Chapter 2: Clouded Judgement

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In the confines of his small, crummy apartment, Peter Parker juggled the challenges of fatherhood and the unrelenting responsibility that came with being Spider-Man. Despite the world's disdain for him, he couldn't turn his back on the innate need to help those in peril.

A faint glow from the television illuminated the worn-out room as Peter carefully fed his toddler child Felix. Peters janitorial job wasn't paying much and the income he received was little so Peter had to cut down on his own meals/food to ensure Felix received proper nutrition. The meager groceries spoke volumes about the sacrifices he was willing to make for his son's well-being.

He loves his son to bits as he is Peters beacon of light in a world that hated him. Felix's features make him absolutely adorable such as his Extremely Light/Platinum Blond hair, Light Blue eyes and an extremely fair skin tone. Those are the features that carried from his mother Black Cat/Felicia Hardy whom obviously hated, detested, abused and didn't care for poor Felix. Felix has his father's/Peter's personality of curiousness, shyness and even nerdiness although toddler like nerdiness. Although Peter Parker/Spiderman couldn't help but wonder the fact that Felix is very quiet & silent even for a toddler, he is puzzled and wonders whether Felix has a difference. Peter doesn't want to use the term disability as it sounds disrespectful but he knows that Felix is not acting like a usual toddler who would be loud and run around full of energy. No, Felix was quiet, silent, calm, reserved and he was curious but in an introverted like way. Peter knows that Felix will most likely have his and Black Cat's/Felicia Hardy's Super Abilities of both Spider and Cat powers.

As he multitasked between caring for Felix and watching TV. He flicked through the channels until he came across one with the superhero community ceremony on TV, a bitter realization set in. The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic 4, The Defenders, Webbed Warriors, Guardians of the Galaxy, and others were being showered with awards, medals, certificates, and honors. Peter couldn't help but feel a pang of resentment, questioning if he would ever receive recognition for the countless times he had saved New York City as Spider-Man.

J. Jonah Jameson's presence on the screen added insult to injury. Instead of acknowledging Spider-Man's sacrifices, Jameson used the platform to spew venomous anti-Spider-Man propaganda, calling for his elimination. The other heroes, seemingly content with their accolades, readily agreed to hunt down Spider-Man, disregarding his past contributions.

Peter's frustration and anger swelled as he watched the heroes he had assisted turning against him. The lack of recognition for his selfless acts cut deep, and he wondered if the sacrifices of being Spider-Man were worth the constant rejection and animosity. The bitterness threatened to consume him, but a glance at Felix, oblivious to the world's injustices, reminded Peter of the importance of maintaining his composure for her sake.

The paradox of his life weighed heavily on Peter's shoulders – a hero to the people he saved, yet a pariah to those who should be his allies. As he navigated the complex emotions stirred by the televised betrayal, he resolved to continue being the hero he knew he could be, even if the world refused to acknowledge it.

The crummy, tiny, worn-down apartment became a sanctuary where Peter drew strength to face the world's disdain. In the face of adversity, he clung to the belief that his actions, no matter how overlooked, made a difference. The resentment simmered beneath the surface, but the unwavering commitment to his son and the city he still cared for propelled him forward, determined to be the hero the world failed to recognize.

But even then he wondered to himself why didn't the so called 'heroes'/'superheroes' ever recognise his behaviour changed when Otto took over his mind & body. It was so obvious, so out in the opening but they all dismissed it at first. Only when the Shit hit the fan did they all decided to run tests on Spider-Man and a part of the test was to run brain scans on him and they did find and anomaly in the brainwave scan but dismissed it as 'stress'. "How ignorant could they all be?" Peter upsettingly thought with tears in his eyes. After the tests, Otto Octavius inside of Peter's mind & body then took steps to ensure no one would ever find the anomaly of the brainwave scan.

He still continued to watch the 'ceremony' and it had all of the so called 'heroes'/'superheroes' making statements about Spider-Man.

"I knew he was trouble" Hawkeye said in disgust.

"I never want to see him ever again" Storm hatefully stated.

"I'm going to KILL HIM!!! For trying to hurt my daughter Daniella" Jessica Jones and Luke Cage said in unison.

"ABSOLUTE DISGRACE!!!" Hulk roared at the camera & reporter in response to what he thought of the web head.

"I thought he was a hero but he is a true evil villain" Captain America said in disappointment.

"He was a mentor to me and others, I just can't believe he would commit such evil crimes against humanity" Kamala Khan explained with tears in her eyes.

"It's too bad all that intelligence of his went to waste. Spider-Man could've been a trusted, well-respected hero instead of a poor, soon-to-be killed villain" Iron Man coldly spat out.

It wasn't just the heroes/superheroes who hated and wanted him gone it was also the police, army and civilians. Also the villains as well (no surprise).

Police officer Jean Dewolff stated "Spider-Man is to be shot on sight with no warning. He is on our hit list along with other organisations like S.H.I.E.L.D. whom also want his head off"

A civilian spoke up "Spider-Man is a menace, we need to eliminate him".

Army General Thaddeus Ross/Red hulk added in "I would rip him UP AND TEAR THAT WEB HEAD FROM LIMB TO LIMB!!!"

Villains such as the now arrested Norman Osborn/Green Goblin evilly smirked and gave his opinion.  "He could've been one of us from the start to avoid his sense of "responsibility", whatever that means?!" He rhetorically ended what he said. Other villains and super villains wanted to beat the breathing hell out of him for not holding back his super spider strength and going hard on them. Now they want to do the same to him.

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