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Things are never easy for our well known wall crawler but this is where it all goes downhill for him.
This takes place after Spider-Man/Peter Parker gets his body back from Dr Otto Octavius/Dr Octopus after he took over Spider-Man's/Peter Parker's mind.

When Otto was in Peter's/Spiderman's mind & body he completely Destroyed/tarnished Spider-Man's hero & Peters personal reputation. He picked up brutal, violent fights and battles with the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic 4, Webbed Warriors, the Defenders, Guardians of the Galaxy and other 'super heroes'/'heroes'. Otto also unlike Peter didn't hold back against other villans and beat them up brutally and even killed a couple like screwball and scorpion.

Then the goblin war came with Norman Osborn destroying and taking over NYC. He hacked Otto's spider bots, which Otto was planning on taking NYC over with the bots. Realising only the real Spider-Man must stop him he surrendered his Superior Spider-Man title and deemed Peter the true Superior Spider-Man and thus resurrecting peters consciousness and giving him his body and mind back but ultimately permanently removing Otto from peters body and thus with Otto already dead body, Otto Octavius/Dr Octopus was forever dead.

Spider-Man's/Peters return should've been a triumph especially as Spider-Man defeated the Green Goblin/Norman Osborn and his army, but the damage was already done.

The Avengers, Fantastic 4, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy and the Defenders all banned Spider-Man/Peter Parker from their headquarters and team both superhero life and personal life. They even hunted, attacked and brutally fought Spider-Man/Peter Parker even when he got his body back from Doc Ock.

The Webbed warriors did the same and wanted nothing to do with Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Miles morales who was mentored by Peter, betrayed and abandoned him and arrogantly went with Iron man/Tony stark so he could be his new replacement mentoring trainer.

Silk/Cindy Moon, Ghost Spider/Gwen Stacy, Kaine, Scarlet Spider/Ben Reilly, Madame Web/Julia Carpenter , Spider-woman/Jessica Drew, Black Spider/Anya Corazon and Kid Arachnid/Miles Morales all thought Peter was acting so evilly and selfish than he normally would and were disgusted by his actions even though it was Otto taking over his mind.

His once friends, close friends, ex-lovers and even non-blood family whom were Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm, Susan Storm, Reed Richard's, Franklin & Valeria Storm, Kamala Khan/Ms Marvel, Hope Summers, Laura Kinney/X-23, Wolverine/Logan, Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters, Red She-Hulk/Betty Ross, Silver Sable, Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff, Captain America/Steve Roger's, Hulk/Bruce Banner and more etc hated, loathed and were absolutely disgusted in him. They all wondered how he could be so evil and commit horrific, atrocious and wicked actions.

NYPD Police members Yuri Watanabe, Jean DeWolff and Carlie Cooper all thought Spider-Man's behaviour was unacceptable and outrageous and didn't even listen nor care about Spider-Man's explanation on Otto taking over his mind and body. They even put him in an FBI Wanted list and even tried to kill him themselves and via bounty hunters but Spider-Man managed to escape and at least they don't know who he is under the mask. The police originally thought Spiderman was an interfering nuisance now they thought he was an evil enemy and a menacing threat.

Otto showed no care nor affection to Aunt May which she was disgusted and upset about his sudden selfishness even though it was Otto doing it. Peter eventually told her that he was Spider-Man and Doc Ock took over his mind. She was shocked but was so Angry and crying that she officially disowned Peter. He tried to plead with his Uncle Ben's phrase of "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" and saying he was all along protecting people, New York and the World from huge threats but Aunt May didn't care and told Peter never to see, talk or call her again. Teresa Parker (An Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.) his sister also told Peter the same as Aunt May and even went as far as to put him in a most wanted listed on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D. even when Nick Fury told her "there's more to this and we need an objective investigation" but she ignored him and with the backing of Maria Hill and the rest of the organisation made Spiderman/Peter Parker a top priority to eliminate.

Otto ruined the relationship between Peter and MJ when they literally just got back together so MJ resented Peter for being selfish. Peter tried to explain the unfortunate situation he was but MJ just told him "I got my life to live and you should just get on with your sad pathetic life". Otto as Spider-Man even violently assaulted Black cat/Felicia Hardy, who was a thief, which caused her to be sent to prison. She developed a deep hatred against the wall crawler and vowed to get revenge on Spider-Man. She eventually broke out of prison and became a crime lord/queen pin of crime, having her own criminal empire/gang doing illegal/criminal activities.

The villains in which Otto as Spider-Man didn't hold back against ganged up on him and violently and brutally assaulted/attacked him harder than previously. Even when Spider-Man said it was Otto who took over his mind but they were too focused on trying to kill the web head but Spider-Man escaped from them.

Peter knew that his life was in an extremely awful place and in the wrong direction and didn't have the once joyful & humorous personality he once had now it's angsty, anger & sadness. Peter's/Spider-Man's morale was also down. The role of Spider-Man was to protect people but it didn't come with benefits. Unlike with the other Superheroes & Heroes who despite putting minimal, low and diddly-squat effort in, somehow reaped a lot of rewards. He wanted to save others after he couldn't save his Uncle Ben but everyone booed and jeered against him, the cops fired upon him when they saw him, no one believes Spiderman's claim of Otto controlling him in his body & mind and no one appreciates his past efforts at keeping everyone, New York City and the entire world safe and it was a thankless job. Beforehand, the people of New York City had mixed feelings of Spiderman now it was all extremely negative about him they deeply hated the wall crawler. J Jonah Jameson's Daily Bugle Media Communications got more popularity since JJJ himself was the first to originally hate and detest the web head.

Peter Parker was down in the dumps and his morale was in the garbage. "I saved this city so many times and this is how they thank me!?" He said to himself clearly upset about his unfortunate ordeal "No one knew Otto was in control of my mind and body all this time?! NO ONE??!!" He then yelled. Then he depressingly thought to himself "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility but it also comes with Great Consequences" as he had tears streaming down his eyes whilst bawling at his bad 'Parker Luck'

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