Chapter 9: A Bitter Reunion

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As they both parted ways, Fury couldn't shake the sense of melancholy that lingered in the air. He couldn't help but wonder what Peter Parker/Spiderman would have thought of his son's decision, of the path he had chosen to walk in his absence. But one thing was certain, within Felix Max Parker the spirit of Spider-Man lived on, a beacon of hope in a world desperately in need of heroes.

He kept his word and carried out his end of the agreement with Felix Parker. Nick Fury told the so called 'heroes', 'superheroes', the former villains and former super villains about their deal with each other and even Felix himself as his alter ego Spider-Cat was there with Fury to emphasise to them about not hunting, killing nor capturing him. Also they couldn't come near him for the time being and only a selected some could train with Spider-Cat as he could show them how to properly fight and deal with tackling crime and villains/supervillains as they needed proper training as they have failed to stop even the basic of crimes and criminals. Director Fury made it very clear that Spider-Cat is primarily doing solo work/assignments so no one is to interfere with his business. Fury also never told them about Spider-Cat's identity which Felix mentioned before that he would prefer it if they didn't know for the time being.

"He is already here so let us know whom he is Fury!" Hawkeye pleaded.

"We promise not to repeat our mistakes!" Tony Stark/Iron Man added in.

"This decision is not for you to make. It's Spider-Cat's choice therefore he can decide that for himself. But he did agree to help train a selected bunch that are only deserving of a second chance along with doing his own solo assignments and work. So don't push your luck you fakers!!!" Director Fury stated in a stern tone.

Felix Parker/Spider-Cat had embarked on his new superhero career at S.H.I.E.L.D. He was currently a 3 weeks into his solo assignments and especially training a selected group of individuals which comprised: Laura Kinney/X-23, Hope Summers, Kamala Khan/Ms Marvel, Anya Corazon/Black Spider, Humberto Lopez/Reptile, Ava Ayala/ White Tiger, Daniella Cage, Cloak, Dagger and the storm twins Valeria and Franklin.

"Hello... I am... Spider-Cat" he professionally yet anxiously greeted them, "I will be your trainer to improve your hero and superhero skills... but most importantly give you a second chance after Fury recommended you guys in particular"

The selected heroes and superheroes couldn't believe who they were facing, a true hero who did more in his short amount of time than they ever could've of done. But they had to ask him a simple question.

"Are you the son of Spider-Man aka Peter Parker?" They all guiltily and sadly inquired.

Spider-Cat sighed as they already had their curiosities about him but he was pressured to answer them as they made him feel already uncomfortable. He reluctantly agreed to help them but no more than professional help. Now Felix/Spider-Cat might be regretting his decision with Fury.

"You heard the rumours..." he started off but got to the answer of their question "Yes... Yes I am, but I'm not here to give you my identity, I... am here to train you to better than what you currently are!" He firmly stated.

Spider-Cat's selected training team, The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic 4, The Defenders, Webbed Warriors, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Inhumans, other 'heroes'/'superheroes' and the former villains & supervillains, when he first appeared in front of them, his not so fellow colleagues, a collective deep gasp of a shock rippled through the group. Whispers of "Spider-Cat is Peter's/Spiderman's son!" filled the room, and a heavy silence fell over them all.

This made them all feel regret about what they had done to his father, Peter Parker/Spiderman. But they all wanted to make it up to him, somehow.

"Under that mask, I don't think he's too pleased to be around us" White Tiger brutally said with no bullshit excuses "and I don't blame him, he has every right to be angry with all of us".

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