Chapter 6: Legacy of The Fallen

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The revelation of Otto Octavius's manipulation and the truth about Spider-Man's demise struck Felicia Hardy, the once formidable Black Cat, like a tidal wave. Consumed by remorse, she willingly surrendered herself to S.H.I.E.L.D., expressing her guilt and desperation to make amends. Her demeanour, once cold, heartless, stoic, dead serious and ruthless, now pleaded with sincerity and sorrow. Tears welled up in her eyes as she faced Nick Fury, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Despite Nick Fury's deep disgust for Felicia's past actions, he recognized the profound respect Spider-Man had for her. In light of this, and knowing that Peter Parker would have extended mercy, Fury decided to give her a second chance. He made it clear that her redemption would require significant effort, understanding the enormity of her past deeds.

Placed on probation, Felicia was tasked with assisting in hero and superhero endeavours to protect people and thwart threats. However, her mental state was deemed unstable and unwell, necessitating professional counselling and therapy. This is when Felicia Hardy/Black Cat reveals to the therapist "I was pregnant with mine and Peter Parker's/Spiderman's child and I didn't even bother to look after him like a true mother should've then I dumped him onto Peter Parker/Spiderman" she confessed then added on "I..... I (sniff) abused, neglected, starved, abandoned and (sniff) hated my own child....." she said the second part with tears in her eyes before crying out loud "I AM A HORRIBLE MOTHER!!!!! All this wasted time, 17 years, I should've been there for my baby boy, he is the closest bit of Peter Parker". 

The therapist calmed her down and recommended said that "if you want to find your son, you should talk with Nick Fury as he is a professional at investigation although given its been 17 years it could potentially take time". "(sniff) Ok... I understand, thank you" Felicia thanked the therapist and got up to leave to find Nick Fury.

There is a knock on Director Nick Fury's office door and he tells them to come in. Felicia Hardy/Black Cat enters. He is already angry at her for what she did to his godson but contains it and asks "Do you need something?" 

"I need you to do me a favour" she replied

"Look I cant just do favours all the time and what makes you think that you deserve a favour from me?" Nick Fury questioned seriously.

"You're right, I don't deserve it but I imagine it would concern you" She replied back

"and what would that be?" Nick Fury was now interested.

"I need you to help me find my son. I was pregnant with him and Peter Parker/Spiderman is the father, I found that out when I was in prison, then I escaped and gave birth to him. But unfortunately I was too busy building up my criminal empire and committing evil, horrific and  heinous crimes. Also I abused, neglected, hated and beat my own baby son up all because I hated his biological father at the time, Peter Parker/Spiderman. So I gave him up to his father." She admitted.

"you WHAT!!??" Nick Fury stated in shock and anger. He didn't know that Peter had a son. "You were too busy on committing crimes that you didn't even bother to take care of your own CHILD!!!! How selfish is that?!" 

"I know it is and I regret everything evil that I have done, but please help me find my son" Felicia Pleaded.

"What was your sons name? from there I can track history records to see where he currently is" Nick Fury offered.

"I didn't even name him after I gave birth to him...." she sobbed

"(heavy sigh) look I really am disappointed and upset that you were so quick to judge Peter Parker/Spiderman when Otto in fact took over his mind and body, that you ended up hating him and your son. But I will find him for you but it will take longer than expected." Nick Fury stated.

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