Chapter 5: Forest Kingdom

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Having searched row after row of gravestones, Jordan leaned against a low wall to rest for a moment. He'd been searching for that elusive pathway from the cemetery toward the woods for what felt like hours. Although looking at his clock, it had only been about twenty minutes. Perhaps patience wasn't his strong suit.

Sweat drops trickled down his forehead from the effort. The sun was high and bright, making it one of those spring days where you suddenly wondered why you're wearing Arctic equipment in tropical heat. Jordan pulled off his knitted hat—crafted by his little sister's surprisingly skilled hands—by grabbing the big pom-pom on top and then peeled off his puffy vest as well. He would have to carry the items underneath his arm but at least that was better than fainting from heat stroke.

Pulling a hand through his damp hair, Jordan surveyed his surroundings. He hadn't counted on the cemetery being such a maze of paths, hedges, and flower beds. While he knew in which direction the woods should be, he had yet to find any exits toward it. Around every corner he rounded, there was another row of moss-covered stones, marking resting places for the departed. At this point, Jordan felt like he'd looked everywhere.

If Rhonda had been around, he'd ask her but unfortunately, he must have chosen to visit the cemetery on one of her rare days off. Jordan supposed he could go all the way to the main entrance and see if he could find Howard, the receptionist. Deciding that this was a wise plan—to avoid roaming the grounds forever like a confused ghost—Jordan rose. But before he'd even taken one step toward his target, his phone buzzed. Jordan always kept it on mute since loud sudden signals unnerved him.

But the message appearing on the screen wasn't unnerving. Instead, it was rather delightful.

Derek Chao had once again commented on Jordan's recent podcast episode. He wrote: "Good job, Jordan! I love how you take your time to detail every step of what happened those first few days, leaving no stone unturned. I wish I had a Kiki with me when working on my project as well (I only have my brother's hamster nearby, and he's not very useful when it comes to sound effects, although he is great at eating lettuce). I can't wait for the next episode and to finally find out where that mysterious path leads! Those woods sound creepy though so be safe."

The message seemed more personal this time. Almost as if Derek wanted to connect with Jordan by sharing something about his pet. Or he was just being polite? The doubt seeped in the very moment Jordan considered that someone actually wanted to be his friend. The thought just seemed so ridiculous. But still, he couldn't quite let go of it either. Once he got home, he would try to find the right words to send Derek a reply.

Jordan turned away from the path that led to the reception. Since Derek seemed keen on hearing about that mysterious path, he needed to find it. If he went to find Howard—who he probably should interview as well—there was a risk Jordan wouldn't have time to check out the path today. And something told him the road toward finding Araminta went through the woods.

Walking back toward where he came from, Jordan investigated every nook in his search for the path. When he turned a corner around a thick hedge, he realized another hedge lay behind it, leading him in a zig-zag pattern away from the graves. High green walls made of leaves surrounded Jordan, making him feel like he was starring in Alice in Wonderland. The air smelled sweet of juniper and tangy from freshly cut grass.

When Jordan turned a corner, he found himself standing on soft moss, surrounded by birch and pine. He'd found the woods or the woods had found him. A thin path showed him where to tread, walking where few people had set their feet. The town was so close but the forest appeared like a whole other world. Birds chirped and leaves rustled as Jordan disappeared into the enchanted abyss.


A familiar sound from underneath a tree made Jordan stop in his tracks. "Kiki?" he asked, confused about how the cat—who had been curled up on the sofa when he left—could be here.

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