Chapter 6 - the Betrayal

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The soft glow of morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm hue across the Slytherin dormitory. Kate Oze stirred in her bed, the traces of a vivid dream lingering in her mind. As she rose to greet the day, the familiar emerald and silver hues of her surroundings embraced her. The air held the promise of a new beginning, a fresh chapter in the tapestry of Hogwarts life.

The echoes of footsteps resounded in the dormitory as other Slytherins began to stir. Kate, clad in her Hogwarts robes, took a moment to glance at herself in the mirror. The reflection stared back, a mask of composure concealing the turmoil beneath the surface. Today held the potential for revelations, both in her quest to control her powers and the intricacies of her relationships.


The corridors of Hogwarts buzzed with activity as students made their way to their morning classes. Kate navigated the crowd with practiced ease, her thoughts drifting between the upcoming potions class and the lingering tension with Draco. As she approached the dungeon entrance, a familiar voice cut through the air.

"Kate!" Pansy Parkinson's exuberant voice reached her ears, and before she could react, Pansy was upon her, engulfing her in an enthusiastic hug. "Oh, you won't believe what happened last night!"

Caught off guard, Kate reciprocated the hug, albeit with a hint of confusion. "What happened, Pansy?" 'She looks excited.'

Pansy, unable to contain her excitement, exclaimed, "Draco and I kissed last night! It was great, Kate! He really is a good kisser - I mean I've heard rumours but really, he is good. You know, I never thought he'd notice me that way, but it finally happened!"

Kate, her composure momentarily faltering, forced a smile. "That's... great, Pansy. I'm happy for you."

Pansy, oblivious to the subtleties in Kate's response, continued to gush about the details of the unexpected kiss. As they walked towards the potions classroom together, Pansy chattered away about Draco's surprising tenderness and how it felt like a dream come true.

Kate, meanwhile, listened with a mix of surprise and unease. 'Draco kissed Pansy?' Her mind raced with conflicting emotions. 'Why would he do that? Does he like her? Is he deliberately trying to distance himself from me? Wait, why do I care? I don't. It's been 3 years - he's allowed to want other girls.'

Pansy, still caught in the euphoria of the moment, pulled Kate into the potions classroom. "I can't wait to see Draco. I bet you he'll be asking me to be his girlfriend soon. Ugh. It's like a dream, Kate!"

Kate managed a half-hearted smile, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion. 'I guess he really has made his choice, just never expected his choice to be Pansy.' Her inner monologue delved into the complexities of emotions, wrestling with a newfound jealousy she hadn't anticipated. 'Does he no longer care about our past friendship? The kiss? That must be it... he may not want to associate with me because he regrets kissing me. He is obviously very interested in doing those things with other girls. Ugh, can Pansy just shut up...'

As they took their seats in potions class by Astoria, the brewing cauldrons and flickering candles mirrored the internal turmoil within Kate. The undeniable reality of Draco's apparent shift in focus left her grappling with her emotions, secrets, and the uncharted territory that lay ahead.

After class started, Kate sitting next to Blaise, tried to get her thoughts straight. Blaise kept looking at her from the corner of his eye, he whispered: "Hey, you alright?" he asked as he slowly brushed the back of her hand with his thumb, calming her. "Yes, just Pansy, you know. She can be a bit," she trailed off and Blaise chuckled, "Yeah, she can be a bit Pansy-ish". They both laughed getting a stern look from their professor. Draco was sat behind them, his eyes glued to her hand as he watched his best friend stroking Kates skin softly.

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