Chapter 11: Out of Reach

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Three honks signaled Derek's arrival. Jordan looked outside to see a lime-green Volkswagen Beetle pulled up by the mailbox. Of course, that's what Derek drove. It made perfect sense.

Quickly, Jordan grabbed his backpack—containing laptop, notepad, and recorder—which he'd put in the hallway to be ready to leave as soon as Derek arrived. His mom had arrived home since the call, and he worried that if Derek came inside, she would insist on inviting him for coffee and chitchat. Which would take away from valuable interview time.

"That's my friend," Jordan announced toward the kitchen, where his mom was prepping dinner. Kiki was probably in there as well, plotting another food-stealing scheme. "I'm heading out to do a podcast thing with him. I'm not sure when I will be back."

While Jordan pulled on his shoes, his mom peaked into the hallway, bearing an expression that was a mix of jubilant "Yay, my awkward son has a friend!" and suspicious "What kind of shenanigans are you up to, kid?".

"So you won't eat dinner with us then?" she asked, summarizing her emotions in a simple practical question. "Won't you get hungry?"

"No, I had some pizza pockets earlier," Jordan explained. "There is one under dad's recliner by the way... Kiki stole it."

His mom sighed. "And neither you nor Chase could get it out of there?"

"We forgot..." Jordan mumbled. "We were gaming and wanted to finish this one level before I left."

"It would only take you a few seconds to reach under the recliner," his mom protested, shaking her head, probably wondering which kind of heathens she was raising. "Anyway, I'll deal with that, or rather, I'll make Chase clean up. But you can't just live on pizza pockets, Jordan."

"Me and Derek will probably stop somewhere to grab food," Jordan tried, even though he and Derek hadn't said anything about doing such a thing. "Like a burger or something."

His mom nodded, seemingly approving of the plan. "I'll still put away some leftovers if you're hungry when you get back," she concluded. "I hope you have a nice time with your friend."

Jordan hurried out the door before she could come up with any additional mama bear concerns. Seeing Derek smile at him from the front seat of the ridiculous car swept away any lingering annoyance.

"Jordy!" Derek exclaimed, exuberant as ever. "I was just about to go knock on the door to see if you were coming."

"I just had to exchange some words with my mom before leaving," Jordan explained while folding himself into the passenger seat. "You know... parent stuff."

"I know all about it... my mom was worried I wouldn't eat, so she packed a damn lunchbox for me." Derek nodded toward the backseat, where a Tupperware box filled with sandwiches was stashed. There was even a pack of juice boxes beside it.

"I think our moms would get along," Jordan surmised with a snicker. "Because mine was on me about not forgetting dinner."

"Well, we always got sandwiches to eat!" Derek put the car in reverse to back out from the parking spot, veering precariously close to the car parked behind them. "Now let's get on the road!"

Accompanied by the soothing voice of Ira Glass—because Derek, just like Jordan, seemed to be in a habit of listening to NPR on repeat while driving—they set off on winding forest roads. Jordan held onto the handle in the ceiling as it turned out Derek was a... creative driver, finding openings to pass where there seemingly were none and considering the speed signs as mere suggestions. It reminded Jordan of Chase's driving style in the video game they'd just played.

"So how did you find Jane?" Jordan asked, trying to distract his anxiety into productivity, and perhaps Derek would drive a bit calmer if engaged in conversation. "There was no last name in the article we found."

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