Chapter 3 - Memories and Confusion

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Kate's return to Hogwarts unleashed a cascade of memories, each hallway and classroom echoing with fragments of her past. As she sat in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, her mind drifted to that pivotal day in Draco's father's mansion library—their first and only kiss. They used to be great friends, grew up together. Their families were both purebloods so they were close. Closer than close. She would spend her summers at his manor and he'd spend Christmas with her family in Russia and in the US. He used to be kind to her, taking her under his wing. He'd never let another boy near her, he barely let other look at her. If anyone ever misspoke of her - he'd deal with them for her.

As she sat, the vivid recollection painted Draco's image in her mind, his silver eyes locking onto hers, his lips capturing her own. The sensation of his touch lingered, leaving her both enchanted and conflicted. 3 years ago, the day her family went into hiding and she lost all contact with Draco, they were spending a day at the Malfoy Manor. They were playing around and eating when Kate chucked a meatball at Draco, spilling sauce on his white designer shirt. He stared at her intensely, causing her to rise from her chair and run up the stairs away from him. He of course chased after her. Once he caught up to her at the top of the stairs, he grabbed her by her wrists and pulled her in his fathers empty library, pinning her against the shelves. They stared into each others eyes, panting, when suddenly - Draco's thumb brushed her cheek as he pulled her face closer to his and their lips finally met. That was her first kiss. He was her first love.

'I guess that kiss meant nothing... But. It has been 3 years. So, I guess I understand that things and he as well has changed. I can't blame him for that,' Kate thought to herself.

After that day her family told her they were leaving and she was not even able to send Draco a letter, informing him on what's happening. She just vanished from his life. The next 3 years were no better, but she didn't want to remember those. All the pain, the fear, the moving from place to place. Besides her family - Kate had almost no contact with anyone, neither witches nor muggles.
But, one good thing did come from the move - technology. Kate fell in love with muggle mechanics and technology - she knew more about it than anyone. Without being able to use much magic, technology became her magic. It was as close as muggles got.

Her gaze shifted from the blackboard to Draco, seated a few desks away. The contrast between the aloof, distant present Draco and the passionate, impulsive Draco of the past left her longing for the connection they once shared. The weight of their unspoken history hung in the air, unnoticed by the oblivious students around them.

During breakfast and dinner in the Great Hall, Kate found herself lost in thought. The rhythmic clatter of cutlery and the hum of conversation blurred into the background as her inner monologue replayed the stolen moments with Draco. 'Why did he kiss me like that, then act as if it never happened? Should I just forget like he did? I guess he's been with many girls in the past 3 years...' she wondered, her mind grappling with unease. 'Maybe I need to give him space... But we had space for 3 years and I only have a year left here to get things back to normal. Ugh, why is everything always complicated?'

Pansy's infatuation with Draco, evident from the beginning, intensified. The whiny undertones in her voice became more pronounced, a subtle but persistent background noise. During meals, Pansy clung to Draco like a vine, her hand seeking his, her words demanding his attention. Draco, however, remained indifferent, his focus elsewhere.

'Pansy doesn't know about the kiss,' Kate thought. 'I won't be the one to tell her. Not that it even matters anymore.'

In the Slytherin common room, the dynamics became more apparent. Pansy, draped over Draco's arm, whined about trivial matters while he absently sipped his drink. Kate observed the scene, her thoughts caught between sympathy for Pansy's unrequited affection and an indescribable yearning for Draco to notice her.

Amidst the subtle tensions, a new player entered the stage—Blaise Zabini. A figure of allure and athleticism, he exuded an air of confidence that drew attention. Kate, having known Blaise from their past, greeted him warmly.

"Blaise! It's been ages," she exclaimed, a genuine smile crossing her face as she reminisced about their shared history. He pulled her in for a tight hug.

Blaise, ever the charming Slytherin, replied with a smirk, "Indeed, Kate. Hogwarts hasn't been the same without you. I see you've returned to grace us with your presence," he chuckled, "and you've certainly grown, in more ways than one," he said so looking her up and down.

"Where were you? How did you hide from Voldemort so long?" he asked, eager to know. "We hid with muggles, were moving from place to place constantly without using any magic. None of us were ever aloud to speak his name or even mention war or magic itself. There was a year which we spent underground- just... it was terrible," she sighed, "I'm just glad to be back."

"What about your powers? That's all everyone's talking about. They show up yet?"

Kates face dropped slightly as she took a breath and said, "Umm, yeah. They did, I haven't really got all things under control yet, but I'm working on it."

"Well," Blaise bit his lip, "if you ever need help - you know where to find me."

"And what about you?" she asked, hoping to get the conversation away from her personal life and problems.

"Great," he smiled. "Though I'm sure you know by now." His gaze fell to his forearm. 'Ah, the Death Eater tattoo...'

Kate gave him a soft smile, her hand grazing his arm. "Don't even worry about it. At least not around me."

Blaise, despite his cocky exterior, exuded a warmth that put Kate at ease. He had gotten a lot taller in the past 3 years she's been away. As he subtly flirted, his charm went over her head, and she simply took it as the camaraderie of old friends.

Draco, watching from a distance, couldn't ignore the magnetic connection between Kate and Blaise. A flicker of annoyance crossed his features. As Blaise lingered, engaged in conversation with Kate, Draco's silver eyes followed their interaction.

After the conversation Kate decided to go for a short walk to explore the once familiar school grounds. Her mind was deep in thought. 'Everyone else I used to be close to are treating me well. So I don't understand why Draco is so cold? Even if he doesn't like me romantically which I can understand... can't we just go back to being friends?' she pondered, her thoughts echoing in the confines of her mind, 'Does he even remember our kiss? Probably not. He led an exciting life back here whilst I was forced to sleep in small spaced and move from place to place.'

The Slytherin common room, once a sanctuary, now held echoes of unspoken desires and simmering tensions. Kate, entangled in a complex dance of emotions, couldn't escape the uncharted territory of her seventh year at Hogwarts. As the chapters unfolded, the threads of connection and separation wove a narrative that would shape her journey in unforeseen ways.

Between the laughter with Blaise and the lingering tension with Draco, Kate found herself pondering the need to confide in someone about her out-of-control powers. Professor McGonagall seemed like the logical choice. Her thoughts meandered through the corridors of her past and present, intertwining with the unfolding chapters of her life at Hogwarts.

'Maybe I need to focus on other guys. It will make this year much more fun,' she thought to herself, smiling. 'I didn't come here to mope. I came here to study and catch up as well as get control over what's eating me from inside. Maybe if I allow myself to have some fun I could look to other guys? Though Draco is all I ever knew. I'm not sure how easy that may be.'

I loved you since I was young - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now