceding the defining moment, he uttered, "God, please, just don't hate me, Katerina." With those words, he leaned in, their lips finally meeting in a collision that echoed with a long-lost spark.

The atmosphere was tense and charged, and Kate just couldn't suppress her moan anymore, which was met by Draco's victorious smirk. In that kiss, the missing spark ignited, unraveling a complex tapestry of emotions that neither could deny.

The rain continued to fall, a backdrop to their unspoken understanding, as they lingered in the entrance corridor, drenched not only in water but in each other.

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