Epilogue: Araminta Green Is Here

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Wind chimes sang in the light breeze. Flowers decorated the windows and the curtains were pulled wide open. It was astounding how different the red brick house appeared this afternoon compared to when Jordan recorded his very first podcast episode outside its shut blinders. Araminta's house was once again a home. The early summer warmth had made roses sprout, creating a welcoming floral scent. While the garden had remained well-kept in her absence—because her parents wanted it to remain as their daughter left it in case she returned—now, it was also full of life.

Kiki greeted Jordan when he rounded the corner, heading toward the backyard. Since Araminta's return, the cat had split her time between the neighboring houses, taking advantage of all the amenities and probably eating both second and third breakfast daily. Suffice to say, the arrangement worked out for Kiki.

"Jordan!" Araminta sat curled up in a hammock on the patio, a well-thumbed book in her lap. In black braids and a high-collared lace dress, she was definitely channeling Wednesday Addams. But while her style may be as dark as before, her demeanor had been lighter since her return to the human world six weeks ago. "I didn't know you would be around today. I thought you would be busy preparing for your internship."

After his podcast had reached a modicum level of virality, a local radio station contacted Jordan, asking if he was interested in interning with them over the summer. He would probably mostly be expected to fetch coffee and print documents. Maybe if he was lucky, he would earn the honor of transcribing old content. But the offer was still an opportunity he couldn't turn down. Even if it meant he'd spent most of the summer away from his childhood home, and Araminta, since the radio station was located in the city where he went to university. Which was also where Derek lived, which was a plus.

His boyfriend Derek. Jordan had never thought he would have a boyfriend, or a girlfriend for that matter. It wasn't the queerness of the relationship that shocked him but the fact that he'd managed to connect with someone on that level.

"I'm never too busy for you, Araminta. I wanted to come by to surprise you." Jordan took a seat beside his friend, while Kiki placed herself between them—an optimal position to be petted from both sides. "I was in town already since I had an appointment at the hospital to get my cast off," he explained, showcasing his now free arm.

"I don't think I ever told you how truly sorry I am that you hurt yourself while looking for me." Araminta patted Jordan's shoulder.

Jordan shrugged. "It was a worthy sacrifice," he said, smiling toward his friend. "And I just need some physiotherapy and it'll be as good as new." He waved his hand to showcase how well his wrist worked, ignoring the strain the movement caused him.

"I suppose we shouldn't tell the realtor what a hazard those stairs are..." Araminta nodded toward the inside of the house.

"Realtor?" Jordan asked, furrowing his brow.

"Yeah, my parents have talked about selling the house. They are comfortable in their other house and since I'm back, they don't see a reason to keep both houses."

Jordan had wondered if something like this was in the works since he'd rarely seen Araminta's parents around since her return. Mostly, it was just Araminta who lived there. He wasn't privy to what she'd told her family about her whereabouts during the last two years but it seemed there still was a divide between them. Although, he had seen Christine—together with her twins, who Darcy quickly had befriended—around several times as well as other siblings, so perhaps it was just Araminta's parents who couldn't quite reconnect with their daughter.

"And what do you feel about that?" Jordan asked. "This is your home."

"My home can be anywhere," Araminta replied. "If I feel truly lost, I can always find Esme in the woods. And I know your family will always welcome me with open arms if I want to come back here."

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