Chapter 1: Tough Luck and A Devil of a Job

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In the stillness of the night As he donned his Spider-Man costume, the weight of responsibility settled on Peter's shoulders once again.

Swinging through the city, he scanned the familiar streets for signs of trouble. Little did he anticipate that the night would take an unexpected turn. In the heart of New York City, he stumbled upon a gathering of the Avengers – Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye and others – standing conspicuously, their faces stern, aggressive and full of hate towards the wall crawler.

Confusion painted Peter's masked face as he approached cautiously, only to be met with hostility. The Avengers, once allies, now attacked Spider-Man without provocation. They threw punches, hurled objects, and summoned their powers against the unsuspecting hero. The very individuals he had fought alongside, who once praised him as an equal, were now the architects of his assault.

Desperate to diffuse the situation, Peter attempted to reason with them. "Guys, Please let me explain..." But he was cut off by Hawkeye "Too late for that bug!", "but I'm on your side!" Spiderman pleaded "Stand down Now! We aren't going to ask a second time" Captain America added in. Spider-Man's words were falling on their deaf ears. The Avengers, blinded by their misplaced aggression, paid no heed to Spider-Man's pleas for understanding.

The escalation reached a new level when the civilians, influenced by the Avengers' actions, turned against Spider-Man. Booing and jeering echoed through the streets towards the web head as the Avengers' assault continued. Even members of the Fantastic 4 such as Reed Richard's/Mr Fantastic, Johnny Storm, Ben Grimm/The Thing & Susan Storm/Invisible Woman,  The Defenders such as Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Elektra & Daredevil and certain X-Men including Wolverine, Cyclops, Iceman, and Storm, joined the fray. Kid Arachnid, Peter's former protege Miles Morales, swung into action, aligning himself with the growing mob against Spider-Man.

Despite being outnumbered and overpowered, Peter refused to retaliate. He understood that beneath the manipulated aggression, these were still the heroes he had once admired. His attempts to quell the violence fell on deaf ears as each punch and strike intensified. The betrayal cut deep, but Spider-Man held onto the principle that he would not become what the world accused him of being.

Bruised and battered, Peter realized that the fight was futile. Narrowly escaping the onslaught, he swung away from the chaos, grappling with the paradoxical reality that the very heroes he sought to emulate had turned against him. The city, once his ally, now felt like a hostile battleground, leaving Spider-Man to ponder the gravity of the isolation he faced and the sacrifices he continued to make, even in the face of unwarranted aggression.

As Spider-Man is swinging away there is a fire in a burning building with someone shouting for help. Spiderman arrives on the scene and helps the people in the burning building escape but they didn't even thank him but rather they all stated "YOU MONSTER GET OUT OF HERE!!!!" and all of them hurled other insults against him. Spiderman sighs in disappointment for everyone's hatred towards him but still gets them all out but as soon as he can leave the burning building his Spidersense goes off and a figure breaks through the burning wall and tries tackling him to the ground with super brute force and strength but Spidey manages to avoid it. Spiderman looks to see who it is.

It was Black Cat/Felicia Hardy and she looked extremely angry and full of rage. She starts to angrily tell the web-head that he beat her up, Webbed her up and let the cops throw her in jail even though it was Otto Octavius/Dr Octopus in his body & mind doing all of these evil and cruel things inside of Spider-Man's body. Spiderman tries to tell her that Otto Octavius/Dr Octopus took control of his body and mind and that Otto was the one committing these evil acts in his own body. Then an evil smirk formed on her face as Spider-Man looked very worried and concerned. He tries telling her what had happened but she strikes and sucker punches Spiderman in the face. He sensed it but didn't want to fight back so he took it in and it hurt him but he gets back up.

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